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Охрана труда





Задание 6.8


A. Напишите цифрами:


1. Fifteen twenty one; 2. the eleventh of March; 3. two fifths; 4. seventeen point four two; 5. eighteen hundred five; 6. a (one) sixth; 7. one tenth;

8. the first of Janu­ary; 9. sixteen thirty three; 10. nought point two four.


B.Напишите словами:

1) 13; 2) 14; 3) 30; 4) 80; 5) 99; 6) 2nd; 7) 3rd 8) 40th 9) 8th

10) 100th 11) 1/2; 12) 1/4; 13) 1/50; 14) 1/100; 15) 1/7.

16) 12; 17) 113; 18) 1546; 19) 1478; 20) 895; 21) 15; 22) 438; 23) 3,224;

24) 13,267; 25) 12,785; 26) 2,000,000; 27) 21,975; 28) 216; 29) 14.


Задание 6.9. Ответтьте на вопросы.


When were you born?

When were your parents born?

When is your friend's birthday?

What are the dates of public holidays in Russia?

Name three most important dates in the history of Russia.

When did the Second World War begin? When was it over?

When did the Great Patriotic War begin? When was it over?

When do summer holidays begin?

When is the end of the college year in Russia?

What is your favourate holiday? Why?

Задание 6.10.Ответьте на вопросы.

1. How many wheels does a car have?

2. How many seasons are there in a year?

3. How many wheels does a bicycle have?

4. How many letters are there in English ABC?

5. How many letters are there in Russian ABC?

6. How many letters are there in eight?

7. How many copecks are in one rouble?

8. How many days are there in a week?

9. How many days are there in a year?

10. How much is 135 + 64?


Задание 6.11. Выполните следующие математические действия. Скажите по-английски:


1. 231 + 4679 = 7. 46389: 56 =

2. 36 + 768 = 8. 40576: 42 =

3. 4897 - 453 = 9. 12084 + 457 =

4. 58769 - 97 = 10. 56782 – 2360 =

5. 567 x 56 = 11. 246 x 456 =

6. 879 x 657 = 12. 3852: 7 =

7) Неопределённый и определённый артикли


Задание 7.1. Объясните наличие или отсутствие ар­тикля перед существительными.

1. Last week I met my friend. He was with a young girl. The girl was a student of our Academy. 2. This is a pencil. The pencil is red. 3. She is a teacher. She is our teacher of English. 4. It is a lake. The lake is deep. It's one of the deepest lakes in the world. 5. There are many flowers in your garden. The flowers are beautiful. 6. Did you write a plan? Give me your plan, please. 7. The Black Sea is in the South of Russia. 8. This is Nick. He works as an engineer. He is a good engineer. 9. There are some schools in our street. The schools are new. 10. Yury Gagarin was the first cosmonaut of the world. 11. In sum­mer the sky is blue and the sun shines brightly. 12. The Petrovs are very friendly. 13.This is Ann's book. I don't like such books. 14. Winter begins in December.

Задание 7.2. Вставьте артикли a, an, the, где необ­ходимо:


1. This... pencil is broken. Give me that... pencil, please. 2. I have... ten programmes on my TV. 3. My friend has... car.... car is broken now. 4. I got... letter from my friend yesterday…. letter was very long. 5. She

has two... daughters and one... son. Her... son is... stu­dent. 6. My... brother's... friend has no... dog. 7. This is... house.... house is white. 8. They have... party.... party is... a birthday party. 9. I read... good book yester­day.... book was interesting and funny.



1. Yesterday I saw... new film, but... film wasn't very interesting. 2. Moscow is sitiated on... Moskva river and London is situated on... Thames. 3. Yuri Gagarin was... first man to fly over... Earth in spaceship. 4. My sister will go to school... next year. 5. In... summer we went to...Black Sea. 6.... New York is one of the biggest busi­ness centers in the world. 7.... Lomonosov was... great Russian scientist. He was born in... small village on...

shore of... White Sea. 8 Peter's brother is... workerand we are... students. 9. What... strange man he is! 10. In... summer we live in... country. 11. Russia is one of... largest countries of the world. 12. Is your dress made of... wool or... cotton? — It's made of silk.



She lives in … centre of … Moscow. 2. I’d like… glass of…water. 3. … my sister is married to…farmer. 4. … man in…next flat is…French. 5. Who’s …girl by…piano? 6. They’ve got…boy and…girl; …boy is 10 and…girl is 12.7. Today is…only day that I’m free. 8. There are lots of mice here, but where’s…cat? 9. She’s got…dark hair and…blue eyes. 10. … house where we live is very small. 11. My friend’s family lives in…private house in…Vitebsk. 12. For…weekend we sometimes go to…village where my mother has…house.



1. What... fine day it is today! 2..,. History and... Computer Science were... my favourite subjects at... school. 3. I don't know... way to... station. 4. He is... engineer by... profession. 5. Usually I get up at... 7 o'clock in... morning. 6.... Rostov is on... right bank of... Don. 7. Will you have... cup of... tea? 8.... Warsaw is... capital of Poland. 9. We shall go to...cinema together with... our friends. 10. This is... book,... book is very interesting. 11. Do you see... sun in... sky today? 12. He is... engineer by... profession. 13.1 went to... Smirnovs, but they were not at... home.



1. … Moscow is situated on … Moscow River. … Moscow is a river that moves very slowly. There is … canal called … Moscow – Volga Canal which joins … Moscow to … Volga. … Volga runs into … Caspian Sea. 2. Several rivers run into … sea at … New York. … most important is … Hudson River which empties into … Atlantic Ocean. Besides … Hudson there are … two other rivers: … East River and … Harlem River. 3. In … Siberia there are many long rivers: … Ob, … Irtysh, … Yenissei, …Lena and … Amur. 4. … Altai Mountains are … higher than … Urals. 5.... Volga is... longest river in... Europe. 6.... Rostov is situated on... Don.


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