








one [ʹwʌn] 1 eleven [iʹlevn] 11
two [ʹtu:] 2 twelve [ʹtwelv] 12
three [ʹθri:] 3 thirteen [ˏθə:ʹti:n] 13
four [ʹfo:] 4 fourteen [ˏfo:ʹti:n] 14
five [ʹfaiv] 5 fifteen [ˏfifʹti:n] 15
six [ʹsiks] 6 sixteen [ˏsiksʹti:n] 16
seven [ʹsevn] 7 seventeen [ˏsəvənʹti:n] 17
eight [ʹeit] 8 eighteen [ˏeiʹti:n] 18
nine [ʹnain] 9 nineteen [ˏnainʹti:n] 19
ten [ʹten] 10      


twenty [ʹtwenti] 20 one hundred [ʹhʌndrəd] 100
thirty [ʹθə:ti] 30 two hundred 200
forty [ʹfo:ti] 40 two hundred and fifty 250
fifty [ʹfifti] 50 one thousand [ʹθauzənd] 1 000
sixty [ʹsiksti] 60 two thousand 2 000
seventy [ʹsevənti] 70 two thousand and sixty 2 060
eighty [ʹeiti] 80 one million [ʹmiljən] 1 000 000
ninety [ʹnainti] 90 two million 2 000 000
ninety-one   91 one milliard [ʹmilja:d] 1 000 000 000
ninety-two   92 two milliard 2 000 000 000


, , (.. 12), 1 12 .

13 30, 14 40 .. , : ˏfourʹteen forty.

, 3 5 , : three thir teen thir ty, five fif teen fif ty.

: forty-five.

, hundred, thousand .. .

, , and: two hundred and four, three thousand and twenty-six.

, : 79 635 842 seventy-nine million six hundred and thirty-five thousand eight hundred and forty-two .

milliard, billion [ʹbiljən], billion , trillion.


(the) first [ʹfə:st] 1 (the) fourth [fo:θ ] 4
(the) second [ʹsekənd] 2 (the) fifth [fifθ] 5
(the) third [ʹθə:d] 3 (the) sixth [siksθ] 6


, , , th. : eighth [eiθ], ninth [nainθ], twel f th [twelfθ].

, , y ie: twent y twent ie th.

, : one hundred twenty-seven th.

s: tenth, tenth s.


(point [point] ), , .

, double [dʌbl] .

o , oh [ou]. zero [ʹziərou].


3.5 three point five 2.04 two point oh/zero four
0.1 oh/zero point one 4.11 four point double one
0.25 oh/zero point two five 45.396 forty-five point three nine six

I. , , 3 5 .


31330 71770 : 11110

41440 81880 21220

51550 91990



II. , , .


38155 Three eight one double five.


95714, 61580, 24498, 30612, 46753, 90278, 32511.


III. .


87+52=139 eighty-seven and fifty-two is one hundred and thirty-nine.


2+1=3, 8+4=12, 11+10=21, 46+17=63, 95+52=147, 220+312=532.


IV. () .

A. 1 in. (inch [inʧ] ) = 2.54 cm. (centimeters [ʹsenti,mi:təz])

1 ft. (foot [fut] ) = 30.48 cm.

1yd. (yard [ja:d] ) = 0.914 m. (metres [ʹmi:təz])

1 mi. (mile [mail] ) = 1.609 km. (kilomtres [ʹkilə,mi:təz])


B. 1 mm.= 0.039 in. 1m. = 10.9 yd.

1 cm. = 0.39 in. 1 km. = 0.6 mi.


V. () .

. 1 oz. (ounce [auns] ) = 28.3495 g. (grams [ʹgræmz])

1 lb. (pound [paund] ) = 0.35359 kg. (kilograms [ʹkiləgræmz])


. 1g. = 0.3527 oz.

1kg. = 2.2046 lb.


VI. , , , : , .


, ,


, , , , , , , .



  1. family [ʹfæmili]
  2. parents [ʹpεərənts]
  3. mother [ʹmʌðə]
  4. father [ʹfa:ðə]
  5. grandmother [ʹgrænd,mʌðə]
  6. grandfather [ʹgrænd,fa:ðə]
  7. sister [ʹsistə]
  8. brother [brʌðə]
  9. elder [ʹeldə] (, / , )
  10. younger [ʹjʌŋgə] (, / , )
  11. child [ʧaild]

children [ʹʧildrən] (. : )

  1. son [sʌn]
  2. daughter [ʹdo:tə]
  3. grandson [ʹdrænd,sʌn]
  4. granddaughter [ʹgrænd,do:tə]
  5. uncle [ʌŋkl]
  6. aunt [a:nt]
  7. wife [waif]
  8. husband [ʹhʌzbənd]
  9. to be married [ʹmærid] /
  10. to be single / ,

single [siŋgl] ,

, , .


1. This boy is my younger brother. 2. This old man is her grandfather. 3. This old man is kind. 4. This woman is his wife. 5. These children are nice. 6. My elder sister is married. 7. Our grandmother is an old woman. 8. Their parents are young. 9. This woman is her aunt. 10. Your family is small. 11. Their uncle is single. 12. His son is strong. 13. Our mother and father are fine. 14. This man is her husband. 15. This child is their daughter.


Name. Age

. , . , . : Henry J. Brown ( J. ).

: The Browns.


  1. name [neim] ( )
  2. first name ( )
  3. surname [ʹsə:neim] = last name [ʹla:stʹneim] = family name

last [ʹla:st]

  1. what [wot] , ( )

What is your name? ? ( ?)

My name is Ann. . ( .)

I am Ann. . ( .)

  1. age [eiʤ] ; =

teenager [ʹti:n,eiʤə] ,

  1. year [jiə]
  2. how [hau] ( )

How old are you? ? ( ?)

I am seventeen years old / I am seventeen 17 .


I. , .


What is your name? How old are you? What is her first name? How old is your little sister? What is your surname? What is his name? How old is your grandmother? What is his last name? She is Anna. He is Roman. She is 84. I am Yuri Denisov. He is Petrov. I am 17. She is 2. I am Denisov.



  1. residence [ʹrezidəns]
  2. country [ʹkʌntri]
  3. town [taun]

city [ʹsiti] (, )

  1. village [ʹviliʤ] ,
  2. centre [ʹsentə]
  3. region [ʹri:ʤən]
  4. street [stri:t]

in the street

8. house [haus] () : houses [hau z iz] (. .)

home [houm] ( ); (?)

at home (?)

  1. building [ʹbildiŋ] ;

to build

  1. floor [flo:] ;
  2. ground [graund]

ground floor / ()

first floor

  1. flat [flæt] (.)

apartment [əʹpa:tmənt] (.)

  1. number [ʹnʌmbə]
  2. room [rum]
  3. living room [ʹliviŋ ʹrum] ,
  4. bedroom [ʹbedrum]


  1. bathroom [ʹba:θrum]


  1. kitchen [ʹkiʧin]


I. , , .

1. Murom 2. Russia [rʌʃə] 3. Novosibirskaya 4. Moscow [moskou] 5. White 6. Mishino 7. Sadovaya 1. a village 2. a house 3. a town 4. a region 5. a street 6. a country 7. a city

II. , .

I have a small flat in a little building. This building has two floors. My flat is on the second floor. The number of my flat is 158. I have two living rooms, three bedrooms and a kitchen in my flat. I have a bathroom too.



  1. work [wə:k] , ( )

at work

to work

work er [ʹwə:kə]

2. job [ʤob] , , ( )

  1. business [ʹbiznis] , ;

businessman [ʹbiznismən] (),

businesswoman [ʹbizniswumən] (), -

  1. What is your job / business? ?

( ?)

I am a student. .

  1. engineer [ˏenʤiʹniə]
  2. programm er [ʹprougrəmə]

to program

  1. doctor [ʹdoktə]
  2. teach er [ʹti:ʧə]

to teach

  1. manag er [ʹmæniʤə] ,

to manage

  1. lawy er [ʹlo:jə]


  1. economist [iʹkonəmist]
  2. shop assistant [ʹʃop əʹsistənt]


  1. driv er [ʹdraivə] ,

to drive

  1. employee [ˏemploiʹi:]
  2. officer [ʹofisə]
  3. farm er [ʹfa:mə]


  1. pensioner [ʹpenʃənə]
  2. housewife [ʹhauswaif]
  3. school [sku:l]

at school




  1. pupil [ʹpju:pl]
  2. student [ʹstju:dənt]
  3. factory [ʹfæktəri] , (.)

plant [pla:nt] , (.)

  1. firm [fə:m]
  2. office [ʹofis] ;
  3. hospital [ʹhospitl]

(poly)clinic [(ˏpoli)ʹklinik] ()

  1. market [ʹma:kit]
  2. higher school [ʹhajəʹsku:l]


university [ˏju:niʹvə:siti]

college [ʹkoliʤ] ;

institute [ʹinstitju:t]

  1. library [ʹlaibrəri]

I. , .

1. Schoolchildren have their job in a higher school.

2. Engineers have their work in a factory.

3. A lawyer has his or her work in a shop.

4. Officers have their job in an office.

5. A manager has his or her work in a firm.

6. Employees have their work in a market.

7. Teachers have their work in a school.

8. Drivers have their work in a library.

9. A housewife has her job in a hospital.

10. Workers have their work in a plant.

11. A shop assistant has his or her work in a college.

12. Farmers have their work in a university.


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