Усилительно-выделительная конструкция it is... that
В усилительно-выделительной конструкции it is... that помимо that могут использоваться which, who, when. В данном случае для выделения любого члена предложения, кроме сказуемого, используются дополнительные элементы it is и that,которые как бы обрамляют выделяемое слово (ее иногда называют «рамочной» конструкцией). Первый элемент ее – it is – стоит в начале предложения, а второй – that, who, which – может находиться далеко от первого (если выделяемый член предложения имеет определения, иногда даже выраженные придаточными предложениями), что затрудняет обнаружение конструкции.
Можно предложить два способа перевода предложений с такой конструкцией.
а) Найдя второй элемент, всю конструкцию (все три служебных слова) заменить словами типа именно, только, это, как раз, не кто иной как, уже, еще, лишь и продолжать перевод простым предложением, например: It is this last category that is of interest to us ‘ Именно эта последняя категория представляет для нас интерес’; It was not until 1970 that he published his book ‘ И только в 1970 г. он опубликовал свою книгу’; It was he who informed us about the results of their work ‘ Это он сообщил нам о результатах их работы’.
Иногда в самом предложении кроме усилительной конструкции дается усиливающее слово, что при переводе избавляет нас от поиска подходящего слова, например: It is prbecisely this method that he followed ‘ Как раз этот метод он и использовал’; It was not only this value that counted ‘ Не только эта величина имела значение’.
б) Выделяемое слово или группа слов выносятся в конец предложения (без использования дополнительных элементов), так как в русском предложении смысловая нагрузка падает на конец предложения, например: It was Pr. N., who was elected chairman of the session ‘Председателем собрания был избран профессор N. ’.
Таким образом, при выделении члена предложения простое предложение становится сложноподчиненным, в котором грамматическим подлежащим главного предложения является слово it. Определительное придаточное предложение вводится союзными словами who, whom, which, that. Союзные слова who, whom употребляются для определения одушевленных предметов, which – для неодушевленных предметов. Союзное слово that употребляется для определения как одушевленных, так и неодушевленных предметов. Ср.: I read the book yesterday. ‘Я читал книгу вчера’; It was I who read the book yesterday ‘Это я читал книгу вчера’. It was the book that I read yesterday ‘Именно книгу я читал вчера’; It was yesterday that I read the book ‘Как раз вчера я читал книгу’.
Упр. 134. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на усилительную конструкцию.
1. It was in the park that I found them. 2. It was the invention of writing which made schools necessary. 3. It is due to the close cooperation of physicists and chemists that new physical measurements were developed. 4. It was Einstein who provided a new conception of time, space and gravitation. 5. It is atomic electricity that will be the electricity of tomorrow. 6. It is on this square that many historical events took place. 7. It was at 5 o'clock that he finally called us. 8. It is this engineer who helped us in our work. 9. It was last night that they discussed the plan of their work. 10. It is my friend who was here last week. 11. It is at the meeting that he spoke about the problems of our work. 12. It is Los Angeles which has led in measures to reduce smog. 13. Facts give a science its substance, but it is the theory which provides its strength.
Упр. 135. Произведите смысловое выделение различных членов предложения.
Модель: My brother works at this plant as an engineer. – It is mу brother whо works as an engineer at this plant. – It is as an engineer that my brother works at this plant. – It is at this рlant that my brother works as an engineer.
1. Tom made a report at the seminar last time. 2. Yesterday my mother watched a new film on TV. 3. Alexander Bell invented the telephone in 1876. 4. My friend speaksFrench well. 5. The students could see mаnу good picturesin the art museum. 6. The boywill be able to ski in the forest this winter. 7. In 1812 during Napoleon's invasion a terrible fire raged in Moscow for several days. 8. Mary Curie got the Nobel Prize twice. 9. In 1863 Londoners used a new and strange way of travel. 10. The Brooklyn Bridge was built in New York in 1883.
Упр. 136. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на усилительную конструкцию.
1. It was ancient Egypt that gave the world its first lessons in the art of making columns. 2. It was this technique that failed to meet the requirement. 3. It was of this method that they spoke and wrote about. 4. It is what one does that counts, not what one promises. 5. It was not until the early fifties that monetary policy came to be re-discovered. 6. It is exactly this composition that will do for our purpose. 7. It is the atmospheric pressure which forces air into the cylinders of the engine. 8. It is in the field of communications that the laser will find most extensive application. 9. It is the movement of electrons which constitutes an electric current. 10. It was at Stanford University that the new type radio telescope was built. 11. It is the radio wave that carries music or speech to your receiver. 12. It was not until later that chemical analysis showed the crystals to be a brand new substance. 13. This man-made pollution is what clean-air laws are aimed at. 14. It was James Henry Greathead who developed the method which made most tube tunnels possible. 15. Man has used metals for centuries in gradually increasing quantities, but it was not until the Industrial Revolution that they came to be employed in really vast quantities. 16. It was the intense development of radio and radar techniques that stimulated the development of radio astronomy. 17. It is the absence rather than the presence of hindrance that is noteworthy.