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Exercise 4. Open the brackets choosing the correct form of the verb.

A. 1. At present Lucy (to work) on her project. 2. Hello! Where you (to go)? 3. I (to cook) meat soup for dinner now. 4. My sister (not to play) the piano now. 5. We (to go) home by car from work now. 6. Margaret (not to write) a letter to her friend now. 7. The plane (to leave) Moscow for London now? 8. I (not to sleep) now. 9. The boys (to play) hockey at the stadium now. 10. What you (to do) now? 11. He (not to read) now. 12. The child (not to learn) the poem by heart now. 13. We (to rebuild) our house. 14. The waiter (to bring) the dessert. 15. She (to look) for a new house to live in. 16. At the moment you (to do) an English exercise. 17. At the moment she (to write) a letter to a client.

B. 1. Look! He (to leave) the house. 2. Quiet please! I (to write) a test. 3. She usually (to walk) to school. 3. But look! Today she (to go) by bike. 4. Every Sunday we (to go) to see my grandparents.5. He often (to go) to the cinema. 6. We (to play) Monopoly at the moment. 7. The child seldom (to cry). 8. I (not to do) anything at the moment. 9. He (to watch) the news regularly? 10. This (to be) Caroline. 11. Caroline (to have) long blond hair. 12. She usually (to wear) glasses, but now she (to wear) contact lenses.13. She (to play) basketball every Monday and Thursday. 14. At the moment, the two kids (to sit) on the floor. 15. Jenny usually (to cycle) to school, but today she (to take) the bus because it (to rain).

Exercise 5. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Пари починаються о 8.00. 2. Він зараз приймає душ. 3. Я вважаю, що він говорить неправду. 4. Про що ти зараз думаєш? 5. Вони не відвідують басейн, вони відвідують секцію баскетболу. 6. Він зараз грає на піаніно чи виконує домашнє завдання? 7. Зараз ми розглядаємо ці факти. 8. Кожного тижня вони відвідують бабусю. 9. Ви володієте двома чи трьома іноземними мовами? 10. Якою мовою він зараз розмовляє? 11. Він п’є каву кожного ранку. 12. Він не любить каву, йому більше подобається чай. 13. Про що ви зараз розмовляєте? 14. Я зазвичай слухаю музику, коли їду до університету. 15. Ви зараз готуєте сніданок? 16. Як правило, ми спочатку ознайомлюємося з новим матеріалом, а потім виконуємо вправи. 17. Де він працює? 18. Майкл дивиться з вікна. 19. Він дуже непунктуальний! Він завжди запізнюється!!! 20. Вона дуже неуважна! Вона завжди розмовляє під час занять! 21. Чому ти завжди перебиваєш мене?

Study the following words and word combinations

Attempt, n – спроба

astrophysics, n – астрофізика

black hole, n − чорна діра

branch, n − галузь

building block − будівельний блок

consider, v − вважати, розглядати

continually, adv − безупинно, постійно

cosmology, n − космологія

datum (data, pl), n − дані

deal with, v − мати справу з

development, n− розвиток

definition, n − визначення

depend on, v − залежати від

devise, v − вигадувати, винаходити

divide, v − діли́ти(ся)

emergence, n, − ви́хід, поява

entire, adj − весь, повний

fascinating, adj − захоплюючий

heat, n, v − теплота, нагрівати

in many respects − у багатьох відношеннях

involve, v − спричиня́ти, включити

observation, n – спостережеyyz

obtain, v – отримати

overlap,v − частко́во збіга́тися; перекривaти

perceive, v − відчувати, сприймати

phenomenon (phenomena pl), n − явище

predict, v − провіща́ти, передрікати

research, n,v − дослідження, досліджувати

scale, n − масштаб

subatomic particle − субатомна частка

uncover, v − виявля́ти, розкрива́ти пpичинy

Read the following text

Text 1


Physics is one of the most ancient sciences about nature. The word “physics” takes its origin from the Greek word “phewsis” that means nature. It is the science that studies various phenomena in nature: mechanical motion, heat, sound, electricity, magnetism, light etс.

Physics is the truly universal science. It is the rational development of experiments, observations and theories that explain the fundamental structure of all we perceive. From the smallest subatomic particle to the entire Universe, Physics uncovers a picture of the world that is continually changing. The development of other sciences depends in many respects on the knowledge of physical phenomena. For example chemists often use the quantum theory in their researches that was developed by physicists in the 1920's. In medicine, biology, and geology scientists use data obtained by physicists.

Physics divides itself very naturally into two great branches, experimental physics and theoretical physics. The former is the science of making observations and devising experiments which give us accurate knowledge of the actual behaviour of natural phenomena. On the basis of experimental facts theoretical physics formulates laws and predicts the behaviour of natural phenomena.

A physicist usually specializes within one area of physics, though many disciplines overlap. Below there are a few examples of the different areas of physics, with very general definitions.

For example, astrophysics and cosmology are areas of physics that involve the attempt to understand questions about life within a massive cosmological scale. These sciences deal with and study black holes and supernovas. It is the aim of these branches of physics to find out how stars are born, the nature of galaxies and even the beginnings of the universe.

Atomic and nuclear physics has many other subdisciplines, but all in one way or another deal with understanding of the building block of the universe – the atom. Atomic and nuclear physics also has a direct influence on the emergence of quantum physics. This is the branch of physics that is considered the most exciting and fascinating as it attempts to discover how the whole universe works by unlocking the most fundamental levels of matter. Geophysics is the branch of physics that studies different forces like electromagnetism and seismic and radioactive phenomena.

The field of physics lies behind all of our technology. No brief summary could do justice to the topic. As you study physics do not become too distracted by the pretty stones you find. Also do not become discouraged if you trip over a few. Remember you want to see the entire house.

Your door is open. Welcome.


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