


Другие языки
Охрана труда





Electronic Types of Business Correspondence



1 Fax

2 E-mail (electronic mail)

3 Symbolic English

  1. Fax

This type of tele communication service lets to send a message and get back confirmation at once. It’s by phone.

Style of fax messages may be formal and informal, depending on the participants’ relations. But in business it’s more preferable to use formal style.

As a business letter fax is written on a form of a company.

Special elements of the fax

1. Note “ Fax transmission ” under the Sender’s address.

2. Addressee’s dates:

To: name, rank, company


Message for: name, rank, company.

3. Sender’s dates:

From: name, rank, company.

4. Sender’s and addressee’s fax number if the fax isn’t sending on a form of a company which usually contains this information: Fax number: 8-10-101-567-2245.

5. Date of sending:

Date: January 12, 2001.

6. Number of pages, including a cover sheet (заглавная страница)

Number of pages: 5 including this one.

If a fax consists of some pages, numeration of every page should be done in the upper right corner of the page in the ordinal order: 1/5, 2/5, …, 5/5 (the first in five, the second in five, …, the fifth in five).

7. If a fax includes a report, tables or other official documents, a secretary writes on a cover sheet, under Salutation:

Please find enclosed our annual report. (Посылаю Вам наш ежегодный отчет)

Please find attached the updated tables from section 2. (Посылаю Вам уточненные таблицы из раздела 2)



16 Zaslavskaya Str.

Minsk 220043

Republic of Belarus

Phone (Fax): + 375-17-227-6589



Message for: Ms. Julia Collard, secretary, Main Office, School of Business, Essex University, England.

Fax number: 8-10-44-181-893-5516

From: Nikolai Kapustin, Head, International Division.

Date: May 11, 2000

Number of pages: 2 including this one



Dear Ms. Julia Collard,


In accordance with our previous agreement, I am sending you a list of 13 persons (12 students and one professor) who will participate in your school’s summer internship programme in the period of July 5th - 21st.


For us to apply for the UK visas, we need an official letter of invitation (a hard copy) and a letter of support (письмо о визовой поддержке) (by fax) to the UK Embassy in Minsk.


Please find attached the above list with the participant’s surnames, first names and dates of birth on page 2 of this fax.


I look forward to receiving your reply at your earliest convenience.


Yours sincerely,




N. Kapustin


International Division



If you have any difficulty receiving this fax, please contact us on (0 30) 33 44 0. (Просим информировать нас в случае погрешностей передачи по тел. (0 30) 33 44 0. Спасибо.)



The ethics of using E-mail:

  1. Respond to all personal messages promptly.

Even if you have nothing to answer at this moment, just get to know that you’ve received a message:

Thank you for your message. I will get to you ASAP. (Спасибо за Ваше сообщение. Я свяжусь с Вами в ближайшее время.)

Thank you for your suggestion. I am thinking about it. (Спасибо за Ваше предложение. Я обдумываю его.)


  1. Be careful about forwarding personal messages.

Don’t forget that this message has been sent to you personally and think if the sender will appreciate it if you resend this message to smb else.


  1. Check outgoing messages before posting them.

Having pushed the icon “send” you can’t cancel the command or correct smth. That’s why read the text of the message once (twice) more before sending.


  1. Use the subject line to indicate the topic.

It’s important to fill in the subject line, especially when you have many subjects of communication with your business partner. It’s save your and your partner’s time in searching a necessary message. And in this case you may start the body of the letter without any introduction.


  1. Do not overuse conversational openings and closings.
  1. Express “business” requests politely.

Pay attention to the style: it should be not so much formal as neutral in order to establish and maintain good relations between people of different social status.

But in the situation “subordinate boss” it’s necessary to use formal style to:

- avoid to be tiresome (навязчивый);

- give a receiver an option (возможность выбора);

- make a good impression.




  Dear Prof. Nilsson,   Finally, I have prepared something for you to read. I will leave my paper in your mailbox some time tomorrow. Hope you’ll be able to give it back to me with your comments by Friday. I’ll then work on it over the week-end (instead of having a good time with my room-mates).     Dear Professor Nilsson,   As we have planned with you, I have completed the work on my paper and would like to leave it in your mailbox tomorrow morning. I would be obliged if you would find time to read it and give your comments some time before the week-end. This would enable me to work on it before submitting (представлять) the final version. Please let me know when I could pick it up.   Thank you.  


  1. Learn common abbreviations.

The most important thing for a sender in using abbreviations is to be understood by a receiver. A list of commonly used abbreviations is long enough. Here are some of them:


Abbreviation   Full form English Full form Russian
ASAP as soon as possible как можно скорее
BTW by the way между прочим
FYI for your information для вашего сведения
RSVP respondez s’il vous plait пожалуйста, ответьте
Mon Monday понедельник



From: Michael Thomas thomas@univprod. york.uk  
To:   Date: Advance Reservations. Hotel Regent. Copenhagen reserve@regent.copenhagen.dk   07.02.02
Subject: Reservation     Please reserve a single room with bath from the evening of August 18th to August 25th 2002. A quiet room on a lower floor away from the street is preferred. Please confirm as soon as possible and inform me if a deposit is required.   Thank you, M. Thomas. Sales division. Universal products. York

New words to be read properly and learnt by heart:


Wind out the meaning of the following abbreviations and learn them by heart


ASAP as soon as possible как можно скорее
BTW by the way между прочим
FYI for your information для вашего сведения
RSVP respondez s’il vous plait пожалуйста, ответьте
AGM annual general meeting ежегодное общее собрание
a/c account счет
c/o care of через, по адресу
d/d days after date через…дней от сего числа
с./ca. circa около
approx. approximately примерно
Bdy. broadway британское и американское обозначение улиц
Сres. crescent британское обозначение улиц
dep. deparure вылет, отправление
EMS European Monetary System европейская валютная система
E.O.M. end of month конец месяца
ETA estimated time of arrival назначенное время прибытия
i.e. id est. that is to say то есть
etc. et cetera, and so on и так далее
e.g. exempli gratia for example например
incl. including включая
IOW “I owe you” долговая расписка
lbs pound(s) Фунт
M.O. money order денежный перевод
MS (MV) motor ship (motor vessel) теплоход
O/O to the order of по поручению кого-либо
p.a. per annum в год
pc(s) piece(s) штука
pd paid оплаченный
recd. received полученный
regd. registered зарегистрированный
sgd. signed подписано, подпись
v. vide смотри
q.v. quod vide касательно этого смотри




Moscow city “______” February 2012 year.


We, the undersigned, ________________, hereinafter referred to as the "Employer" in the person of _____________ acting in conformity with ________________, on the one part, and citizen of the Russian Federation _______________, passport number __________________, hereinafter referred to as the "Employee", hereinafter referred to as Parties, have concluded the present Contract on the terms and conditions as stated below:

The Agreement Subject


1.1 The present Agreement regulates the Labor relationship between the Employee and the Employer

1.2 The Employee is employed on a position of

“ Administration Senior Manager ”

(to point out position, profession, qualification)

1.3 The place of work is _______________________________________

(name of the corresponding department)

1.4 The work according to the present Agreement is

(X) the main working place of the Employee

() a combining with other work

Duration of Employment


2.1. The present Agreement is effective from “ ___”. The pointed out date is a date of work starting.

2.2 When concluding the labor Agreement the test period for the Employee is fixed for the period of __ months. The test period is included to the period of validity of the present Agreement, does not break and stop it.

2.2.1. If after the test period expiration the Employer does not issue the order about the Employee discharge from the current position in connection with unsatisfied results of the test and the Employee continues the work he is considered as passed the test and the further Agreement cancellation is allowed basing only on the regulations fixed by the legislation.


2.2.2. In case of the unsatisfied test result on the last day of the test period the Employer issues the order on discharge of the Employee from the position in connection with the unsatisfied test results, the HR department issues the order on discharge and let it know to the Employee taking his sign for it. The Employer is obliged to pay the Employee a salary for the worked time. The present Agreement is considered as cancelled from the date stated in the order.


2.2.3. If during probation period the Employee decides that offered job is not suitable for him, he can terminate the labor Agreement on his own initiative. Party, which terminates the Agreement, must notify the other Party in a written form 3 days before the Agreement is supposed to be terminated.


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