1. Which of the following statements is true concerning human blood?
a)The blood of all normal humans contains red and white cells, platelets, and plasma.
b) Some human populations normally lack the ability to produce plasma.
c) Proteins are not normal components of human blood.
2. Erythrocyte is another name for a:
a) red cell
b) white cell
c) platelet
3. Which of the following blood components provide the major defense for our bodies against invading bacteria and viruses?
a) red cells
b) white cells
c) platelets
4. The relatively clear liquid medium which carries the other cells of blood is called:
a) lipid
b) antibody
c) plasma
5. Which of the following are likely to increase in quantities when the body is under attack from bacteria?
a) erythrocytes
b) leukocytes
c) thrombocytes
6. When blood clumps or forms visible islands in the still liquid plasma, it is called:
a) clotting
b) agglutination
c) none of the above
7. Antigens are:
a) found on the surface of red cells
b) kinds of red cells that identify a blood type
c) relatively large carbohydrate molecules
d) a and b
8. Which of the following statements is true of antigen-antibody interactions?
b) They are used to identify and reject microorganisms, such as viruses and bacteria, that invade our bodies.
c) They are the way our blood clots when we are bleeding from an open wound.
d) b and c
9. Most of the volume of normal human blood is composed of:
a) red cells
b) hemoglobin
c) plasma
d) white cells
III. Переведите следующие предложения, на английский язык, используя словарь.
1. Переливание крови это обычная безопасная процедура.
2. Переливание крови используются для замены кровопотери во время операции или серьезной травме.
3. При переливания крови, игла вставляется в одну из ваших кровеносных сосудов.
4. Кровь переносит основные элементы в организме.
5. Кровь переносит кислород ко всем тканям организма особенно в головной мозг.
IV. Составьте план по содержанию текста.
УРОК 40-41. ДЕСМУРГИЯ. УХОД ЗА РАНЕВОЙ ПОВЕРХ-НОСТЬЮ. Уход за пролежнями. (Desmurgiya. Wound treatment Сare for the wound surface. Сare for the bedsore)
Текстовый глоссарий:
applying – применение, наложение a wound - рана mucus membrane – сли-зистая оболочка scrapes – потертости scratches – царапины punctured skin – прока-лывание кожи an accident – несчаст-ный случай bedsore - пролежни injury - травма | scrapes – царапины an antibiotic ointment - мазь с антибиотиком swelling – опухоль a tetanus booster – про-тивостолбнячное сред-ство circular – круговой spiral – спиральный reverse spiral - Обратные спиральные figure of Eight – Восьмер-ка |
Текст A. Desmurgiya
Desmurgiya (от греч. δεσμός — «связь, повязка» и έργον --«дело») — is a part of medicine studying the rules of wound treatment, dressings and the methods of their applying.A wound is any break in the
skin or mucus membrane. Wounds include cuts, scrapes, scratches and punctured skin. They often occur as a result of an accident or injury, but sur-gical incisions, sutures, and stitches also cause wounds. Minor wounds usually aren't serious, but even cuts and scrapes require care.Serious and infected wounds require medical attention. You should also seek attention if the wound is deep, if you cannot close it yourself, if you cannot stop the bleeding or get the dirt out, or if it does not heal. There are dif-ferent types of wound treat-ment, and the type a patient receives will depend on the injury being treated.