1. Jane said: “What are you writing?”
2. “Have you finished your project?” they asked me.
3. He said to the shop assistant: “How much does it cost?”
4. They asked: “What time will the plain arrive?”
5. She asked: “How long have you been waiting for your director?”
6. I asked my secretary: “When did you telephone me?”
7. Kate asked: “Are you seeing the manager tomorrow?”
8. She asked me: “When will you go to the USA?”
9. I asked him: “Where did you stay in London?”
Вправа 4. Відновіть пряму мову в реченнях.
1. We asked if they had taken the sick man to hospital.
2. I asked my friend if he had a mobile phone.
3. I wanted to know when he had bought a car.
4. I asked him if his boss had promoted him.
5. I asked the General Manager how long he had been working for this corporation.
6. We asked the girl if her mother was still in France.
7. They asked the Finance Manager what sort of work he did.
Вправа 5. Перекладіть англійською мовою.
1. Він спитав мене: „Ти був сьогодні в офісі?” 2. Вони спитали його: „Яку зарплатню ти отримуєш?” 3. Коли я зателефонував своїм батькам, я спитав: „Де ви були вчора?” 5. Сестра спитала мене: „Чому ти не готуєшся до іспитів?” 6. Я спитав: „Ти не знаєш о котрій починається нарада?” | Він спитав мене, чи я був сьогодні в офісі. Вони спитали його, яку зарплатню він отримує. Коли я зателефонував своїм батькам, я спитав, де вони були вчора. Сестра спитала мене, чому я не готуюся до іспитів. Я спитав, чи не знає він о котрій починається нарада. |
Оберіть правильний варіант відповіді.
1. He said it ………. difficult to go back.
a) will be b) would be
2. They told us they ………. on November 11.
a) were leaving b) are leaving
3. He said he ………. examined by a good doctor.
a) has been b) had been
4. I asked Nick if he ………. at home at 4 o’clock.
a) would be b) will be
5. He told me that he ………. to ring me up in time.
a) hadn’t been able b) haven’t been able
6. She asked her sister if the rain ……….
a) will stop b) had stopped
7. She asked me where I ……….
a) lived b) am living
8. When he ………. that his son always ………. excellent marks, he ………. very pleased.
a) learnt/ received/ was b) learnt/ receives/ is
9. I was afraid, you ………. fall and break your leg.
a) will b) would
10. The delegates were told that the guide just ………. out and ………. back in some minutes.
a) had gone/ would be b) had gone/ will be
unit V. Умовні речення (Conditional sENTENCES)
В англійській мові існує три основних типи умовних речень:
- умовні речення першого типу (First Conditional);
- умовні речення другого типу (Second Conditional);
- умовні речення третього типу (Third Conditional).
Умовні речення першого типу (First Conditional) | |
if + Present Simple | Future |
If you come at 9, Якщо ти прийдеш о 9, If the weather is fine, Якщо погода буде гарною, | I will be ready to start. я буду готовий вирушати. we will play in the yard. ми будемо грати надворі. |
Умовні речення другого типу (Second Conditional) | |
if + Past Simple | would/ could/ might+ indefinite infinitive |
If you came at 9, Якби ти прийшов о 9, If the weather was fine, Якби погода була гарною, (сьогодні, завтра) | I would be ready to start. я був би готовий вирушати. we would play in the yard. ми б гралися надворі. |
Умовні речення третього типу (Third Conditional) | |
if + Past Perfect | would/ could/ might+ perfect infinitive |
If you hadcome at 9, Якби ти прийшов о 9, (вчора) If the weather had been fine Якби погода була гарною, (вчора) | I would have been ready to start. я був би готовий вирушати. we would have played in the yard. ми б гралися надворі. |
Вправа 1. Розкрийте дужки, утворюючи First, Second та Third Conditional для кожного речення. Перекладіть речення.
1. What you (to do), if they (to tell) you to leave?
2. If I (to want) your help, I (to ask) you.
3. If we (to understand) the problem, we (to find) the solution.
4. If you (to find out) the truth, you (to be) happy.
5. If you (not to work) systematically, you (to fail) your exams.
6. He (to try) to enter the University, if he (to know) mathematics.
7. If you (to return) earlier, we (to watch) a new film together.
8. If you (to be) free, I (to come) to see you.
Вправа 2. Перекладіть англійською мовою, вживаючи First Conditional.
1. Я подзвоню вам наступного тижня, якщо матиму час.
2. Якщо пальто коштуватиме дуже дорого, я куплю інше.
3. Якщо я ляжу спати раніше, я почуватимусь значно краще.
4. Якщо ти не будеш добре вчитись, ти не складеш іспит з іноземної мови.
5. Якщо генеральний директор не зможе прийняти мене зараз, я прийду іншим разом.
6. Що ти робитимеш, якщо запізнишся на літак?
7. Ми не встигнемо підготуватися до наради, якщо комп’ютер не полагодять протягом дня.
8. Якщо я матиму гроші, я обов’язково куплю акції цієї компанії.
Вправа 3. Перекладіть англійською мовою, вживаючи Second Conditional.
1. Якби ти слухав поради лікарів, то одужав би набагато швидше.
2. Вона була б щасливою, якби вся її родина зібралася сьогодні разом.
3. Компанія заробляла б більше грошей, якби керівник був більш кваліфікованим спеціалістом.
4. Якби ми мали час, я б розповів тобі набагато більше.
5. Якби ти не жив в цій країні, де б ти хотів жити?
6. Якби вона знала іноземну мову, вона б могла отримати підвищення.
7. Якби секретар була на місці, вона б допомогла директору знайти річний звіт компанії.
8. Якби ви були уважними, ви не робили б стільки помилок.
Вправа 4. Перекладіть англійською мовою, вживаючи Third Conditional.
1. Якби вони захотіли, вони б провели на морі ще декілька днів.
2. Якби ви попросили нас раніше, ми змогли б позичити вам трохи грошей.
3. Він би зміг працювати на цій посаді, якби він отримав вищу освіту.
4. Якби він склав іспит з іноземної мови, він би вступив до університету.
5. Я б не порадив вам працювати на цій фірмі, якби знав, що вона на межі банкрутства.
6. Ми б не користувалися послугами цієї туристичної компанії, якби знали, кому вона належить.
7. Вона не інвестувала б ці гроші в новий банк, якби не знала, що отримає прибуток дуже скоро.
8. Я підвіз би тебе, якби моя машина не зламалася два дні тому.
Вправа 5. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова у потрібній формі.
1. If you give me your address, I (to write) you a letter.
2. If my sister (to be) in trouble, I will help her of course.
3. My father would have more free time if he (not to read) so many newspapers.
4. If I don’t manage to finish my article today, I (to stay) at home tomorrow.
5. If she (not to read) so much, she wouldn’t be so clever.
6. If it (to rain), we will have to stay at home.
7. If I (not to be) present at the lesson, I would not have understood this difficult rule.
8. If we (to have) this rare book, we would lend it to your son.
9. If he (to be) more courageous, he would not be afraid.
10. If he did not live in Ukraine, we (not to meet) so often.
11. If he reads fifty pages a day, his vocabulary (to increase) greatly.
12. If we had money, we (to buy) the shares of this corporation.
13. If she were promoted, she (to get) higher salary.
14. If I were you, I (to visit) this museum.
15. If you (not to miss) the plain, you would arrive in time.
16. If it (to snow), the children will play snowballs.
Вправа 6. Розкрийте дужки, вживаючи дієслова у потрібній формі.
1. If it (to rain) tomorrow, our game will be cancelled.
2. If she had known it was going to snow, she (to take) her umbrella.
3. If we had been in the good mood, we (to go) to the theatre last night.
4. If my cactus plant (not to have) a rare disease, it wouldn’t have died.
5. If the students had been trying harder, he (to succeed).
6. If you had been feeling well, you (to be) in class yesterday.
7. If her alarm clock (to ring), she wouldn’t have been on time for the work this morning.
Вправа 7. Утворіть умовне речення.
Part 1 Example: I want to call Helen but I don’t know her
telephone number and can’t do it.
If I knew her telephone number, I would call her.
1. They don’t visit us very often because they live abroad.
2. I’m not going to buy this car because it is too expensive.
3. I can’t meet you next Friday because I have to work.
4. We can’t have a meeting in the conference-hall because it is being repaired.
5. She is very fat because she eats a lot and doesn’t take any exercise.
Part 2 Example: Last month Tom was ill. We didn’t know this, so
we didn’t go to see him.
If we had known that Tom were ill, we would
have come to see him.
1. I was able to by a new house because the bank lent me the money.
2. The accident happened because the driver in front stopped so suddenly.
3. Mother didn’t wake me because she didn’t know I wanted to get up early.
4. He didn’t buy a new mobile phone because he didn’t have enough money.
5. The child wasn’t injured in the crash because he was wearing a seat-bell.
Оберіть правильний варіант відповіді.
1. If they ………., they would have come to the party last week.
a) were invited
b) had been invited
2. If you ………. how to play, I will explain the rules to you.
a) don’t know
b) didn’t know
3. If he had told us it was her birthday, we ………. him a birthday present.
a) would bring
b) would have brought
4. If I ………. more time, I would read more books.
a) have
b) had
5. If our TV had been working, we ………. the Prime Minister speech last night.
a) would be watching
b) would have been watching
6. If I won a million euro, I ………. it as fast as possible.
a) would spend
b) will spend
7. I am sorry that you do not read Russian novels; if you read them,
I ………. you some interesting ones.
a) will lend
b) would lend
8. Let’s go inside. If the evening ………. so dark and rainy, we would continue to walk.
a) is not
b) were not
9. If Mike saw a car crash, he ………. the police and ……… people in the cars.
a) would call / help
b) would have called / have helped
10. I my parents ………. good seats, they would have enjoyed the play.
a) had
b) had had
Unit VI. Питальні речення (QUESTIONS)
За характером запитання і потрібної на нього відповіді в англійській мові розрізняють чотири типи питальних речень:
Ø загальні запитання (general questions),
Ø спеціальні запитання (special questions),
Ø альтернативні запитання (alternative questions),
Ø розділові запитання (disjunctive questions).
Загальні питання потребують відповіді yes або no:
Do you like coffee? | Yes, I do. No, I do not. | Тобі подобається кава? |
Загальні запитання починаються з допоміжного або модального дієслова, після якого стоїть підмет, а потім основне дієслово.
Are you coming today? | Ти прийдеш сьогодні ввечері? |
Have you finished your article? | Ти закінчив свою статтю? |
Can I help him? | Дозвольте йому допомогти? |
Do they play the piano? | Вони грають на піаніно? |
Спеціальні запитання – запитання до окремих членів речення. Вони починаються питальними словами what – що, який; who – хто; where – де, куди; when – коли та ін.
Серед спеціальних запитань розрізняють:
- запитання до підмета і його означення,
- запитання до інших членів речення.
У спеціальних запитаннях, які стосуються до підмета або його означення, порядок слів, як у розповідному реченні, допоміжне дієслово to do в Present Simple та Past Simple не вживається. Якщо питальне слово є підметом, то після нього, як і в розповідному реченні, стоїть присудок.
Who buys shares? Хто купує акції?
Якщо питальне слово – означення до підмета, після нього безпосередньо ставиться підмет, а потім присудок.
Whose partners are expаnding their business? | Чиї партнери розширюють їхній бізнес? |
У запитаннях до різних членів речення після питального слова порядок слів такий самий, як у загальних запитаннях: допоміжне або модальне дієслово, підмет, основне дієслово, інші члени речення.
Where do you live? | Де ви живете? |
What did you do after meeting? | Що ви робили після зустрічі? |
When do you have an interview? | Коли у вас співбесіда? |
Альтернативні запитання – це питання вибору. Вони складаються з двох частин, з’єднаних сполучником or. Альтернативні запитання можуть мати структуру як загальних, так і спеціальних запитань. Якщо альтернативне запитання не відноситься до підмета, воно вимагає повної відповіді.
Is he a doctor or a banker? Where does he work in the insurance company or in the bank? | Він лікар або банкір? Де він працює: в страховій компанії або в банку? |
Якщо альтернативне запитання стосується до підмета, то допоміжне або модальне дієслово вживається також і перед другим підметом. Таке запитання вимагає короткої відповіді.
Do you study there or does your friend? – My friend does. | Ви там навчаєтесь чи ваш друг? – Мій друг. |
Розділове запитання – складається з двох частин. Перша частина – розповідне речення у стверджувальній або заперечній формі, друга – коротке загальне запитання, що складається з підмета, вираженого особовим займенником, який відповідає підмету першої частини, та допоміжного або модального дієслова. Якщо присудком першої частини є дієслово в Present Simple або Past Simple (крім дієслів to be і to have), в другій частині вживаються відповідні форми допоміжного дієслова to be.
Якщо перша частина розділового запитання має стверджувальну форму, то в другій частині вживається заперечна форма, а після заперечної першої частини друга частина має стверджувальну форму.
You have brought your report with you, haven’t you? | Ви принесли свій звіт, чи не так? |
You haven’t seen him yet, have you? | Ви ще не бачили його, чи не так? |
But she knows English very well, doesn’t she? | Але вона знає англійську дуже гарно, правда? |
Вправа 1. Дайте відповіді на запитання.
1. Have you moved yet?
2. Is there somebody in the office?
3. Did you meet our Finance Manager on the meeting?
4. Was she upset?
5. Do you think I am getting older and better specialist?
6. Are you a new personal assistant?
7. Has he established a new construction company?
8. Will you be flying to Italy this time next week?
9. Do you know what happened on the stock exchange last Tuesday?
10. Have they signed an agreement?
11. Is Ann coming to the meeting?
Вправа 2. Дайте відповіді на спеціальні запитання.
1. Where is Paul getting married?
2. What have you done now?
3. When did you start your advertising campaign?
4. How many shares do you have?
5. Which road leads to the Central Bank?
6. What are you talking about?
7. What can they do?
8. Why did he disappear so quickly?
9. What makes you think it is not genuine?
10. Where are your headquarters situated?
11. Where is the post office?
12. What qualifications do you need?
13. How much does it cost to park here?
14. Why didn’t you come to the annual meeting?
15. What time did the train leave?
16. Where can you change some money?
17. What time is it?
18. When will our new partners arrive?
19. Where are you going?
20. What is stock exchange market?
Вправа 3. Допишіть речення.
1. Things can’t go on like this, ……….?
2. Something is going to happen, ……….?
3. His managerial style is very unusual, ……….?
4. You believe me, ……….?
5. It came to the same at the end, ……….?
6. It is early to start an annual meeting, ………?
7. You won’t refuse, ……….?
8. We must be very businesslike, ……….?
9. You like this car, ……….?
10. We have finished our negotiations, ……….?
Вправа 4. Дайте відповіді на альтернативні запитання.
1. Tell me about the pain. Is it short and sharp, or steady and dull?
2. Are you a scientist or a humanitarian?
3. Where are we meeting at the office or at the hotel?
4. Is he coming back today or tomorrow?
5. Has he bought a new car or a new motorbike?
6. Did she go shopping yesterday or did her mother?
7. Will she give it up or will she try to carry it through?
8. Do you want us to find out the real criminal or not?
9. Will we take cold tongue or cold ham?
10. What are the lights like here, strong or dim?
Вправа 5. Поставте якомога більше різних типів запитань до кожного речення.
1. At that moment an extraordinary sound was heard just outside the house.
2. She seemed a little depressed at this news.
3. She stands looking for keys in her handbag.
4. The telephone began to ring outside, and she went to answer it.
5. They met him in the café in front of their new office.
6. Invitations have been sent to all student to be present at the university’s thirties anniversary.
7. The people looked at the little boy with interest.
8. He has been told everything, so he knows what to do now.
9. This name was seldom mentioned in her novels.
10. I have never been to Hermitage.
11. When Peter came home, his sister was watching a film which he brought her 2 days ago.
12. It was nine o’clock in the morning and time for me to go to work.
13. The project was finished in time.
14. They showed them the nearest way to the bank.
15. We examined the paper attentively.
Вправа 6. Складіть питальні речення.
1. (where / Mike and his wife / live?) ……….. – “In New York.”
2. (how long / they / live there?) ……….. – “10 years”
3. (what / Mike / do?) ……….. – “He is a lawyer.”
4. (he / enjoy his job?) ……….. – “Yes.”
5. (they / have / children?) ……….. – “Son and daughter.”
6. (how old / be / their children) ……….. – “Son is 5 years and daughter is 12.”
7. (they / have / a car?) ……….. – “Yes.”
8. (how much / it / cost?) ……….. – “20,000 $.”
9. (when / they / buy / it?) ……….. – “This year.”
Вправа 7. Утворіть спеціальні питання з who та what.
Example: He hit me. – Who hit you?
I hit him. – Who did you hit?
1. Something happened. – What ……….?
2. My boss lives in this house. – Who ……….?
3. Paul gave me this key. – What ……….?
4. This word means something. – What ……….?
5. I meet my friend every day. – What ……….?
1. Оберіть правильний варіант відповіді.
1. When was the Bank of England founded?
a) The Bank of England was founded in 1694.
b) The Bank of England was founded іn Great Britain.
2. Whom were these letters written by?
a) These letters were written three weeks ago.
b) These letters were written by my friend.
3. What was he doing at ten o’clock last night?
a) He was translating an article.
b) I was translating an article.
4. Did you have a photograph of your son with you?
a) Yes, I had a photograph of my son with me.
b) Yes, I have a photograph of my son with me.
5. Where is Nick?
a) He is playing tennis.
b) He plays tennis well.
2. Поставте запитання до слова, виділеного курсивом.
1. We get up at seven o’clock.
2. They are working in the garden.
3. We will come again next year.
4. I am translating the article.
5. He has already seen this play.
6. They have been waiting for him for 15 minutes.
7. He says he has left his car in the yard.
8. I know he will come in time.
9. I am a General Manager of the Private Bank.
10. We went home because it was too late.
11. He is writing a letter to his partner.
12. The old man invited me to have dinner with him.
13. That evening was very pleasant.
14. I bought some shares of a foreign company yesterday.
15. He was preparing the annual report, when I came.
16. Our train starts late in the evening.
17. My salary is about 20 000 $ per year.
18. I was promoted last week.
Unit VII. Complex Object
Об’єктний інфінітивний зворот (комплекс)
Об’єктний інфінітивний зворот (складний додаток) складається з іменника або займенника (me, you, him, her, it, us, them) та інфінітива, здебільшого у неозначеній чи пасивній формі.
Цей комплекс виконує у реченні функцію складного додатка. На українську мову він перекладається переважно підрядним додатковим реченням.
I want him to help me. | Я хочу, щоб він допоміг мені. |
I expect him to come here. | Я очікую, що він прийде сюди. |
He wants the goods to be loaded at once. | Він хоче, щоб товари були завантажені одразу ж. |
She wanted me to come on Sunday. | Вона хотіла, щоб я прийшов у неділю. |
Вживання Complex Object.
A | to like to prefer to want to know to expect would like to think to believe to know | me you him her it us them Ann smb smth | to do smth (to be done) | ü I would like you to be invited to the concert. – Я б хотів, щоб тебе запросили на концерт. ü I expect the letters to be sent. – Я очікую, що листи відправлять. ü I want you to tell the truth. – Я хочу, щоб ти сказав правду. |
В | to order to allow to forbid to permit to command to ask | me you him her it us them Ann smb smth | to do smth (to be done) | ü The manager ordered the goods to be ensured. – Менеджер наказав, щоб товари були застраховані. ü The captain ordered the sailors to load the cases. – Капітан наказав матросам завантажувати ящики. ü She asked them to come. – Вона попросила їх прийти. |
С | to see to hear to feel to watch to notice | me you him her it us them Ann smb | do smth doing smth (якщо дія тривала) | ü I saw her enter the office. –Я бачив, що вона увійшла до офісу. ü I saw her entering the office. – Я бачив, як вона входила до офісу. ü I heard her sing. – Я чув, як вона співає. ü I’ve neverseen him smile. – Я ніколи не бачив, як він посміхається. |
D | to let to make to have | me you him her it us them Ann smb | do smth | ü Let her tell you about it. – Дозвольте їй розповісти вам про це. ü Don’t make me meet this customer again. – Не змушуй мене знов зустрічатися з цим покупцем. ü The teacher made us learn the text by heart. –Викладач змусив нас вивчити текст напам’ять. |
Вправа 1. Перекладіть на українську мову такі речення, вживаючи Complex Object.
1. They want us to call them tomorrow.2. I would like you to wait for me here.3. He wants his son to become a doctor.4. He wants to be sent to the conference in London.5. She wanted to be invited to the party.6. We don’t want to be interrupted.7. Do you want me to help you?8. I want them to publish my article.9. The doctor doesn’t want me to go to the north.10. He wants us to sign the contract.11. She doesn’t like the children to do their lessons in the evening.12. He likes dinner to be in time.13. I have never heard him speak French.14. He didn’t hear me knock at the door.15. I heard her ask him about it.16. I have never seen him swim.17. She saw him come into the house and went downstairs to meet him.18. They noticed a taxi stop at the door.19. Nobody noticed her leave the room.20. I felt somebody touch my arm.21. We want you to explain us this rule once more and give us a few examples.22. Where do you want me to wait for you?23. Does he want us to be here at six o’clock?24. I want you to go to the office and speak to the manager about it.25. Don’t make me eat this soup.26. Please, let us go.
Вправа 2. Вставте “to”, де необхідно.
1. Make him … speak louder.2. Help me … carry this bag.3. My son asked me … let him … go to the theater.4. She asked me... read the letter carefully and … write an answer.5. The man told me not … walk on the grass.6. Let me … help you with your work.7. We had better … stop to rest a little.8. I don’t know what … do.9. He was seen … leave the house.10. We heard the siren … sound and saw the ship… sail off.11. I cannot … go there now, I have some work … do.12. During the crossing the passengers left the ship... toss.13. You must make him … practice an hour a day.14. She was made … repeat the song.
Вправа 3. Складіть по п’ять речень з кожної таблиці та перекладіть їх на українську мову.
I He/She You We They | saw heard watched noticed | him her them you the girl | enter the house. leave the room. play chess. type the letter. speak to the manager. |
I He/She You We They | made let caused forced | him them you me | learn the words by heart. check the figures again. go home. sign the contract. buy these goods. |
I He/She You We They | want(s) wanted like(s) would like | her them you me the employees | to become a manager. to work here. to speak two languages. to work overtime. to stay here. |
I He/She You We They | expect(s) expected | him them me you us | to come back at five. to help them. to arrive on Monday. to gain the market share. to answer the letter at once. |
I He/She You We They | considered believed thought knew supposed | him you us them me | to be brave. to be an honest man. to be lazy. to be about twenty-five. to be a good director. |
Вправа 4. (a) Закінчіть речення, вживаючи складний додаток.
“Bring me the contract”, said my director to me. → My director wanted me to bring him the contract.
1. The manager said to the employees: “Learn the rules of the company!” – The manager wanted……………………………………..
2. “Wait for me after the meeting”, said Ann to me. – Ann wanted………………………………………………………………….
3. “Be careful, or else you will spill the coffee”, said my friend to her. – My friend didn’t want ……………………………………………….
4. “Fix the photocopying machine”, my boss said to me. – My boss wanted …………………………………………………………………
5. “Translate these documents”, the director told me. – The director wanted …………………………………………………………………
(b) Перепишіть речення, вживаючи складний додаток замість підрядних речень.
I expect that she will send me a letter. – I expect her to send me a letter.
I know that he is a great manager. – I know him to be a great manager.
1. I expect that he will understand your problem and help you to solve it.
2. I expect that she would behave quite differently.
3. I know that my friend is a very kind man.
4. People expect that the 21st century will bring peace on the earth.
5. I know that your professor is an excellent mathematician.
(c) Перефразуйте речення, вживаючи складний додаток з інфінітивом.
He dropped his bag. I saw it. – I saw him drop his bag.
1. Jane saw her neighbor. He opened the door of his flat and went in.
2. I heard him. He shut the door of the study.
3. I noticed that she went up and spoke to the stranger.
4. She bent and picked up something from the floor. I saw it.
5. They turned the corner and disappeared. We watched them.
Вправа 5. Перефразуйте речення, вживаючи складний додаток замість підрядних речень.
1. I should like to see how he would say it to my face. 2. I expect that you will join our excursion. 3. We had not expected that she would reply, but she did. 4. We knew that he was a clever man. 5. I don't like it that you repeat this nonsense. 6. I hate it when people speak so cynically. 7. We expect that everybody will be ready by seven. 8. They showed themselves even more narrow-minded than we had expected they would be. 9. I felt that somebody touched me lightly on the shoulder. 10. We did not expect that he would return so soon. 11. He heard that someone called his name. 12. He hated it when people argued about trifles. 13. I saw that the telegraph boy handed the cable to the man. 14. They heard how the woman uttered a little exclamation.
Test (Complex Object)
Оберіть правильний варіант відповіді.
1. Teddy’s words made me (feel) uncomfortable. | ||
a) to feel | b) feeling | c) feel |
2. Mr. Smith allowed his guests (smoke) in the office. | ||
a) to smoke | b) smoking | c) smoke |
3. Has the secretary come yet? I want my papers (type). | ||
a) to type | b) be typed | c) to be typed |
4. I watched them (discuss) their new business plan. | ||
a) discussed | b) to discuss | c) discussing |
5. There wasn’t much traffic in the street and I saw a little girl (cross) the road. | ||
a) crossed | b) cross | c) to cross |
6. I have never heard Helen (sing). | ||
a) sang | b) sings | c) singing |
7. Mary would like her brother (become) an economist. | ||
a) to become | b) become | c) became |
8. We expected Harrison (arrive) later than usual. | ||
a) to arrive | b) arrive | c) arrived |
9. What makes you (do) such rash actions? | ||
a) do | b) to do | c) doing |
10. She wanted them (read) that book. | ||
a) read | b) to read | c) reading |
11. We considered him (be) the best marketer in our team. | ||
a) to be | b) be | c) is |
12. We made our partners (work). | ||
a) working | b) to work | c) work |
13. The manager allowed us (offer) discounts to the clients. | ||
a) offer | b) to offer | c) offering |
14. We heard them (argue). | ||
a) arguing | b) argued | c) were arguing |
15. He saw her (copy) the secret files from his computer. | ||
a) copied | b) copying | c) copies |