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127. () <358> , - (. 9 ). , , ; , (. . 60, 87 ). (. 15 ), . , (. . 4 - 6 ), (. 1 . 23 ), (. 1 . 61 ) (. 1 . 86 ), - - (. . 8, 10 ). , . <359>.


<358> Bailey. The General Assembly of the United Nations, 2. Aufl 1978; Vallat. United Nations General Assembly, EPIL IV (2000) 1119ff; Peterson. The General Assembly in World Politics, 1986; Peterson. The UN General Assembly, 2006.

<359> Jaenicke // Charter UN, Art 7 Rn 3.


128. . 10 " " . <360>. . 10 , . . 11 14 <361>; . 13 , - <362>. , . , . . 7 . 2 , , , <363>.


<360> .: Vallat (Fn 358) 1120.

<361> .: // Charter UN, Art 14 Rn8f.

<362> .: . 203.

<363> .: Hailbronner/Klein // Charter UN, Art 10 Rn 10ff.


129. , , , , , . , , , - <364> - (. 24 ); , . . 2 . 2 . 11 - ( ) <365>. , , (. . 25, 48 ). 1 . 12 <366>. , .


<364> ICJ Rep 1962, 151, 163 ( Certain Expenses).

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<366> ; Mauer (ILM 43 [2004] 1009, Rn 27f).


130. . . 10 11 , , , 3 1950 " " <367>. . , - , , , . , , . , . 1 . 12 . , . , , , () <368>. , " ", . , , .


<367> A/RES/377 (V) v 03.11.1950; Berber (Hrsg). Dokumente I, 63. E. Stein/Morrissey. Uniting for Peace Resolution, EPIL IV (2000) 1232ff.

<368> Hailbronner/Klein // Charter UN, Art 12 Rn 12f. 2003 . " " .


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<373> .: Magiera // Charter UN, Art 9 Rn 25ff, 28.

<374> .: . 71.

<375> .: . 86.

<376> .: Hilf/Khan // Charter UN, Art 22 Rn 20ff; . Internationale Organisationen, 246ff; . Die Vereinten Nationen, 10ff.

<377> . .: (UN Doc. A/40/988 v 6.12.1985).

<378> .: . 203.


132. ; (. 18 . 1 : one state, one vote) <379>. (. 19) , . 5; , - <380>.


<379> .: Bienen/Rittberger/Wagner. Democracy in the United Nations System: Cosmopolitan and Communitarian Principles // (Hrsg). Re-imaging Political Community, 1998, 287ff.

<380> .: . 86.


133. (. 3 . 18 ) <381>; ( 86 ). . , , , , <382>. , , <383>, " " . , - , , , , .


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<383> .: . 213.


134. " " , <384>. . 2 . 18 . (. . 4, 6), (. 5), , <385>, . (. 3 . 18 ), . 2 ; . , <386>.


<384> 2/3 , 2% .

<385> , , (. 10 ).

<386> Wolfrum // Charter UN, Art 18 Rn 14.


135. , , , <387>, . , <388>; , , , , . , , -, (non-voting consensus) <389>. 19- (1964 - 1965 .). , , . 19 , . ; , : . , , ( 60% ), , , . . , . , , <390>. , , , , .


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<388> .: Ballreich. Wesen und Wirkung des "Konsens" im , FS Mosler. 1983, 1 (8f).

<389> Schaefer // Charta VN, Art 21 Rn 77. : " , , , , , . , . . : , ". .: Schwebel. The Effect of the UN General Assembly on Customary International Law, ASIL Proc 1979, 301 (308).

<390> .: Klein (Fn 221) 87ff. -. .: Wolfrum // Charter UN, Art 18 Rn 30; Schaefer. Charta VN, Art 21 Rn 77.


136. , , , . ; <391>.


<391> .: Fitschen // Charter UN, Art 21 Rn 70.


137. . 1 . 18 (. 108), . , "" (weighted voting) <392> <393>. , , , <394>. , - <395> (. 2 . 205 ). : , . -. -, . - . .). , "" . , , .


<392> .: Schermers. Weighted Voting, EPIL IV (2000) 1446f; Gold. Weighted Voting Power, AJIL 68 (1974) 687ff.

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<395> .: Oppermann (Fn 81) 5 Rn 53ff. (!), .


138. () , , <396>. . (. . 4 - 6, 17, 23, 61, 97, 108, 109) <397>. , <398>. - , <399>. - ; . , <400>. , , <401>. , ( ) , , , , <402>.


<396> " , " (ICJ Rep 1966, 6, 50). . : Tomuschat. Die Charta der wirtschaftlichen Rechte und Pflichten der Staaten - Zur Gestaltungskraft von Deklarationen der UNGeneralversammlung, 36 (1976) 444ff.

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<398> ICJ Rep 1971, 50 zu A/RES/2145 (XXI): .

<399> Elias. The International Court of Justice and Some Contemporary Problems, 1983, 214f; Asamoah. The Legal Significance of the Declarations of the General Assembly of the United Nations, 1966, 35; Legal Effects of United Nations Resolutions, 1969, 123.

<400> Hailbronner/Klein // Charter UN, Art 10 Rn 43f.

<401> , . .: Skubiszewski. Resolutions of the UN General Assembly and Evidence of Custom, FS Ago I, 1987, 503ff.

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<403> Skubiszewski. The Elaboration of General Multilateral Conventions and of Non-Contractual Instruments Having a Normative Function or Objective // AIDI 61 I (1985) 305ff; Hailbronner/Klein // Charter UN, Art 10 Rn 53ff.

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