A handkerchief, a towel, a pillowcase, a table napkin, bed sheet for injuries involving large areas, a rolled toilet paper or tissue.
Bedsore -a red painful area on your skin that you get from lying in one position in bed for a long time
Four stages of severity of pressure sores:
· reddened or darkened skin that will not turn white when firmly pressed
· partial skin loss that may appear as an abrasion, blister or shallow crater
· full skin loss extending to underlying tissue
· full skin loss extending beyond the underlying tissue to muscle and bone
I.Прочитайте и переведите текст с помощью глоссария и ответьте на вопросы.
1. What does Desmurgiya study?
2. What is a wound? What do wounds include?
3. What kind of wounds requires care?
4. What will types of wound treatment a patient receives depend on?
5. Can you describe how to avoid infection and aid healing?
6. Why is it important the correct use of dressing and bandages?
7. What types of bandages do you know?
8. What methods of applying bandages are used in medicine?
9. What purposes are dressings used for?
III. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.
1. Положите повязку непосредственно на рану.
2. Хирургических разрезы, швы и стежки также могут быть причиной ран.
3.Незначительные раны обычно не являются серьезными, но даже порезы и царапины требуют ухода.
4. Есть разные способы лечения ран, но лечение раны, полученной пациентом, будет зависеть от травмы.
5. Наложение и смена повязки - одна из обычных обязанностей медсестры.
IV. Соотнесите слова в колонке A со словами в колонке B, чтобы получилось словосочетание. Составьте по одному предложению с каждым из словосочетаний.
A | B |
1. an antibiotic | a. attention |
2. mucus | b. incisions |
3. a tetanus | c. ointment |
4. surgical | d. treatment |
5. medical | e. booster |
6. wound | f. membrane |
V. Describe how to apply and remove dressing.
VI. Count all the stages of severity of pressure sores.
VII.Составьте план по содержанию Текста А.
Текстовый глоссарий:
sputum - мокрота urine - моча feces(stool) – кал a spine condition - состояния позвоночника the abdomen – живот an aortic aneurysm – анев-ризма аорты | stomach ulcer - язва желудка the spine – позвоночник to draw the sample – сде-лать пробы a cotton swab - ватный тампон specimen – образец |
Текст А. Lab Tests
What are they?
Lab tests involve gathering and analyzing samples of various body substances. Examples of lab tests include blood, sputum, stool, and urine tests.
Why are they done?
Lab tests can be used to find out what may be causing back or neck pain. Many times back and neck pain can be caused by problems that are not the result of a spine condition.
But the actual problem is causing pain to show up in the back or neck. For example, lower back pain can sometimes be the result of kidney trouble or problems in the abdomen, such as an aortic aneurysm or stomach ulcers. Back and neck pain can also be caused by diseases which eventually spread to affect the spine, such as cancer or infection. The results of lab tests can help doctors determine what is causing problems and what treatments will be most effective.
How are they done?
The method of gathering and analyzing fluid samples depends on the type of test ordered by your doctor. If a blood sample is needed, a trained clinician uses a needle to draw the sample. Getting a sample of cells to check for infection may involve a throat culture. A cotton swab is wiped across the back of the throat, and the specimen is incubated in the lab. The patient supplies a sample of stool or urine using a sanitary container.
Lab professionals take extra care to document information about the patient, the doctor, and the nature of the test. The samples are analyzed in the lab, and a report is written. Doctors compare your lab results to a "reference range," which is a range of scores recorded from testing a large number of people.
I. Прочитайте и переведите текст с помощью глоссария и ответьте на вопросы по тексту.
1. What do lab tests involve?
2. What can lab tests be used?
3. What can the results of lab tests help doctors determine?
4. What does the method of gathering and analyzing fluid samples depend on?