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81 .: Back L. Traditional Rwanda: Deconsecrating a Sacred Kingdom.
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82 ., : . . .
. ., 1967, . 2425, 3538.

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85 ., : . . . ., 1983, . 247.

86 Fried M. H. The Evolution of Political Society, . 154174; .
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ning the Concept of Tribe. Essays on the Problem of Tribe. Seattle, 1968,
2348; Southall A. W. The Illusion of Tribe.JAAS. 1970, vol. 5, 1,
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97 . . -
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102 Lenski G. E. Power and Privilege. A Theory of Social Stratification. N. Y.
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107 Cohen R. State Origins: A Reappraisal The Early State, c. 6769.

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109 Hocart A. M. Kings and Councillors. An Essay in Comparative Anatomy
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114 Gardner R., Heider K. G. Gardens, Environment, and Society in the
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117 Wittfogel . Oriental Despotism. A Comparative Study of Total Power.
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"9 Claessen H. J. M. The Early State: A Structural Approach.The Early State, c. 559561.

120 . . ( ). . 1977, 4, . 155168.


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4 .: Balandier G. Sens et puissance. Les Dynamiques sociales. P., 1981,
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5 Maquet J. Pouvoir et societe en Afrique. P., 1970, c. 13.

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. ., 1982, . 207252; . . ,
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8 Naroll R. On Ethnic Unit Classification.CA. 1964, vol. 5, 4, c. 283
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17 ., : Nadel S. F. The Theory of Social Structure. L., 1957,
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21 . ., . . , . 2426;
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son S. L., New York San Francisco, 1975, c. 720.

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27 Sahlins M. D. The Segmentary Lineage, c. 334.

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. . 7. . II, 1969, . 10.

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nation. L., 1953, c. 200, 201, 233.

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. ., 1982, . 85107; Chittick N. The Shirazb Colonisation of the
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33 Maquet J. The Premise of Inequality in Ruanda. A Study of Political
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35 Southall A. W. Alur Society..., c. 242; . Rank and Stratification
Among the Alur and Other Nilotic Peoples. Social Stratification in Africa.
Ed. Tuden A., Plotnikov L. N. Y., 1970, c. 3146.

36 . . ..., . 101;
Southall A. W. Alur Society..., . 249; Service E. R. Origins of the State and
Civilisation. The Process of Cultural Evolution. N. Y., 1975, c. 64.

37 Cohen R'., Middleton J. Introduction. From Tribe to Nation in Africa.
Ed. Cohen R., Middleton J. Scranton, 1970, c. 1217.

38 Leach E. R. Political Systems of Highland Burma, c. 9, 106107,

39 .: . . ,
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. 7, 40, 72; . . -
. ., 1983, . 118120.

40 Leach E. R. Political Systems of Highland Burma, . 107.

41 Smith M. G. Pluralism in Precolonial African Societies. Pluralism in

Africa. Ed. Kuper L., Smith M. G. Berkeley, 1971, c. 9397. - .: . . ..., . 243 ( , , ).

42 Smith M. G. Pluralism in Precolonial African Societies, . 97.

43 .: . ., . .
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44 .: . ., . . :
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. 1718.

45 .: Pageard R. Note sur le peuplement du pays de Segou JSA. 1961,
t. XXXI, fasc. 12, c. 8390.

46 Barth F. Introduction, c. 17. *

47 . . . ., 1979, . 7884;
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48 - , .
. . . 2- . . 46. . I, . 466.

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Society. Essays on the Problem of Tribe, c. 320; . The Notion of Tribe. Menlo Park, 1975; Bessac F. Cultunit and Ethnic Unit. Essays on the Problem of Tribe, c. 5871; Hytnes D. Linguistic Problems of Defining the Concept of Tribe.^- Essays on the Problem of Tribe, c. 2348; Gearing F. Sovereignities and Jural Communities in Political Evolution. Essays on Problem of Tribe, c. 111119; Lewis H. S. Typology and Process in Political Evolution.Essays on Problem of Tribe, c. 101110; Cohen R., Schlegel A. The Tribe as a Socio-Political Unit. A Cross-Cultural Examination. Essays on Problem of Tribe, c. 120149; Cohen R., Middleton J. Introduction.From Tribe to Nation in Africa, c. 510; Southall A. W. The Illusion of Tribe JAAS. 1970, vol. 5, c. 2850; Berndt R. M. Territoriality and the Problem of Demarcating Sociocultural Space. Tribes and Boundaries in Australia. Canberra, 1976, c. 133161.

63 .: . . [. .: Fried M. H. The Notion of Tribe].HAA.
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. . 1984, 4, . 61.

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70 Zamani. A Survey of East African History. Nairobi, 1971, c. 8283.

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73 Nadel S. F. A Black Byzantium, c. 115116, 121122; . The Foundations of Social Anthropology. L., 1953, c. 149.


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