






about 1) , , spoke about his plan. .
  2) , We waited about five minutes. 5 .
  3) , Birds were flying about. .
above ; ; ; The clouds sailed above us. . We had above 100 workers. 100 , as stated above
across , ; a new house across the street walked across. .
after 1) came after dinner. .
  2) We had one trouble after another. .
  3) , came after the bell rang. , .
  4) The son is called after his father. .
against 1) did it against my will. .
  2) hit his head against the door. .
along 1) , walked along the street. .
  2) Come along! (). Bring it along! ( ).
also ; They also work here. .
among I found the letter among my papers. .
and ; a book and a pen You are married and I am not. , .
around 1) We stood around our teacher. .
  2) There were around four hundred persons there. 400 .
As as as, as if .) . 18  
at 1) , , () he is at home, at Liverpool, at sea, at the window , , ,
  2) () at nine o'clock
at last They came at last.
at once , Do it at once.
at least At least five persons came.
because 1) I am here because I want to see you. , .
  2) - (of) We were late because of you, - .
before , ; , before the house before the war ( )
  ; I never saw him before. . Before we start, we must discuss the plan. , .
behind , stood behind the door. .
below , below sea level saw the road below. .
beside sat beside his wife. .
besides , There are others here besides you. .
between My house is between two larger ones. .
both... and .... (. 9) knows both English and German. , .
but 1) was there but did not speak. , .
  2) There was norone there but him. , .
but for But for your help we should all be dead. , .
by 1) The article was written by a scientist. . a novel by Dickens
  2) , We learn by exercise. .
  3) () , , Come and sit by the fire. . Two cars passed by. .
  4) () We'll be through by five o'clock. .
down ; The ship sailed down the river. . Come down! 1 (.)
for 1) , , I did it for you. ( ). The letter is for you. (). They fought for their coutry. .
  2) We were there for two years. .
  3) , I cannot agree with you, for you are entirely wrong. He , .
from 1) They have gone away from home. .  
  2) , Take it from him. .
  ... the distance from Moscow to Minsk
either... or ... . 19
however 1) ( sa~ ) However, we were forced to agree. .
  2) ( ) However clever he may be, he does not know everything. , .
in 1) () in the room, in the house, in London , ,
  2) () ; in an hour, in September, in autumn, in 1941 , , , 1941 .
in case , I'll do it in case he fails. ( ), .
in order to , 1 am here in order to see you. , .
into ( ?, ?) walked info the building. . Put the pencils into the box. .
neither... nor ... ... . 19
of 1) . a work of art the legs of the table
  2) . one of these articles
  3) The belt is made of leather. .
of course Of course I know that. , .
on 1) () stood on the deck. .
  2) () ; , on Saturday, on his return ,
  3) , a lecture on music
  4) , Go on! . They were marching on. .
once 1) , 1 send my reports once a week. .
  2) - Once I was very fond of her. - .
  3) Once you decide you must go to the end. , .
  1) , , - One day we shall meet again. - .
  2) One must correct one's mistakes. .
  3) - ( ) - . 22 I have a red pencil and two blue ones. .
or tomorrow or the day after tomorrow
over 1) , There is a bridge over the river. . They climbed over the wall. .
  2) is over seventy. 70 .
to be over The lesson is over. .
provided , You may go provided you come back early. , .
round 1) ; travel round the world. . The shop is round the corner. .
  2) The wheel goes round. . All the year round. .
  3) , to turn round ;
since l) , , I have not been, there since last May. . I have not been there since i came home from the war. , .
  2) Since he is so busy, I'll not disturb him. , .
so 1) was always called so. . Don't go so fast. He . I don't think so. ( ).
  2) , You are young and so am I. , . I skate and so does my brother. , .
so as, so that , ; We spoke softly so as not to disturb her. , ( ) . Keep quiet so that he may sleep. He , .
still 1) It is still very hot. .
  2) This is very difficult; still, we can try. ; .
than is older than his wife. , .
that 1) , , ; Give me that dictionary. . That is true. .
  2) , The committee members that were present did not speak. , , .
  3) I added that 1 was busy. , .
  4) , That he read Latin was news to me. To, -, .
  5) ( 22) his room and that of his brother
the... the ... the sooner the better ,
though (although) We finished our job though we were very tired. , .
through , , , , Oil flows through a pipeline. . We saw him through the window. .
to be through () When we are through we'll send you a report. , .
throug out , peace throughout the world
thus 1) , The work was done thus:... :
  2) , We work better than we did last year. Thus, we improved the quality of... , . , , ,,.
till = until ; ( ) I shall stay here till December. . I shall ring till they open the door. , .
to 1) Give the letter to your sister. . I am saying this only to you. .
  2) , , ( ?) Let's go to the theatre. . Go to your chief. . He went to a conference. .
toward(s) , toward the end of the month towards the bridge
under 1) under a tree
  2) under these conditions
  3) under the Peace Treaty
unless ... I shall not do it unless you agree. , .
until . till  
up ; went up. .
upon = on   The ship sailed up the river. .
what 1) What is this? ? I want to know what you are doing. , .
  2) , What you say is quite wrong. To, , .
  3) What article are you reading? ?
whether ( ) I asked whether he was busy. , .
while 1) I'll do it while you wait. , .
  2) , ; ; While we are busy, we are always ready to help you. ( , ) , .
with 1) . I cut the string with a knife. .
  2) , I agree with you. .
within 1) This is not within my power. .
  2) The building will be ready within a year. () .
without Don't go without me. He .
yet 1) , It is strange, yet true. , .
  2) , Is he yet alive? ?
not yet This problem is more important yet. . The article is not yet ready. .







a adjective

adv adverb

j conjunction

n noun


pron pronoun

prp preposition

v verb


['] . [,].

~ , . : write [rait] v ; ~r n . ~r , , writer.



a, an [q] [qn]
A. D. ['eI'di:] . ..,
a. m. ['eI'em] . ( )
abbey ['xbI] n
ability [q'bIlItI] n
-able [-'eIbl] ; be ~ ,
A-bomb ['eIbOm] n
about [q'baut] adv 1. , ; 2. , ; prp ,
above [q'bAv] adv , , ; prep ,
abroad [q'brO:d] adv
absence ['xbs(q)ns] n
absolute ['xbs(q)lu:t]
absolutely ['xbs(q)lu:tli] adv
abstract ['xbstrxkt]
academician [q"kxdq'mIS(q)n] n
academy [q'kxdqmI] n
accept [qk'sept] v
accident ['xksId(q)nt] n () ,
accordance [q'kO:d(q)ns] ;in ~ with
according (to) prp, adv , ; ~ly adv
accordingly [q'kO:diNli] adv
accumulate [q'kju:mjuleIt] v ,
accuracy ['xkjurqsI] n
achieve [q'Ci:v] v ; ~ment n
achievement [q'CJvmqnt] n
acid ['xsId] n
across [q'krOs] prp ; , ; adv ;
act [xkt] n , , ; v ; ~ive ;
activity [xk'tIvItI]
actor ['xktq] n
actress ['xktrIs] n
adapt [q'dxpt] v (),
add [xd] [aed] v ,
adjective ['xGIktIv] n
admit [qd'mIt] v , , ( )
adopt [q'dOpt] v ,
advance [qd'vQ:ns] n
adventure [qd'venCq] n ; ~ story
adverb ['xdvq:b] n
advice [qd'vaIs] n
afraid [q'freId] adj ; to be afraid
Africa ['xfrIkq] n
after ['Q:ftq] prp, adv ; (. 4)
afternoon ['Q:ftq'nu:n [ n ;
afterwards ['Q:ftqwqdz] adv , ,
again [q'gen] adv ;
against [q'genst, Aq'geInst] prp ,
age [eIG] n ; ,
agency ['eIG(q)nsI] n
agent ['eIG(q)nt] n ; ,
ago [q'gqu] adv
agree [q'gri:] v ; ~able
agriculture ['xgrIkAlCq] n
ahead [q'hed] adv ,
aid [eId] n ; v
aim [eIm] n
air [Fq]
aircraft ['FqkrQ:ft] n ()
airline ['FqlaIn] n
airman ['Fqmqn] (. . airmen ['Fqmen]) n
airplane ['FqpleIn] n
airport ['FqpO:t] n
alive [q'laIv] ,
all [O:l] ,
allergy ['xlqGI] n
allow [q'lau] v , ,
almost ['O:lmqust]
alone [q'lqun] , ; ; adv
along [q'lON] prep , ; adv ; come along ,
alphabet ['xlfqbIt] n
already [O:l'redI] adv
also ['O:lsqu] adv ,
although [O:l'Dqu] adv ; ,
although [O:l'Dqu] cj ;
always ['O:lwqz] adv
am ['xm] 1- . . . be
amalgamated [q'mxlgqmeItId] a
amass [q'mxs] v ,
amazing [q'meIzIN]
America [q'merIkq] n ; ~n n ;
among [q'mAN],
amount [q'maunt] n
amuse [q'mju:z] v ; ; ~ment n
amusement [q'mju:zmqnt] n
analysis [q'nxlqsIs] n
ancient ['eInS(q)nt]
and [xnd, qnd] cj ,
anger ['xNgq]
angry ['xNgri] adj ,
animal ['xnIm(q)l] n
animal ['xnIm(q)l] n
Ann [xn]
anniversary ["xnI'vq:s(q)rI] n
announce [q'nauns] v
another [q'nADq] adj, pron
answer ['Q:nsq] v ;
Antarctic [xnt'Q:ktIk] n
any ['enI] r -; . . , ; , -
anybody ['enI"bOdI] pron -
anyone ['enIwAn] pron -;
anything ['enITIN] pron -;
anywhere ['enIwFq] adv -
apple ['xpl]
apply [q'plai] v , (); ,
area ['FqrIq] ; ;
arm [Q:m] n ( )
armed ['Q:rmd]
army ['Q:mI] n
around [q'raund] adv , ; prp ,
article ['Q:tIkl] n ,
as [xz] ; , ; as as
ask [Q:sk] v
astrophysical ["xstrq'fIzIkql'] a
at [xt, qt], ( ?)
Atlantic Ocean [qt'lxntIk 'quS(q)n]
atmosphere ["xtmqs'fi q] n
attention [q'tenS(q)n] n ;
author ['O:Tq] ,
authority [O:'TOrItI] n ,
autobiography ["O:tqubaI'OgrqfI] n
automatic ["O:tq'mxtIk] adj
autumn ['O:tqm] n
away [q'weI] adv ; (. )



baby ['beIbI] n ,
back [bxk] adv
bag [bxg] ;
barometer [bq'rOmitq] n
bat [bxt] n
battle ['bxtl] n
bean[bJn] n
bear [bFq], bore [bL], born(e) [bLn] v , ; , ; be born
beard [bIqd] n
beat [bJt] n v (beat; beaten)
beautiful ['bju:tqful]
because [bI'kOz] ()
become [bI'kAm], Past Ind. became [bI'keIm] v
bed [bed] n ; ; ; ; ;
beef [bJf]
before [bI'fO:] prp , ; adv ,
begin [bI'gIn] v ()
behind [bI'haInd] prp, adv ,
belief [bi'li:f] n ,
below [bI'lqu] prep , ; adv ,
belt [belt] n
Ben [ben]
bend [bend] n v (bent)
besides [bI'saIdz] prp, adv ,
between [bI'twJn] prp
Bible ['baIbl] n
big [bIg]
bird [bq:d]
bit [bIt] , .
bite [baIt] v ;
black [blxk]
blacken ['blxk(q)n] v ,
bless [bles] v
blood [blAd]
blow [blqu], blew [blu:] v
blow-pipe ['blqupaip] n
blue [blu:] ,
body ['bOdI] n
boil [bOIl] v ,
boiler ['bOIlq] n ,
bone [bqun]
book [buk]
boot [bu:t] n
botanist ['bOtqnIst] n
both [bquT]
bottle ['bOtl]
bottom ['bOtqm]
box [bOks] ,
boy [bOI] n
bread [bred]
breath [breT] n ,
bridge [brIG]
bring [brIN], Past Ind. brought [brO:t] v
British ['brItIS]
brother ['brADq] n
brown [braun]
building ['bIldIN]
burn [bq:n], burnt [bq:nt] burned [bq:nd] v ,
bury ['berI] v ;
business ['bIznIs] n , ; ;
busy ['bIzI] ; ;
but [bAt] cj
butter ['bAtq]
button ['bAtn] n ,
buy [baI] v
by [baI] ,


cabin ['kxbIn] n
call [kO:l]
camera ['kxm(q)rq] n
camp [kxmp] n
canvas ['kxnvqs] n , ,
capital ['kxpItl] ,
car [kQ:] n ; ;
carriage ['kxrIG] , ; ;
carry ['kxrI] ; ;
carry out ['kxrI 'aut] v
catch [kxC] v ,
cattle ['kxtl] n ( )
central ['sentr(q)l]
centre ['sentq] n
century ['senCurI] n
certain ['sq:tn] , ; be ~
certainty ['sq:tntI] n
change [CeIn(d)Z] v ();
charge [CQ:G] v
check [Cek] v
cheese [CJz]
chicken ['CIkIn] n ,
chiefly ['Ci:flI] adv
child [CaIld] (. . children [CIldrqn]) ,
Christian ['krIstjqn]
church [Cq:C] n
circumstance ['sq:kqmstqns]
city ['sItI]
claim [kleIm] n , ; .
class [klQ:s] n ; first-class adj
classic ['klxsIk] n ;
classify ['klxsIfaI] v
clearly [kliqli] adv
clock [klOk] (, , )
close [klquz] v (); [klqus] a ; ; ;be close (to) (, )
cloud [klaud] n
coal [kqul] n
coat [kqut] n ; , ;
coat [kqut] v ,
coffee ['kOfI]
coffee-pot ['kOfIpOt] n
cold [kquld]
collect [kq'lekt] v
come [kAm] ,
common ['kOmqn] adj , ,
company ['kAmp(q)nI] , ,
compare [kqm'pFq] v
complete [kqm'plJt] ; v
condition [kqn'dIS(q)n] n
conduct ['kOndAkt] v ,
conduct ['kOndAkt] v
conductor [kqn'dAktq]
connect [kq'nekt]
conquer ['kONkq] v ,
conquest ['kONkwest] n
consider [kqn'sIdq] v , ,
consist [kqn'sIst] v (of); (in)
constitution ["kOnstI'tju:S(q)n] n
continue [kqn'tinju(:)] v
conveyer [kqn'veIq] ,
cooking [kukIN] n ,
cool [ku:l]
corn [kO:n] n ; á; ( )
cosmic ['kOzmIk]
country ['kAntrI]
county ['kauntI] n , ( )
courage ['kArIG] n ,
courageous [kq'reIGqs] adj ,
course [kO:s] n , ; of course ,
court [kO:t] n ; ,
cover ['kAvq] v ; , ; ;
cow [kau] n
crater ['kreItq] n
crop [krOp] n .-. ;
cross [krOs] n v
cruel [kruql] adj ,
cubic ['kju:bik]
culture ['kAlCq]
cup [kAp]
curse [kq:s] v ;
curved [kq:vd]
cut [kAt], cut, cut v ; .


dance [dQ:ns] v ;
danger ['deInGq] n
dangerous ['deInGrqs] adj
Danish ['deInIS]
dare [dFq] v
dark [dQ:k] ;
data ['deItq] n
date [deIt] n , ,
daughter ['dO:tq] n
day [deI] n
dead [ded] adj
deal [di:l], dealt [delt], dealt v ; ,
deal [dJl] : a great deal
dealer ['di:lq] n
death [deT] n
decide [dI'saId] v
decision [dI'sIZ(q)n] n
dedication ["dedI'keIS(q)n]
deep [dJp] ; ,
definite ['defInIt]
depend (on) [dI'pend] v ()
depth [depT]
desert ['dezqt] v ,
design [dI'zaIn] n , ; v
detail ['dJteIl] n , ; In ~ ,
determine [di'tq:min] v
develop [dI'velqp] v )
development [dI'velqpmqnt] n
device [dI'vaIs] n ,
die [daI] v
differ ['dIfq] v
different ['dIfr(q)nt]
difficult ['dIfIk(q)lt]
difficulty ['dIfIk(q)ltI] n
dig [dIg], dug [dAg], dug v ,
directly [dI'rektlI] adv ,
director [dI'rektq] n ,
discourage [dIs'kArIG] v ,
discover [dIs'kAvq] v
discovery [dIs'kAv(q)rI] n
discuss [dis'kAs] v ,
disease [dI'zJz] n
dislike [dIs'laIk] v ,
distance ['dIst(q)ns] n
disturb [dIs'tq:b] v , ,
disturbance [dIs'tq:b(q)ns] n , ; .
dock [dOk]
docker ['dOkq]
dog [dOg] n
door [dO:] n
Dover ['dquvq]
down [daun] adv ; prp
draw [drO:], drew [dru:], drawn [drO:n] v , ; , ;
draw up (, )
dress [dres] n ; ; v ()
drink [drINk] v
drop [drOp] v , ,
drown [draun] v ,
dry [draI] v ; adj
during ['djuqrIN] prep ,
dust [dAst] n ; ;


each [I(:)C]
ear [Iq] n
early ['q:lI] ; adv
earn [q:n] v
earth [q:T] n
earthquake ['q:TkweIk] n
east [I(:)st]
easy ['I(:)zI] adv
eat [I(:)t] v ,
echo ['ekqu] n
educate ['edju(:)keIt] v ,
education ["edju(:)'keIS(q)n] n
eggs and bacon ['beIk(q)n]
else [els] adv ,
empty ['emptI] v ,
empty ['emptI]
enclose [In'klquz] v ,
encyclop(a)edia [en'saIklqu'pI(:)djq] n
end [end]
enemy ['enimi] n
energy ['enqGI] n
engine ['enGIn] n , ,
England ['INglqnd]
English ['INglIS]
Englishman ['INglISmqn]
enough [I'nAf] adv
entirely [In'taIqlI] adv ,
equip [I'kwIp] v , ,
equipment [I'kwIpmqnt] n
eruption [I'rApS(q)n] n
escape [Is'keIp] v ; n
Europe ['ju(q)rqp]
even ['I(:)v(q)n] adv
evening ['I(:)vnIN] n
every ['evrI]
evidence ['evid(q)ns] n ,
exact [ig'zxkt]
example [ig'zQ:mpl] n
exist [Ig'zIst] v
expect [Iks'pekt] v ,
expedition ["ekspI'dIS(q)n] n
experiment [Iks'perImqnt] v ,
exploration ["eksplO:'reIS(q)n] n
explosion [Iks'plquZ(q)n] n
eye [aI] n


face [feIs] n
fact [fxkt] n
factory ['fxkt(q)rI] n
faith [feIT] n
fall [fO:l] v fall off v ,
fame [feIm] ,
family ['fxmIlI]
famous ['feJImqs]
far [fQ:] adv ;
farmer ['fQ:mq] n
farther ['fQ:Dq] adv ;
father ['fQ:Dq] n
feel [fI(:)l] v
few [fju:] adv , ; a few
field [fi:ld] n , .
fight [faIt], Past Ind. fought [fO:t] v , ,
figure ['figq] n , ; ;
fill [fil] v ()
finally ['faInqlI] adv
find [faInd]
fine [faIn] , ,
fire ['faIq] n ; catch fire
fire ['faiq] v
first [fq:st]
fish [fIS] n ; . . fish, fishes [fISIz]
five [faIv]
flannel ['flxnl] n
flat [flxt] n adj
flight [flaIt] n
floor [flO:] n ; ; ()
flower ['flauq] n
fly [flai] n , v
fly [flaI]
follow ['fOlqu] v ,
fond [fOnd] ; be fond (of) ;
food [fu:d] n ,
foot [fut] (=30,48 )
for [fO:]
forbear [fO:'bFq], forbore [fO:'b O:], forborne [fO:'b O:n] v
force [fO:s] [fo:s] n
foreign ['fOrIn]
form [fO:m] n ; v ()
formation [fO:'meIS(q)n] n ,
former ['fO:mq] adj ,
fort [fO:t] n
foundation [faun'deiS(q)n] n ,
fountain ['fauntIn] n
France [frQ:ns] n
freedom ['frI(:)dqm] n
freely ['frI(:)lI] adv
French [frenC] ,
fried eggs ['fraid 'egz]
friend [frend]
from [frOm],
front frAnt] ; ; ;
fruit [fru:t] n (); ()
fry [fraI] [frai] v ; frying-pann
fuel [fjuql] n ,
full [ful]
function ['fAnNkS(q)n] v ; n
further ['fq:Dq] adj , ; adv ,
further ['fq:Dq]


gallon ['gxlqn] n ( ; . = 4,54 )
gamble ['gxmbl] v ; gambling house
gardener ['gQ:dnq] n
gas [gxs] n
gassy ['gxsI]
gate [geIt]
general ['Gen(q)r(q)l] ; n
generally ['Gen(q)rqlI] adv
gentleman ['Gentlmqn] n ,
geography [GI'OgrqfI]
geological [GIq'lOGIk(q)l]
geology [GI'OlqGI]
German ['Gq:mqn] ; n
get [get], got [gOt], got v ;
girl [gq:l] n ,
give [gIv]
glass [glQ:s] n
glass [glQ:s] n ;
globe ['glqub] n ;
glory ['glO:rI] n
go [gqu] ; ; ;
gold [gquld] n
good [gud]
grammar ['grxmq] n
grapes [greIp]
grass [grQ:s] n
grave [grQ:v]
gravel ['grxv(q)l] n
great [greIt] ,
Greek [grI(:)k] ;
green [grI(:)n]
green peas [pi:z]
grey [greI] adj
ground [graund] n ,
grow [grqu] v ; ; ;
guilty ['gIltI] ; hold guilty
gun [gAn] n ; ; ; gun-fire


hair [hFq]
half [hQ:f] n (. . halves)
ham [hxm]
hand [hxnd]
happen ['hxp(q)n] v
happy ['hxpI]
hard [hQ:d]
harm [hQ:m] n ; v
hat [hxt] n
head [hed] n ; ; v
hear [hIq]
heat [hi(:)t] v (); n , ,
heater ['hI(:)tq] n ;
heaven ['hevn] n
heavy ['hevI]
height [hait]
Helen ['helqn]
help [help] v ;
here [hIq] adv ,
hill [hIl] , ;
his [hIz]
hold [hquld], held [held], held v
hole [hqul] n
home [hqum] n () , ;
horn [hO:n] n
horse [hO:s]
hospital ['hOspItl]
hot [hOt]
hotbed ['hOtbed] n
hotel [hqu'tel] n ,
hothouse ['hOthaus] n ,
hour ['auq]
house [haus] 1. ; 2. ()
how many? ?
how much??
how? [hau] ?
however [hau'evq] adv
huge [hju:G] adj ,
human ['hju:mqn] ; n
hundred ['hAndrqd] ,
hurry ['hArI] v
husband ['hAzbqnd] n
hydrochemical ["haIdrqu'kemIkql]
hydrological ["haIdrqu'lOGIkql]


ice [aIs] n
ice cream ['ais 'kri:m]
idea [ai'diq] n ,
if [If] cj
ill [Il]
immediately [I'mI(:)djqtlI] adv
implement ['ImplImqnt] 'implimont] n
important [Im'pO:t(q)nt]
in [In]
in front of ,
incandescent ['inkxn'desnt] ; incandescent lamp
inch [InC] n
inch [inC] (=2,54 )
increase ['InkrI(:)s] v ()
indeed [In'dI(:)d] adv ,
Informant [In'fO:mqnt] n , .
information ["Infq'meIS(q)n] n ,
insect ['Insekt] n
inside ['In'saId] prep, adv ,
institute ['InstItju:t] n
instrument ['Instrumqnt] n ;
insulating ['InsjuleItIN] adj
intelligent [in'teliG(q)nt] adj , ,
interest ['IntrIst] n ; v
into ['Intu] ( ?, ?)
iron ['aIqn] n
island ['aIlqnd] n
isle [aIl] n ( )


jelly ['GelI] n 1. ; 2.
job [GOb] n ; ,
join [GOIn] v (), ();
jump [GAmp] v ;
just [GAst] adv , , ()


keep [kI(:)p] v (); , , ;
kill [kIl] v
kind [kaInd] ; ;
king [kIN] n
knife [naIf] . . knives [naIvz] n
know [nqu]
Kremlin ['kremlIn]


laboratory [lq'bOrqt(q)rI] n
lamp [lxmp]
land [lxnd] n
landowner ['lxnd"qunq] n ,
language ['lxNgwIG] n
large [lQ:G]
late [leIt] ; adv ; later
Latin ['lxtIn] n ;
laugh [lQ:f] v
launch [lO:nC] v ; ; (); ( ); (, )
lava ['lQ:vq] n
law [lO:] n ,
lawyer ['lO:jq] ,
lay [leI], laid [leId], laid v
lead [lJd] v (led) ,
leader ['lI(:)dq] , ,
leaf [lI(:)f] (. . leaves [lI(:)vz]) ()
leap-year ['li(:)pjq:] n
learned ['lq:nId]
leather ['leDq] ()
leave [lI(:)v], left [left], left v , ,
left [left] , ,
left-hand ['lefthxnd]
leg [leg] n ( )
length [leNT]
lens |[lenz] n
let [let],
letter ['letq];
lettuce salad ['letis 'sxlad]
level ['levl] ; ,
library ['laIbrqrI]
lie [lai], lay [lei], lain [lein] ; Part. I lying ['laIIN]
life [laIf] (. . lives [laIvz]) n
lift [lIft] v
light [laIt] n ; adj ;
like [laIk] adv , ;
like [laIk] v ,
line [laIn]
liquid ['lIkwId] ; n
listen ['lIsn]
little ['lItl]
live [lIv]
local ['lquk(q)l] adj
locomotive ['lqukq"mqutIv] ,
London ['lAndqn]
long [lON] ; adv
look [luk] v ; n
look [luk]
lose [lu:z] v (lost) ,
love [lAv] n v
low [lqu]


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