


Другие языки
Охрана труда





Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian.

1. Wait, I will help you. 2. He will probably come back tomorrow. 3. He will certainly come to see us. 4. I’m afraid the rain won’t stop soon. 5. I think I’ll pass the exam. 6. Will you be my friend? 7. I will meet you and tell you the whole story. 8. I will visit you a few times while I’m in London. 9. He won’t return tomorrow. 10. No, I won’t talk to him this evening. 11. Will you see her sister this weekend?

Exercise 2. Reconstruct the sentences.

  1. I / answer / will / the question/ not
  2. she / read / the / will / book?
  3. will / they / drink / beer/ not
  4. not / we / send/ will / the / postcard?
  5. will / Vanessa / catch / the / not / ball.
  6. James / will / open / the door/ not
  7. they / not/ will / eat / fish
  8. the / will / not /computer / crash?
  9. she / give / him / the / not / will / apple.

Exercise 3. Make the following sentences negative and interrogative.

  1. He will return tomorrow.
  2. He'll finish the work at 7.
  3. My sisters will give me books to read.
  4. They will often come here.
  5. We will answer the letter at seven o'clock.
  6. He will ring you up and tell you everything.
  7. Не will be tired after his work.


Affirmative form Interrogative form Negative form
I, we He, she, it You they     will be     playing Will I, we He, she, it You they be playing I, we He, she, it You they won’t be playing
Yes, I, we he, she will it, you they   No, I, we he, she won’t it, you they

Future Continuous означає тривалу дію, яка відбувається в якийсь момент або період у майбутньому. На час дії можуть вказувати обставинні слова або контекст. За винятком деяких готових виразів з дієсловами to expect, to stay, to see та ін. (див. приклади нижче) цей час вживається досить рідко як у розмовній мові, так і в писемній.

I’ll be expecting уоu at 4 o'clock sharp. When my train arrives, my parents will be waiting for me. It's no use trying to see him at 10. He will be giving a lesson at that time.   Я буду чекати на тебе рівно о 4. Коли мій потяг приїде, батьки вже будуть чекати на мене. Немає сенсу намагатися побачити його о 10. У цей час він буде проводити заняття.


1. У розмовній мові для вираження запланованих особою дій у майбутньому (особливо з дієсловом to come,to leave,to sta y, to call і виразами to have guests;to give a party і т. п.) вживається Present Continuous:

When are you coming to see us? Коли ви відвідаєте нас?

2. Словосполучення to be going to do smth українською перекладається як «збиратися щось зробити»

Are you going to read this book? Ти збираєшся читати цю книгу?

I’m not going to think about it! Я не буду про це думати!

3. Для постійного розкладу (транспорту, занять тощо) вживають Present Indefinite:

The train arrives at 7.00 tomorrow Потяг прибуває завтра о 7.00.


Exercise 4. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian.

1. This time next week I’ll be on holiday. I’ll be lying on the beach or swimming in the sea. 2. Don’t phone between 4 and 5. We‘ll be studying. 3. I’ll be waiting for you at 8 o’clock tomorrow. 4. At 5 o’clock tomorrow, he will be in his office. He will be working. 5. When I come, they will be playing. 6. While he’s reading the book, I‘ll be watching TV. 7. I'llbereading the whole day tomorrow. 8. He’llbepreparing for his examination in July. 9. I will be watching TV when she arrives tonight. 10. He will be studying tonight, so he will not see Jennifer when she arrives.


Exercise 5. Open the brackets choosing the correct form of the verb.

If possible, use Future.

A. 1. At midnight we ______ (sleep). 2. This time next week we ______ (sit) at the beach. 3. At nine I ______ (watch) the news. 4. Tonight we ______ (cram up) for our English test. 5. They ______ (dance) all night. 6. He ______ (not / play) all afternoon. 7. I ______ (not / work) all day. 8. You ______ (eat / you) at six? 9. ______ (drive / she) to London? 10. ______ (fight / they) again?

B. 1. I love London. I ______ (probably to go) there next year. 2. Our train ______ (to leave) at 5:50. 3. This is my last day here. I ______ (to go) back to the USA tomorrow.4. What ______ (to wear) you at the party tonight? 5. Hurry up! The lesson______ (to begin) in 10 minutes. 6. Look at these big black clouds! It ______ (to rain). 7. If he______ (to study) hard, he______ (to pass) the exams. 8. If we ______ (to catch) the 10.15 train, we ______ (to arrive) on time. 9. If you ______ (not to get) the ticket, what you ______ (to do)? 10. If I ______ (to see) him, I ______ (to tell) him. 11. When I ______ (to finish) doing my homework, I ______ (to go out) with my friends. 12. When the party ______ (to be) over, we______ (to clean) the house. 13. Before I ______ (to go) to England, I______ (to book) a room. 14. After her sister ______ (to cook) dinner, they ______ (to invite) their friends. 15. My father ______ (to buy) a new car after he ______ (to save) enough money. 16. What you ______ (to do) after you ______ (to finish) this course? 17. Don’t worry. I ______ (to phone) you as soon as I ______ (to arrive) Paris. 18. They ______ (not to start) the match until the rain ______ (to stop). 19. I ______ (to have) to finish the reports before the manager______ (to call). 20. She ______ (not to eat) anything until the doctor ______ (to tell) her. 21. You can go out. I______ (to wait) until she ______ (to call).

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