1. Ознакомившись с соответствующей литературой, подготовьте доклад о возможностях использования компьютеров в контролируемых экспериментах при проведении маркетинговых исследований.
2. Разработайте план проведения эксперимента для определения эффективности купонов, предлагаемых через Internet, на основании информации Web-сайта www. coupons-online.com.
3. Компания Coca-Cola разработала три варианта упаковки для своего ведущего напитка Coke. Разработайте план эксперимента с использованием Internet для того, чтобы определить лучший из них.
4. Компания Microsoft разработала новую версию своей программы электронных таблиц Excell и хотела бы увидеть возможную реакцию ее пользователей. Разработайте план проведения Internet-эксперимента для определения реакции пользователей на новую и старую версии программы.
5. Объясните, как бы вы провели итоговое исследование с использованием контрольной группы в Internet для измерения эффективности новой печатной рекламы автомобиля Toyota Camry.
1. "LeSportsac Announces Latest International Expansion", Showcase, December 1995, p. 67; "Surveys Help Settle Trade Dress Infringement Case", Quirk's Marketing Research Review, October 1987, p. 16, 17,33.
2. Robert Dwek, "Prediction of Success", Marketing (POP & Field Marketing Supplement), April 17, 1997, p. ХП-ХШ; "POP Radio Test Airs the Ads In-store", Marketing News, October 24, 1997, p. 16.
3. R. Barker Bausell, Conducting Meaningful Experiments (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc., 1994).
4. Robert F. Boruch, Randomized Experiments for Planning and Evaluation (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc., 1994).
5. Michele Witthaus, "POP Stars", Marketing Week, July 17, 1997, p. 37-41.
6. Gordon A. Wyner, "Experimental Design", Marketing Research: A Magazine of Management & Applications, Fall 1997, p. 39—41; Steven R. Brown, Lawrence E. Melamed, Experimental Design and Analysis (Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, 1990).
7. См. статью Mark T. Spence, Merrie Brucks, "The Moderating Effect of Problem Characteristics on Experts' and Novices' Judgments", Journal of Marketing Research, May 1997, p. 233—247.
8. Alice Ann Love, "Companies Want to Cut Coupons, But Consumers Demand Bargains", Marketing News, May 12, 1997, p. 15; Robert W. Shoemaker, Vikas Tibrewala, "Relating Coupon Redemption Rates to Past Purchasing of the Brand", Journal of Advertising Research, November 1985, p. 40—47.
9. Понятия внутренней и внешней достоверности дополняют еще понятия конструктивной и статистической достоверности. Конструктивная достоверность связана с проблемой точного определения того, какая характеристика или значение какого фактора в действительности измеряется (обсуждается в главе 9, посвященной проблемам измерения и шкалирования). Статистическая достоверность связана с вопросом о степени и значимости ковариации, существующей между параметрами; рассматривается в главах, посвященных анализу данных.
10. Prashant Bordia, "Face-to-Face Computer-Mediated Communication: A Synthesis of the Experimental Literature", Journal of Business Communication, January 1997, p. 99—120; David M. Bowen, "Work Group Research: Past Strategies and Future Opportunities", IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, February 1995, p. 30-38; John G. Lynch, Jr., "On the External Validity of Experiments in Consumer Research", Journal of Consumer Research, December 1982, p. 225-244.
11. Chris Argyris, "Actionable Knowledge: Design Causality in the Service of Consequential Theory", Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, December 1966, p. 390-406; John G. Lynch, Jr., "The Role of External Validity in Theoretical Research", B.J. Calder, L.W.Phillips, Alice Tybout, "Beyond External Validity"; J.E. McGrath, D. Brinberg, "External Validity and the Research Process", Journal of Consumer Research, June 1983, p. 109-124.
12. Alan R. Hirsch, "Effects of Ambient Odors on Slot-Machine Usage in a Las Vegas Casino", Psychology & Marketing, October 1995, p. 585-594.
13. C. Durier, H. Monod, A. Bruetschy, "Design and Analysis of Factorial Sensory Experiments with Carry-over Effects", Food Quality and Preference, March 1997, p. 141-149; Lloyd S. Nelson, "Notes on the Use of Randomization in Experimentation", Journal of Quality Technology, January 1996, p. 123-126.
14. Marcus Selart, "Structure Compatability and Restructuring in Judgment and Choice", Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes, February 1996, p. 106-116; R. Barker Bausell, Conducting Meaningful Experiments (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc., 1994).
15. Betsy Spethmann, "Choosing a Test Market", Brandweek, May 8, 1995, p. 42-3; Andrew M. Tarshis, "Natural Sell-in Avoids Pitfalls of Controlled Tests", Marketing News, October 24, 1986, p. 14.
16. Иные варианты экспериментального исследования см. в статье Bert Gunter, "Fundamental Issues in Experimental Design", Quality Progress, June 1996, p. 105—113; R.S.Winer, "Analysis of Advertising Experiments", Journal of 'Advertising Research, June 1980, p. 25—31.
17. Об использовании четырехгрупповой модели Соломона см. работы Richard W. Mizerski, Neil К Allison, Stephen Calvert, "A Controlled Field Study of Corrective Advertising Using Multiple Exposures and a Commercial Medium", Journal of Marketing Research, August 1980, p. 341—418.
18. C. Moonnan, "A Quasi-Experiment to Assess the Consumer and Infonnational Determinants of Nutrition Information-Processing Activities — The Case of the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act", Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, Spring 1996, p. 24—44.
19. Leonard M. Lodish, Magid M. Abraham, Jeanne Livels-Berger, Beth Lubetkin et al., "A Summary of Fifty-Five In-Market Experimental Estimates of the Long-Term Effects of TV Advertising", Marketing Science, Summer 1995, p. G133—G140; Lakshman Krishnamurthi, Jack Narayan, S.P. Raj, "Intervention Analysis of a Field Experiment to Assess the Buildup Effect of Advertising", Journal of Marketing Research, Novemberl986, p. 337—345.
20. См. например, статью M.G. Weinberger, H. Spotts, L. Campbell, A.L. Parsons, "The Use and Effect of Humor in Different Advertising Media", Journal of Advertising Research, May—June 1995, p. 44-56.
21. Об использовании факторной модели см. статью Wendy J. Bryce, Rachel Day, Thomas J. Oiney, "Commitment Approach to Motivating Community Recycling: New Zealand Curbside Trial", Journal of Consumer Affairs, Summer 1997, p. 27—52.
22. Gwen E. Jones, Michael J. Kavanagh, "An Experimental Examination of the Effects of Individual and Situarional Factors on Unethical Behavioral Intentions in the Workplace", Journal of Business Ethics, May 1996, p. 511-523.
23. John R. Dickson, Carolyn P. Wilby, "Concept Testing with and without Product Trial", Journal of Product Innovation Management, March 1997, p. 117—125; James B. Miller, Norman T. Bruvold, Jerome B. Keman, "Does Competitive-Set Information Affect the Results of Concept Tests?", Journal of Advertising Research, May 1987, p. 16—23.
24. Paula F. Bone, "Word-of-Mouth Effects on Short-Term and Long-Term Product Judgments", Journal of Business Research, March 1995, p. 213-223; J.H. Barnes, Jr., D.T.Seymour, "Experimenter Bias: Task, Tools, and Time", Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Winter 1980, p. 1-11.
25. J. Perrien, "Repositioning Demand Artifacts in Consumer Research", Advances in Consumer Research 24 (1997), p. 267-271; T.A. Shimp, E.M.Hyatt, D.J. Snyder, "A Critical Appraisal of Demand Artifacts in Consumer Research", Journal of Consumer Research, December 1991, p. 272-283.
26. Yasuhiro Monden, Mahmuda Akter, Naoto Kubo, "Target Costing Performance Based on Alternative Participation and Evaluation Method: A Laboratory Experiment", Managerial & Decision Economics, March 1997, p. 113-129.
27. Richard M. Alston, Clifford Nowell, "Implementing the Voluntary Contribution Game: A Field Experiment", Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, December—February 1996, p. 357—368.
28. Aris Spanos, "On Theory Testing in Econometrics: Modeling with Nonexperimental Data", Journal of Econometrics, May 1995, p. 189-226; Hurbert M. Blalock, Jr., Causal Inferences in Nonexperimental Research (Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1964).
29. В некоторых случаях опросы и эксперименты могут взаимно дополняться и использоваться одновременно. Например, результаты, полученные в лабораторных экспериментах, можно в дальнейшем проверить в ходе эксперимента в естественных условиях. См. статью Wesley J.Johnston, Keysuk Kim, "Performance, Attribution, and Expectancy Linkages in Personal Selling", Journal of Marketing, October 1994, p. 68-81.
30. Peter Romeo, "Testing, Testing", Restaurant Business, January 15, 1998, p. 12. Перепечатано с разрешения издания Marketing News Американской ассоциации маркетинга (Chicago, IL), March 1985, p. 15.
31. Stephanie Thompson, "Tetley Tests Higher-Value Pitches", Brandweek, December 15, 1997, p. 8; Ed Rubinstein, "7-Eleven Tests Internet Kiosks in Seattle Market", Nation's Restaurant News, October 20 1997, p. 24.
32. Таrа Parker-Pope, "Frito-Lay to Begin Selling Wow! Chips Made with Olestra Later This Month", Wall Street Journal, February 10, 1998, p. B2.
33. Sean Mehegan, "Vaseline Ups Ante Via Anti-Bacterial", Brandweek, May 26,11997, p. 1, 6.
34. "Why New Products are Bypassing the Market Test", Management Today, October 1995, p. 12.
35. Jack Neff, "Ivory Extension Targets Families", Advertising Age, March 3, 1997, p. 39.
36. Dermot J. Hayes, Jason F. Shogren, John A. Fox, James B. Kliebenstein, ''Test Marketing New Food Products Using a Multitrial Nonhypothetical Experimental Auction", Psychology& Marketing, July 1996, p. 365-379.
37. "Simulated Test Marketing", Sloan Management Review, Winter 1995, p. 112.
38. David Woodruff, Karen Nickel, "When You Think Deluxe Think East Germany", Business Week, ' May 26, 1997, p. 124-132.
39. Bernard H. Schmitt, "Contextual Priming of Visual Information in Advertisements", Psychology & Marketing, January 1994, p. 1-14.
40. Betsy Peterson, "Ethics, Revisited", Marketing Research: A Magazine of Management & Applications, Winter 1996, p. 47-48.
41. Isabelle Sender, "Internet Coupons Driving Store Traffic", Chain Store Age, September, 1997, p. 127-128.
Глава 8
Измерение и шкалирование: основы и сравнительное шкалирование