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Многозначность отдельных слов

Значения слов since, as, for, that

Основные значения слова since:

1) предлоги ‘с’, ‘со времени’;

2) союзы:

а) ‘с тех пор как’;

б) ‘так как’, ‘поскольку’;

3) наречие ‘с тех пор’.





Упр. 148. Переведите предложения, определяя значения since.


1. This method of mixing has been used since the days of World War II. 2. Since she has been in Britain, her English has got better and better. 3. This process was developed twenty years ago, since then it has been used in many coun­tries. 4. Where have you been? I've been waiting for you here since morning. 5. Since this problem is very complicated, it hasn't been solved yet. 6. He went to England in 1988 and has lived there ever since. 7. Since we have no money we can't buy this book. 8. We met in 1998, but we haven't seen each other since September last year. 9. The burning of fuel is a chemical process, since it changes the fuel into heat, light, gases and ashes. 10. We met her last year at the Browns and I haven't seen her since. 11. Since no point in England is more that seventy miles away from the coast, a large part of its inhabitants had some contacts with the sea. 12. He left for Canada two years ago and I haven't heard of him since.


Основные значения слова as:

1) союзы:

а) ‘когда’, ‘по мере того как’, ‘в то время как’;

б) ‘как’, ‘в качестве’;

в) ‘так как’, ‘поскольку’, ‘ибо’;

2) наречие ‘как’, ‘в качестве’.

As входит также в состав сложных союзов и предлогов и различных словосочетаний; as… as ‘так же… как и’, as well as ‘так же; так же как и’, as soon as ‘как только’, as long as ‘пока’, as if, as though ‘как если бы; как будто’, so as ‘так, чтобы’, as to ‘что касается’, as far as ‘до; насколько’, as much as ‘столько… сколько’, as usual ‘как обычно’ и т. д.





Упр. 149. Переведите предложения, определяя значения as.


1. As the population of large cities continues to grow, the pollution problems get worse. 2. As you know, it's Tom's birthday next week. 3. As he is now eighteen years old he can learn to drive. 4. My brother gave me this watch as a birthday present a long time ago. 5. I'll phone you tomorrow morning, as usual. 6. We watched television all day as we had nothing better to do. 7. You will see my house on the right as you cross the bridge. 8. As I said yesterday, I am thinking of changing my job. 9. As it was a public holiday, all the shops were shut. 10. The train slowed down as it approached the station. 11. As he was busy all the week, he could not answer the letter. 12. Sue has been working as a teacher for the last three years. 13. Turn off the light as you go out. 14. I don't know as much about cars as you do. 15. As it was getting late I decided I should go home. 16. As he was working for the local newspaper, he knew a lot about the town's problems. 17. As the time passed, stone tools were replaced by metal ones. 18. At present plastics as well as metals are widely used in various brances of industry. 19. This motor will supply as much energy as required.



Основные значения слова for:

1) предлог (соответствует различным предлогам и падежным значениям), например: ‘для’, ‘за’, ‘в течение’ и др.;

2) союз ‘так как’, ‘ибо’, ‘поскольку’;

3) составная часть фразовых глаголов (соответствует различным предлогам и падежным значениям: to look for ‘искать что-то/кого-то’, to care for ‘ухаживать за кем-то; интересоваться чем-то; любить что-то’.


Упр. 150. Переведите предложения, определяя значения for.

1. I had enough money to pay for both of us. 2. The windows were open for it was hot. 3. I don' care for pop music, but I like singing old songs. 4. He has been smoking for more than 20 years. 5. I asked him to come for a chat, for I had something to tell him. 6. Moscow Radio has been transmitting its programmes to foreign countries for more than eighty years. 7. I haven't seen her since she left for work in the morning. 8. The experiment was a failure, for the measuring instruments were defective. 9. I looked for the keys but I couldn't find them anywhere. 10. The train was late but nobody knew the reason for the delay. 11. They sent me a cheque for £75. 12. Jane is going away on holiday for two weeks in September. 13. We should create research possibilities for those who have the ability to research work. 14. The train for London is leaving in ten minutes. 15. The calculations were very complicated for the first year students. 16. Einstein's works on relativity were a great surprise for the scientists all over the world.

Основные значения слова that:

1) указательное местоимение ‘тот’, ‘этот’;

2) заместитель существительного – переводится как существительное, которое заменяет, или не переводится совсем;

3) союзное слово ‘который’ (вводит определительное придаточное предложение);

4) союзы:

а) ‘что’, ‘чтобы’ (вводит дополнительные придаточные предложения);

б) ‘то’, ‘что’ (вводит придаточные предложения подлежащие);

в) ‘чтобы’ (вводит обстоятельственные придаточные предложения цели).


Упр. 151. Переведите предложения, определяя значения that.


1. It is indeed very difficult to give a definition of science that will be as broad as we should like. 2. The atoms in metals are packed so closely that it is compar­atively easy for outer electrons to pass from one atom to another if a small force is applied to them. 3. Suppose that we thoroughly mix sulphur and iron. 4. That was an important discovery. 5. It was the periodic table of ele­ments that D. Mendeleyev discovered in 1869. 6. Semi­conductor is often defined as an electric conductor that has a conductivity intermediate between that of an insu­lator and that of a metal. 7. A distinctive feature of semiconductors is that they possess negative temperature coefficient of resistance in some range of temperature. 8. The force that links atoms together to form molecules is called the chemical bond. 9. Perhaps the most important uses of radar are those that give greater reliability to sea and air travel. 10. A tool or a machine must never be used for any purpose other than that for which it is intended. 11. The trouble is that I have lost the letter. 12. The equipment used for this experiment is similar to that used in the test.


Упр. 152. Переведите предложения. Обратите внимание на многозначность выделенных слов.

1. Since diamond is the hardest substance known, it must be polished with diamond dust. 2. Many years have passed since Mendelyeev made his great discovery. 3. Nuclear energy is of great importance, for it can be applied practically in every sphere of life. 4. Copper is the metalcommonly used as a conductor since it combines high conductivity with comparatively low cost. 5. Since acid rains are a major threat to forests, possibilities of preventing them are being worked out. 6. Carbon is one of the most important and inter­esting elements, since its compounds are widely distri­buted in nature and play such an important part in daily life. 7. Since the world resources of fossil fuels are not ever-lasting, man should look for other sources of power. 8. In stretching an elastic object such as a steel spring, for instance, there comes a time when the elastic limit is reached. 9. The international system of measures and weights is called the metric system as it is based on the metre and the kilogramme. 10. As soon as the battery is fully charged it should be removed from the charger. 11. As a result electronic devices are very versatile. 12. Computers are clas­sified as to the functions they can perform. 13. As the frag­ments fly apart, they collide with nearby atoms causing them to move more rapidly. 14. As infra-red rays can be detected by their heat effect, they are sometimes called heat waves. 15. Since gases expand on heating and contract on cooling, it is interesting to consider what will happen as we continue lowering their temperature below 0 °C. 16. As soon as all the sections of the atomic power station were put into operation, it became one of the biggest atomic stations. 17. Atomic as well as conventional power stations are being constructed in many countries. 18. The electron tube is used as a sensitive detector. 19. In many cases the electronic circuit performs the same functions as some mechanical or other type of devices.


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