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Exercise 3. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian. 1. They were not playing football

1. They were not playing football. 2. You were studying when she called. 3. What were you doing when you broke your leg? 4. While I was writing the email, the computer suddenly went off. 5. What were you doing when the earthquake started? 6. Sammy was waiting for us when we got off the plane.7. What were you reading when I entered? 8. Last night at 6 PM, I was having dinner. 9. I was studying while he was making dinner.10. What were you doing while you were waiting? 11. Thomas wasn't working, and I wasn't working either.

Exercise 4. Open the brackets choosing the correct form of the verb.

1. I ______ (to listen) to my iPod, so I ______(not to hear) the fire alarm. 2. While John ______(to sleep) last night, someone ______(to steal) his car. 3. I ______(to watch) TV when she ______(to call). 4. When the phone ______(to ring), she ______(to write) a letter. 5. You ______(not to listen) to me when I ______(to tell) you to turn the oven off. 6. Yesterday at this time, I ______(to sit) at my desk at work. 7. While Ellen ______(to read), Tim ______(to watch) television. 8. You ______(to listen) while he ______(to talk)? 9. When I ______(to walk) into the office, several people ______(to type), some ______(to talk) on the phones 10. They ______(to begin) at 10 o'clock and ______(to finish) at 11.30. So, at 10.30 they ______(to play) tennis.


Exercise 5. Translate the following sentences into English.

A) 1. Що ти робив учора о 5? − Готувався до занять. 2. Як ви себе почували вчора? − Дякую, добре. 3. Хто до вас учора приїжджав? − Родичі. 4. Куди ти йшов, коли ми зустрілися? − У кіно. 5. Я дивився телевізор, коли вони подзвонили. 6. Я приймала душ, коли у дверь подзвонили. 7. Поки мама готувала вечерю, ми прибирали у квартирі. 8. Телевізор працював, але ніхто його не дивився. 9. Учора біля університету я бачив Мішу. Але він мене не помітив. Він розмовляв з друзями. 10. Вона вже чекала на мене, коли я прийшла. 11. Коли я був малим, я хотів бути водієм автобуса. 12. Коли діти повернулися з прогулянки, ми пішли вечеряти.

B) 1. Я бачив тебе учора в парку. Ти гуляв з дитиною. 2. Ми їдемо у відпустку через тиждень. 3. Ти мене шукаєш? − Так, мені потрібно поговорити з тобою. 3. Зараз вона малює у сусідній кімнаті. 4. Учора вона багато малювала. 5. Учора вона намалювала чудову картину. 6. Звичайно ми починаємо працювати о 9.00, але сьогодні директор попросив нас прийти о 8.00. 7. Чому він не склав іспит учора? − Він себе погано почував. 8. Послухай! Якою мовою вони зараз розмовляють? 9. Мій батько розмовляє французькою, англійською та китайською. 10. Я зараз снідаю. Почекай, будь ласка. 11. Нік сидів за комп’ютером та писав листа своїм друзям. Його мама у цей час розмовляла по телефону. 12. Він сказав, що о 12.00 він ще складав іспит. 13. Коли ми прийшли до них, вони щось жваво обговорювали. 14. Він їхав дуже швидко.

Study the following words and word combinations

аcceleration, v − прискорення

apparent, adj − очевидний, безсумнівний

attract, v − притягувати, залучати

challenge, v − кидати виклик, ставити під сумнів

conclusion, n − висновок, підсумок

contradict, v − протирічити, суперечити

cover, v − пробігати, покривати

crumple, v − м'ятися, зім'яти

device, n − прилад, устрій

drop, v − падати, опадати

evacuated, adj − відкачаний

friction, n − тертя

inclined adj − схильний

inconsistency, n − непослідовність, суперечність

height, n − висота

leaning, adj − під нахилом

measure, v − вимірювати

plane, n − площина

reasoning, n − міркування

relation, n − зв'язок

roll down, v − скачуватися

simultaneously, adv − одночасно

spigot, n − втулка, кран, пробка

strike, v − бити

successive, adj − наступний, послідовний

time, v – засікати час

turn off, v − виключити

turn on, v − включити

velocity, n − швидкість


Read the following text

Text 1


In the absence of friction, all bodies, large and small, fall with the same acceleration. This law of falling bodies is a physical paradox for it contradicts the conclusion a person may come from general observations. That’s why centuries ago the great philosopher Aristotle taught that heavy bodies fall proportionately faster than lighter bodies.

The question of falling bodies challenged also other scientists. In the XVI-th century it was Galileo who was thinking over the question of falling bodies. He found apparent inconsistencies in Aristotle’s thinking. At tests, he dropped various kinds of objects from different levels of the leaning tower of Pisa and timed their fall and measured their velocities.

Once Galileo attracted a lot of people to the leaning tower. From the top he dropped two stones, one large and one small. These two bodies fell side by side and struck the ground together. That was the beginning of a new era in science. The importance of Galileo’s many experiments is not in the fact that they demonstrated the mistakes of Aristotle’s reasoning, but that they gave the world a new scientific method, the method of experimentation.

It is easy to repeat Galileo’s experiment. Take a coin and a small piece of paper and drop them simultaneously from the same height to the floor. The coin will fall down fast, while the piece of paper will be in the air for a much longer period of time. If you crumple the piece of paper and roll it into a little ball, it will fall almost as fast as the coin. But if you have a long glass cylinder evacuated of air, you will see that a coin and uncrumpled piece of paper will fall inside the cylinder at exactly the same speed.

The next step that Galileo took in the study of falling bodies was to find a mathematical relation between the time which the fall takes and the distance which it covers. Since the free fall is too fast and the human eye cannot observe it in detail, and since Galileo didn’t have such modern devices as we have now he let the balls of different materials roll down an inclined plane instead of falling straight down. To measure time he used a water clock, a device with spigot that could be turned on and off. Galileo worked the successive position of the objects which were rolling down an inclined plane at equal intervals of time.


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