


Другие языки
Охрана труда





Тема 1. Learning Foreign Languages


Для студентів І курсу

Денної форми навчання


Номінація: інноватика в організації

самостійної роботи студентів




Автор: Л.І.Русан, викладач іноземної мови, спеціаліст вищої кваліфікаційної категорії, викладач - методист.

Рецензент: Шкарпітько Н.О., завідувач Ірпінським методичним кабінетом Ірпінського міського відділу освіти.



Анотація: «Практикум з іноземної мови» призначений для студентів 1 курсу денної форми навчання. Його використання у навчальному процесі допоможе студентам самостійно опрацювати, засвоїти та закріпити запропонований лексичний матеріал, сформувати вміння поєднувати теорію з практикою, поглибити знання з іноземної мови, збагатити лексичний запас мовців.

Він містить тексти, діалоги, запитання з урахуванням змісту типової програми з предмета «Іноземна мова» та список рекомендованої літератури.





1. Тема: Learning Foreign Languages  
2. Тема: My Family  
3. Тема: My Pastime  
4. Тема: Art in Ukraine  
5. Тема: Sports and Games in Our Life  
6. Тема: Travelling  
7. Тема: Education in Ukraine  
8. Тема: Public and Private Schools in Great Britain  
9. Тема: Computer Applications  
10.Тема: My Plans for Future  
11.Тема: My College  
12.Тема: The Achievements of Science and Technology in Ukraine  
13.Тема: Holidays in Ukraine  
14.Тема: Health in Our Life  
15. Тема: Harmful Habits  
16. Тема: Mass Media  
17.Тема: My Favourite TV Programme  
18.Тема: My Visit to the Theatre  
19.Тема: Environmental Protection in Ukraine  
20.Тема: The Problems of Youth in Ukraine  
21.Тема: Teenage Life in Great Britain  
Список літератури    




Сучасному фахівцеві будь-якого рівня для професійної мобільності та конкурентоспроможності на ринку праці недостатньо володіти тільки спеціальними професійними знаннями та навичками. Він повинен орієнтуватися в інформаційному просторі, володіти розвиненою культурою мислення для вирішення професійних завдань діагностичного характеру та системно-аналітичним мисленням, науково-гуманістичним світоглядом, правовою та інформаційною культурою, обов’язково однією з іноземних мов досконало.

Вивчення предмета «Іноземна мова» має важливе значення у підготовці спеціалістів.

Пропонований «Практикум з іноземної мови» призначений для студентів першого курсу освітньо-кваліфікаційного рівня «Молодший спеціаліст».

Його метою є поглиблення знань студентів, збагачення їх словникового запасу новими лексичними одиницями – термінологічною, науковою, стандартною канцелярською лексикою та вдосконалення вміння комунікативно виправдано користуватися засобами англійської мови.

Навчальний матеріал у «Практикумі з іноземної мови» укладено за тематичним принципом, з урахуванням змісту типової програми з предмета «Іноземна мова» та сучасних вимог до організації самостійної роботи студентів. Його використання у навчальному процесі передбачає опрацювання, засвоєння та закріплення студентами вивченого.

Виконання студентами поданих завдань сприятиме і успішному засвоєнню програмного матеріалу з дисципліни «Іноземна мова (за професійним спрямуванням)», що вивчається на 2-3 курсах.



Тема 1. Learning Foreign Languages


I am sure learning foreign languages is very important nowadays. People start learning a foreign language, because they want to have a better job, a possibility to study abroad or take part in international conferences. People want to have a possibility to get a higher education abroad or even start their career there. The most popular among foreign languages are English, German, Italian, French and Spanish.

I have chosen English as a foreign language, because it is the most widespread language on the Earth. About one billion people speak or understand English. English is the language of international communication in many areas of life: trade, tourism and sport. The latest results of scientific investigations are also translated into English. Many books of the best modern writers and poets are translated into English. Sometimes, it is the only way to read and understand the latest works of foreign authors, Japanese or Turkish, for example.

Language is a means of communication. We learn it in order to find new friends abroad and get acquainted with other cultures. Some of my friends have already moved to the USA and Canada. They often write me letters in English and I am glad that I can understand them without anybody's help. This communication helps me to learn new English words and master my speaking skills.

widespread — розповсюджений

communication — спілкування

investigation — розслідування

to get acquainted — познайомитися

to master — удосконалювати

Visiting the USA

—Hello, Yura!

—Hello, Anya!

—Where have you spent your summer holidays this year?

—Well, I have visited some of my relatives and have been to the USA.

—Really? How did you manage to do that?

—You know, I am fond of research work. I have won a scholarship to complete my research in the USA.

—I am very glad for you! Did you manage to find new friends there?

—Of course, I had an excellent opportunity to improve my English with native speakers and learn something new about their country.

—What are you going to do next?

—I am going to work further on my project. I think I will apply for a stipend next year as well.

If you know a foreign language, it is easier to travel and to work on a scien­tific project abroad.

- I fully agree with you.



Тема 2. My Family

Before I start talking about my family let me introduce myself. 1 am Sveta Petrenko. I am 17.1 have left school this year. I was born in Kyiv, so I have been living in Kyiv since my childhood.

And now I am going to tell you about my family. We are a fam­ily of five. We think we are a large and friendly family. So we are happy to be living together and are getting on all right.

To begin with, I am going to talk about my father. His name is Sergey Petrovich, he is 45. He works as a surgeon at a hospital. He is neither old, nor young. He is a good-looking man, handsome, rather: thin with dark brown hair just beginning to go grey. He is a very so­ciable person. What I don't like about my dad is that he is always busy. Very often he works overtime. He is a bread-maker in our family. Heis fond of going to the country at week-ends, because he enjoys work- ] ing in the garden.

My mother's name is Galina Nickolayevna. She is three years younger than my father. She works as a teacher at a nursery school. My mother is rather slim and pretty, she is always elegant and smart.! In short, she is a pleasant-looking woman of about 40. She always has a lot of work to do both at school and about the house. She is fond of her work and spends a lot of time there. But she has to cook the food for the whole family at home. Shopping and cooking is nearly half a day's work for her. But my granny and I are in a habit of helping her about the house.

Boris is my elder brother. He is six years senior to me. So he I is 25 already. He has graduated from the University and he is an economist by profession now. Boris is married. His wife is a jour­nalist. They are three in the family. They have got a child, my nephew. It is a lovely little boy of two with golden hair and dark brown eyes and a spirit that is always bright and happy, full of joy and gaiety.

And finally a few words about my granny. To tell you the truth, she is my best friend. She always listens to my endless stories about rny friends and my school life. She is on a pension now but in her youth and her older age she worked as a teacher in a school. I must admit, she is a very understanding person.

Put it into a few words, we are a united and friendly family.

Word List on the Subject "My Family"

to introduce oneself — знайомити з кимось

to leave school — закінчувати школу

surgeon — хірург

handsome — вродливий (про чоловіка)

sociable — комунікабельний

to work overtime — працювати понаднормово

bread-maker — годувальник

to be fond of — подобатися, вподобати

slim [slim] — стрункий, зграбний

pretty — симпатична, вродлива (про жінку)

elegant ['elegant] — елегантний

smart — добре вдягнений, модний, вишуканий

to be in (to have) a habit of doing smth. — мати звичку поратися

senior ['si:nja] — старший, старше

junior ['d3u:nja] — молодший

to graduate from the University — закінчувати університет

to be married — бути одруженим

nephew ['nevju:] — племінник, небіж

gaiety ['geiti] — веселість

endless — нескінченний

to be on a pension — бути на пенсії, пенсіювати



Тема 3. My Pastime


My name is Ann. I am a student. I am a future economist. As I study at the uni­versity, I do not have much free time. My classes finish at 4 p.m. Then I have to do my homework for the next day. I have a lot of friends at the university and some­times we stay after classes together and help each other with our home tasks. When we are ready with the tasks, we usually visit a cafe. We eat our favourite ice-cream and drink a cup of tea or coffee. On weekends, I have more free time and can visit my friends. We usually go to a disco and have a lot of fun there. Late in the evening, I read a book or watch TV with my family.

On holidays I can meet my friends and relatives more often. I sometimes organize a party for my close friends. I cook something tasty and lay the table. We sit around it, discuss our student life and our plans for future. When the weather is bad, I usually sit on my sofa and call my friends. I like talking on the phone, though my mother doesn't approve of it. She usually says, I should spend more time preparing for my classes. I like my future profession. Economics is my hobby. That's why I sometimes dedicate all my free time to searching for some new information in economics.

favourite — улюблений

on weekends — на вихідних

a relative (s) — родич

to lay the table — накривати на стіл

to discuss — обговорювати

to approve of — схвалювати

to dedicate — присвятити

searching for some new information — пошук нової інформації

Bad Weather

—Hello, Ann!

—Hello, Mariya!

—What are you doing now?

—The weather is bad, so I cannot go for a walk! I am sitting on my sofa and reading a book.

—It has been raining since morning! I cannot enjoy my pastime because of the rain. I tried to watch TV, but there is nothing interesting on.

—What do you usually do, when you have some free time?

—I love walking along the streets with my friends.

—I also like that. I hope, the weather will be fine tomorrow, and we will go for a walk together.

—Nice idea! What if the weather is bad?

—We can speak on the phone and discuss our plans for the coming summer.

—Then we will have a lot of free time for our hobbies!

—See you tomorrow then!

—See you!



My name isYuriy. I study at the university in Donetsk. As I am fond of econom­ics, I study with pleasure. I hardly have free time for my family and friends on week-days. I often dedicate all my time after classes to searching for new in­formation in economics. Not all my friends understand it. But sometimes we stay together in the library and help each other with our tasks. It makes the work easier.

On weekends I have more time for my hobbies. These are computers and sport. We often gather together with my friends and play computer games. As I often win, I like to spend my pastime with my friends in a computer club. When the weather is fine, I often play football with my friends in the open air. I am always in a good mood and feel healthy after the game. Sometimes we organize a party or go to a disco.I am not very good at dancing, but it helps me to relax after classes. Sometimes I spend my pastime with my family.Our relatives come to our home and we enjoy talking to each other and discussing our plans for the future. Most of all I like summer holidays as I can have fun every day and enjoly life as it is.

Тема 4. Art in Ukraine


Ukrainian nation is very talented. Ukrainians have created many masterpieces in music, painting, cinema and theatre arts.

Music is one of the oldest arts in Ukraine. Ukrainians are known as a musical people with a lot of folk-songs. Now there are 6 opera houses, 3 operettas and many song-and-dance groups. Ukrainian orchestras, choirs and performers often appear on tours in Europe, Asia and the USA. The pop music is rather developed in Ukraine. Pop singers like T. Povalii, I. Shynkaruk, S. Rotaru, and I. Bilyk are known in Ukraine and abroad.

The oldest paintings in Ukraine are frescoes. Some of them are about a thousand years old. Famous frescoes of St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv attract many tourists from Ukraine and abroad. Some Ukrainian painters are also famous all over the world. Among them is Ilia Repin (1844—1930). Many of his works show his love to Ukraine, its people, and its history. Among them there is a famous painting "The Zhaporozhian Cossacks write a letter to the Turkish Sultan" He also painted many portraits of Russian and Ukrainian famous people, like T. Shevchenko, M. Kosto-marov and others.

Ukrainian theatre became popular during the 19th century. From the end of the 18th century Ukrainian landlords organized theatres at their estates. The Ukrainian plays were performed by serfs. Nowadays the Ukrainian theatre is also very popular Among theatre stars are B. Stupka, A. Rogovtseva.


a choir — хор

a serf — кріпак

folk-songs — народні пісні

a portrait — портрет

a masterpiece — шедевр


Ukrainian Art

— Hi, Dima!

— Glad to see you, Pasha!

— Did you know, there will be a concert of a pop singer Irina Bilyk?

— Really! That's one of my favourite singers!

— She has a single concert in Kyiv!

— Yes, Ukrainian pop singers as well as many Ukrainian orchestras and choii often appear on tours in Europe, Asia and the USA.

— That means that Ukrainian music art is popular not only in Ukraine.

— Ukrainian people have always been very talented.

— I know a lot of Ukrainian actors, who are well-known in the world.

— And painters, for example, Ilia Repin. His painting "The Zhaporozhian Cossacks write a letter to the Turkish Sultan" is very famous.

— Lets hope, that Ukrainian art will be developed and popular for many


— I hope so. See you at the concert!

— See you later!

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