

How to keep our neighbourhood tidy

You mustn’t drop litter.

You mustn’t damage road signs.

You mustn’t write graffiti on the buildings.

You must keep parks clean.

You mustn’t put chewing gum on park benches.

You must follow parking and traffic rules.

Домашнеезадание: SB упр. 4*, с. 83; WB

с. 39—40 (дифференцированно—поиндиви



Урок 8

Progress Check

Задача: организациясамоконтроляирефлек




1. 1 residence 2 tent 3 flats 4 castle

2. 1 b 2 f 3 e 4 d 5 a 6 c

3. 1 dirty 2 old 3 messy 4 noisy 5 dangerous

4. 1 smaller, smallest 2 friendliest 3 more difficult

4 easier

5. 1 mustn’t 2 don’t have to 3 can’t 4 must

5 can’t 6 rented 7 do 8 went 9 can’t 10 are


6. 1 about, sorry 2 Why, idea 3 rather









Food & Refreshments



· обучающие:



потеме«Еда, напитки»;








тическихвремен Present Simple, Present

Continuous, Past Simple вразныхвидах




· развивающие:






категоризироватьновуюлексику (как


· воспитательные:







Введениевмодуль (организуетсянатом

жеуроке, чтои Progress Check, позавершении

работынадразделом Now I can… модуля 8).


Вводнаябеседа (Before you start) по



T: What are your bedroom rules?

Ss: You must knock before you enter. You must

take off your shoes before you step on the car

pet. You mustn’t eat in my bedroom. You must

keep my bedroom neat and tidy. Etc.

T: What can you do to keep your neighbourhood

neat and tidy?



Ss: We mustn’t drop litter. We must respect traf

fic rules. We mustn’t write graffiti on the

buildings. Etc.

T: Name some places in your town. Can you say

one rule for each?

S1: You mustn’t make noise in the library.

S2: You mustn’t touch the paintings in the gallery.

S3: You mustn’t feed the animals in the zoo.

S4: You mustn’t bring food or drink into the the

atre. Etc.

T: What did you do last Saturday night?

S5: I met my friends in the afternoon and we went

to the cinema. We saw an adventure film and

then we had dinner at a fast food restaurant.

I came home around 10 pm.



ранеепредложеннойсхеме. Организуйтерече

вуюзарядку, связаннуюстемоймодуля.

Ключи: Food & Refreshments: It’s about things

we eat and drink at home or in restaurants.


Look at Module 9


разделовнастраницах 86—93 ирассказать, как

онисвязаныстемой«Едаинапитки» (9a: cer

tain drinks are also called refreshments; 9b: food

and refreshments are on the menu; 9c: Let’s cook!

refers to food; “Places to eat in the UK” refers to

British food and where you can find it).


рис. 1 (с. 88)

What page is picture 1 from? (с. 88) What can

you see in the picture? (A bowl of crisps.) Do they

look tasty? (Yes, they do.) How are all the pictures

on page 88 related to the title of the unit? (All

of the pictures show foods that we can see on

menus.) Which of the foods have you tried?

(Crisps and melons.) What’s your favourite food?

Why? (Chicken because it’s very tasty.) What do

you expect this unit to be about? (Menus.)

рис. 2 (с. 90)

What page is picture 2 from? What can you see

in the picture? What is the recipe for? How is the

picture related to the title of the lesson? Have you

ever made apple muffins? Do you like to

cook/bake? What do you expect this unit to be







рис. 3 (с. 87)

What page is picture 3 from? What can you see

in the picture? How is the picture related to the

title of the lesson? Where can you buy these

things? What do you expect this unit to be about?


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