







, . , . :




, , . : bang, buzz, giggle, hiss, purr, whistle. , - , . : cuckoo. , .

, . . , shoemaker (shoe , make -r); indeed (in , , deed ) (. ); nothing (no , thing ) (. ); underline (under , line , ); nonsense (non -, sense ); shutter (to shut , -r , , ); long-haired ( long , hair , -ed, , , , . ); instead (in , stead ).

. , chain connected series of metal or other things ( a number of rings joined together) a silver chain, a gold chain; a number of things joined together, a sequence, series, set of something a chain of events, a chain of shops, hotels, restaurants , .

. , , , ; , : to go, to do, to make, to work, to see, to eat, to hear, to speak, to laugh, little, big, wide . .

, . , . : , , ; , nostril nos-thyrel (. ); always OE ealne (all) + weg (way) -s, . .

, . , mermaid mere maid (. ), mere ; mermaid .

. , spoon , , , , , .

, , , . , alphabet ( alpha beta), pedagogue (. pais , agein , ), isolate (It. isola ), corridor (It. orrere ).

, . : mackintosh ( , ); sandwich , , , ( Sandwich, ); cheviot ( , ).


, , , , , ; , . , .

, , , . , cutlet cotelette, cote to cut . buttery botaria ( . bota , ); butter . standard to stand, estandard , ( etendard ), extendere , .

. , slow-worm (OE sla-wyrm) slow , slahan ( slay). walnut wall ; Welsh nut ( Welsh Walsh , ).

: asparagus (Latin) sparrow grass (English); mandragora (Latin) a plant mandrake (English) man , drake ; tarantula (Latin) a spider triantelope (English); coutelas (French Latin culteluss ) cutlass (English) (imaginary connection with the verb cut); giroflee (French) gillyflower (English); crevice (French) crayfish (English); primerole (French) primrose (English).



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