Раздел IV. Из истории сестринского дела
УРОК 27.
Текстовый глоссарий:
preventing –предотвра-щающий treating - лечащий to protect- защищать skeletons- скелеты to treat wounds- лечить раны broken bones- сломан-ные кости superstition- суеверие | ancestors- предки physicians- врачи, медики surgeons- хирурги psychiatrists- психиатры sensible- благоразумный observers- наблюдатели prayers-молитвы sacrifices- жертвы disease- болезнь |
Medicine is the science or art of preventing and treating diseases. It was natural for man to develop the practice of medicine because it is natural for man to protect himself. Skeletons of men who lived before the time of written history seem to show that men tried to treat wounds and broken bones.
What they thought about the disease and its treatment is not certain. If they were like the primitive peoples today, they probably thought that disease was the result of witchcraft. It was something they did not understand, and therefore it frightened them. The main treatment for it was magic and superstition. These magicians and witch doctors were the ancestors of modern physicians, surgeons and psychiatrists.
The ancient Egyptians’ system of medicine made disease and its treatment more sensible. They were good observers and recorded what they saw. Medical schools were established and surgery, particularly eye surgery, was advanced. However, disease and its treatment were part of the ancient Egyptian religion. Prayers, charms and sacrifices to the gods were part of the treatment. The doctor was a doctor priest.
I. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста.
1. What is the medicine?
2. What did ancient people think about disease?
3. What was the main treatment for them?
4. Whose system made disease and its treatment more sensible?
5. Why was the doctor - a doctor priest?
II. Вставьте пропущенные слова
1. Ancient people thought that disease was the result of …
2. The main treatment for it was … and ….
3. They were good observers and … what they saw.
4. Scientist tried to prevent bacteria from entering a wound by … instruments.
5. Medical schools were … and surgery, particularly eye surgery, was advanced.
III. Дайте английские эквиваленты следующих фраз:
Сломанные кости, были основаны, глазная хирургия, современное антисептическое средство, для медицинского использования, более благоразумное, результат колдовства, волшебники и ведьмы-доктора, искусство предотвращающее.
IV. Составьте предложения из следующих слов и переведите их на русский язык.
1. Showed, to treat wounds, that men, broken bones, tried, skeletons of men, and.
2. Was, the result of witchcraft, they, disease, probably thought, that.
3. The science or art of, preventing and treating, diseases, medicine, is.
IV. Составьте план по содержанию текста.
Текст В: Медицина древнего мира (Ancient Egyptian medicine)
Текстовый глоссарий:
varied – разнообразный notable – выдающийся health system – система здравоохранения to possess – обладать clinical diagnostics – кли-ническая диагностика Papyrus – папирус surgery – хирургия treatment – лечение sick leave – больничный лист | prognosis – прогноз ailment – заболевание to treat – лечить complaints – жалобы conception - зачатие, оплодотворение survive – сохраняться fragmentarily – частич-но benefits –пособия medical insurance – мед. страхование |
During three thousand years of history, Ancient Egypt developed a large and varied medical tradition. Herodotus described the Egyptians as “the healthiest of all men “due to the dry climate and the notable public health system that they possessed. Egyptian medicine developed a practical use in the fields of anatomy, public health, and clinical diagnostics.
Medical information in the Edwin Smith Papyrus may date to a time as early as 3000 BC. The earliest known surgery in Egypt was performed in Egypt around 2750 BC. Imhotep in the 3rd dynasty is sometimes referred as the founder of ancient Egyptian medicine. The Edwin Smith papyrus is an ancient textbook on surgery. It describes in detail the examination, diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis of numerous ailments.
The Kahun Gynaecological Papyrus treats women’s complaints, including problems with conception. Thirty four cases detailing diagnosis and treatment survive, some of them fragmentarily. Dating to 1800 BC, it is the oldest surviving medical text of any kind.
Medical institutions, referred to as Houses of Life are known to have been established in ancient Egypt as early as the 1st Dynasty. By the time of the 19th Dynasty some workers enjoyed such benefits as medical insurance, pensions and sick leave.
I. Прочитайте и переведите текст. Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста.
1. Why did Herodotus describe the Egyptians as “the healthiest of all men “?
2. What were the fields of practical use of Egyptian medicine?
3. What was an ancient textbook on surgery? What did it describe?
4. When were the first medical institutions established in Egypt?
II. Переведите следующие словосочетания:
Medical tradition, public health system, a practical use, clinical diagnostics, numerous ailments, women’s complaints, problems with conception, enjoyed such benefits, medical insurance, sick leave.