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Охрана труда





Контроль самостоятельной работы. Задание 1.Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова

Задание 1. Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова.

1. The plough is an agricultural implement used to … the surface of the soil.

a) turn over

b) harrow

c) separate

2. It is … to follow a systematic plan in reconditioning various parts of plough.

a) easy

b) essential

c) difficult

3. Two-way mounted plough is made to perform the … function as the trailing two-way plough.

a) different

b) some

c) same

4. Modern moldboard ploughs are powered by ….

a) horses

b) tractor

c) engine

5. The part of the plough that breaks the soil is called the ….

a) bottom

b) shin

c) landside


Задание 2. Выберите соответствующую форму глагола.

1. A trailing moldboard plough … from one to five bottoms.

a) have

b) has

c) will have


2. The first iron plough … durable and light.

a) were

b) will be

c) was

3. The land side … to steady the plough while it is being operating.

a) serves

b) served

c) serve

4. Different arrangements … … to change from right to left-hand bottom.

a) is provided

b) are provided

c) provided

5. Riding ploughs with wheels and seat for the operator … later.

a) come

b) came

c) will come

Задание 3. Ответом на какой вопрос является следующее предложение.

1. The very earliest ploughs were simple scratch-plows and consisted of a frame holding a vertical wooden stick that was dragged through the topsoil.

a) Did the very earliest ploughs consist of a frame holding a vertical wooden stick that was dragged through the topsoil?

b) Were the first ploughs pulled by draught animals?

c) Were the very earliest ploughs used for deep ploughing?

2. The first iron plough was designed by Joseph Foljambe in 1730.

a. When is the first iron plough designed?

b. When had the first iron plough been designed?

c. When was the first iron plough designed?

3. A coulter slides along the face of the furrow exerting a side pressure on the furrow wall.

a. What does a coulter do?

b. Is a coulter sliding along the face of the furrow?

c. What exerts a side pressure on the furrow wall?

4. Much later first ploughs progressed into moldboard ploughs.

a. Did first ploughs progress into moldboard ploughs?

b. Do first ploughs progress into moldboard ploughs?

c. Had the first ploughs been progressed into moldboard ploughs?

5. Disk ploughs are adapted to the conditions where the moldboard will not work, for example sticky soils, dry ground, stony ground.

a. What conditions will the disk ploughs be adapted?

b. What conditions are disk ploughs adapted?

c. What conditions were disk ploughs be adapted?


Задание 4. Какое русское предложение соответствует английскому.

1. A moldboard turns the furrow slices in one run across the field.

a) Отвал обрабатывает пласты борозды за один гон (вспашки) по полю.

b) Отвал дробит пласты борозды за один гон по полю.

c) Отвал боронит пласты борозды за один гон по полю.

2. On modern ploughs the moldboard is separated from the shin and bottom, allowing these parts to be replaced without replacing the moldboard.

a) На современных плугах отвал не отделяется от полевого обреза отвала и корпуса.

b) На современных плугах отвал отделяется от полевого обреза отвала и корпуса, позволяя заменить эти части без замены отвала.

c) На современных плугах отвал отделяется от предплужника и полевого обреза отвала, позволяя заменить эти части без замены самого отвала.

3. A trailing disk plough has three wheels two-furrow wheels and a land wheel.

a) Прицепной дисковой плуг имеет два бороздных колеса.

b) Прицепной дисковой плуг имеет три колеса: два бороздных колеса и полевое колесо.

c) Прицепной дисковой плуг имеет несколько колёс: бороздные колёса и полевое колесо.

4. One of the reason for plowing is to turn under the crop residue into the soil.

a) Одна из причин вспашки – запахивать пожнивные остатки в почву.

b) Одна из причин вспашки – снизить количество сорняков на поле.

c) Одна из причин вспашки – сделать почву более рыхлой, облегчая следующий этап: посадку с/х культур.

5. A plough has a coulter, a sharpened blade or disk, attached to the frame of the plough.

a) Плуг имеет предплужник, прикреплённый к раме плуга.

b) Плуг имеет предплужник, заострённый дисковый нож, прикреплённый к раме плуга.

c) Плуг имеет предплужник, заострённый черенковый нож, прикреплённый к раме плуга.

Задание 5. Передайте содержание на английском языке.

Отвально-лемешные плуги предназначены для вспашки с оборотом пласта.

Основные части плуга – это рама, отвал, лемех, полевая доска, предплужник, навесное устройство, полевой обрез отвала, стойка.

Корпус плуга – это та часть плуга, которая дробит почву.

Отвал плуга имеет лемех, который используется для подрезания почвы в горизонтальном направлении.

Предплужник предназначен, чтобы подрезать верхний слой почвы впереди лемеха, а так же разрезать корн и пожнивные остатки.

Отвал, лемех, полевая доска крепятся к стойке.

Со временем заострённые части плуга изнашиваются, поэтому их необходимо заменять.

Очень важно специалистам сельского хозяйства знать технические характеристики различных почвообрабатывающих орудий для успешного ведения хозяйства.




The grain drill is a machine designed to place the seeds in narrow rows at specific depths. The principal parts are: the frame, transport and drive wheels, a box for seed, a device to meter the seed out of the hopper, furrow openers and covering devices.

Tractor-operated grain drills are known to be divided into two types: trailing and mounted. Most of the trailing types are supported by a wheel at each end of the drill. That’s why this type is called an end-wheel drill. The wheels serve as ground traction drives to operate the moving parts of the drill. Trailing press-wheel drills are partly supported by the large press wheel at the rear and partly by the hitch bar in front. Mounted grain drills are attached to the tractor by the three-point hitch. The drill feeds and other moving parts are driven by the power take off of the tractor.

It is known that grain drills are also classified as plant drills and fertilizer drills. One should know how to select a proper drill and how to care for that drill. It is important to know how to operate the drill as proper management reduces field breakdowns.


design – конструировать, предназначать

frame – рама

transport wheel – транспортное, ходовое колесо

drive wheel – ведущее колесо

a box for seed – семенной ящик

furrow opener – сошник

covering device – устройство по заделке семян

trailing drill – прицепная сеялка

mounted drill – навесная сеялка

to support – поддерживать

end – wheel drill (fertilizer drill) – туковая сеялка

ground traction drive – привод от ходовых колёс

press – wheel drill – прессовая сеялка (с прикатывающими


press wheel – прикатывающий каток

hitch – навесное устройство

bar – брус, пластина

three-point hitch – трёхточечное навесное устройство

feed – высевающий аппарат

plant drill – сеялка (рядовая сеялка)

rear – задний

breakdown – поломка, авария

attachment – приспособление, установка (орудия)



Задание 1. Дайте русский перевод следующих слов и


grain drill hopper moving parts

device wheel covering device

depth hitch bar fertilizer drill

feed power take off to classify

Задание 2. Составьте синонимичные пары из следующих слов.

to seed, to operate, to trail, to sow, to join, to work, to attach, to pull.

Задание 3. Назовите существительные, соответствующие

следующим глаголам.

to seed to place

to drill to design

to furrow to transport

Задание 4. Найдите в тексте предложения, которые содержат следующие словосочетания. Переведите эти предложения на русский язык.

narrow rows out of the hopper

field breakdowns three-point hitch plant drill

drill feeds

Задание 5. Переведите подчёркнутые в тексте предложения,

обращая внимание на их грамматическую структуру.

Задание 6. В каждом абзаце текста найдите предложения, выражающие его основную мысль. Запишите их на русском языке.

Задание 7. Прочитайте текст А полностью и дайте ответы на


1. What is the grain drill?

2. What are the principal parts of the grain drill?

3. How are grain drills classified?

4. How are grain drills attached to the tractor?

5. What is it important to know for a drill operator?





The seed drill was invented by Jethro Tull in 1701. It allowed farmers to sow seeds in well-spaced rows. Prior to this farmers sowed seeds by hand (broadcasting). Some of the broadcast seeds had never germinated; the others had been by frost or died from lack of access to water and fertilizer.

This invention gave farmers greater control over the depth that the seed was planted and the ability to cover the seed. This greater control meant that seeds germinated consistently and in good soil. Later seed drills have become more advanced but the technology remained the same. The first drills were small enough to be drawn by a single horse, but development of larger and more efficient drills allowed farmers to seed larger areas in a single day.

Recent improvements to drills allow seed drilling without prior tilling or preparing the soil. This means that soils are protected until the seed germinates and grows enough. So, drills may be used for sowing all kinds of seeds from the size of beans to that of clover, at various seed rates and depths in rows at different distances.


invent – изобретать

allow – позволять

prior to – раньше, прежде, до

broadcasting – посев вразброс

germinate – прорастать

lack – отсутствие

access – доступ

depth – глубина

seed rate – норма посева (высева)

rows – борозда, рядок, междурядье


Задание 1. Спросите своего партнёра:

1. when a seed drill was invented;

2. how farmers sowed seeds before the invention of a seed drill;

3. what this invention gave the farmers;

4. what seed drills appeared later;

5. what the first drills were like;

6. whether the soil is protected or unprotected until the seed germinates and grows enough.


Задание 2. Два утверждения, приведённых ниже, не

соответствуют содержанию текста. Найдите и

исправьте их.

1. The invention of the seed drill allowed the farmers to sow seeds in well-spaced rows.

2. Some of the broadcast seeds germinated well, but the others died from frost, wind and drought.

3. Seed drills have become more advanced but the technology remained the same.

4. The fist drills were small enough to be drawn by a horse, but then larger and more efficient drills allowed farmers to seed larger areas.

5. Modern drills used in agriculture do not sow the seeds without tilling or preparing the soil.

Задание 3. Используя материал задания 1 и 2,составьте реферат данного текста на английском языке.





When a fertilizer attachment is used, the drill is usually called a fertilizer drill, even though it is equipped with the regular grain-sowing feeds. A special fertilizer tube serves to conduct the fertilizer to the soil. Liquid fertilizer attachments are available for grain drills.

A grass-seeding attachment is necessary for almost all grain drills. It is attached either in front of or to the rear of the main seedbox. Where the soil is dry and likely to blow, press wheels are used to cover the seed and press the soil around them.

There is a special-type drill, sometimes called a grassland drill. Small grains and grass seed can be planted without first plowing, harrowing and preparing the seedbed. These three operations are performed by a drill. The seeds are sown and fertilizer is applied as a furrow is opened.


Задание 1. Прочитайте текст и скажите по-русски.

а) чем оборудованы туковые сеялки;

b) что используется для уплотнения почвы вокруг семян;

c) какие операции производит сеялка для посева по дернине;


Задание 2. Подготовьтепрезентацию на тему: «A Grain Doll; ih Design and Operation».

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