


Другие языки
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There is a new drama theatre near my house

6. There is a beautiful dress in the shop.

7. There are many friends at the party today.


4. Вставте в пропущених місцях was/there wasn't/was

there?/there were/there weren't/were there?

1. I was hungry but...there wasn’t... anything to eat.

2. …Were there…any letters for me yesterday?

4……………a football match on TV last night but I didn’t see it.

5“We stayed at a nice hotel.” “Did you?.................. a swimming-pool?”

6The suitcase was empty..........................any clothes in it.

7I found a wallet in the street but.........................any money in it.

8“ many people at the meeting?” “No, very few.”

9We didn’t visit the museum...................... enough time.

10I’m sorry I’m late........................a lot of traffic.

11The radio wasn’t working because.......................any batteries in it.

5. Перекладіть наступні речення англійською мовою. Зверніть

увагу на використання звороту there is/there are, there

was/there were

1. В нашому Університеті є багато факультетів.

2. В цій книжці 350 сторінок.

3. Скільки театрів було в Києві у 1978 році?

4. Біля моєї домівки є автобусна зупинка.

5. Скільки студентів було у вашій групі минулого року?

6. На столі лежить газета.

7. В нашій родині лише одна дитина.

8. Чи є у вашій кімнаті комп’ютер?

9. В квартирі мого найкращого друга 3 кімнати.

10.Чи є у вашій країні Діснейленд?

Домашнє завдання:


1. Скласти словник до теми “Моє рідне місто/село”, підготуватись до словн. диктанту.

2. Опрацювати текст аза професійним спрямуванням.

3. Опрацювати граматичний матеріал, виконати запропоновані вправи.

4. Підготуватись до написання підсумкової контрольної роботи.


Практичне заняття №4

Риси характеру людини

І. Робота над текстом за темою заняття.

1. a) Перекладіть назви рис характеру людини українською мовою. Запишіть їх у дві колонки: virtuous characteristics (позитивні риси) та evil characteristics (негативні риси).

Amiable, disobedient, unreliable, good-natured, ill-tempered, kind, kind-hearted, haughty, communicative, arrogant, sociable, modest, attentive, impudent, thoughtful, boastful, greedy, selfish, unrestrained, reasonable, calm, patient, sympathetic, honest, polite, capricious, bright, irritable, wise, sly, cruel, intelligent, rude, capable, coarse, diligent, hard-working, jealous, just, frank, sincere, mean, trustworthy, courageous.

b) Опишіть характер людини, яку ви знаєте, використовуючи слова із частини а).

2. Поєднайте початок і кінець речень. Перекладіть утворені речення українською.


1. He was very proud when a) someone stole his money.

2. He was very jealous when b) his father appeared on TV with the Prime Minister.

3. He was very embarrassed when c) he heard that his aunt had died.

4. He was very angry when d) he saw those big dogs running towards him.

5. He was very sad when e) he bought her a birthday present on the wrong day.

6. He was very frightened when f) his best friend went out with the girl he really liked.

3. Дайте відповіді на запитання.


a) Would you feel embarrassed or upset if you forgot your mother’s or your father’s birthday?

b) Do you ever feel frightened in a car (as a passenger) because you are going very fast?

c) Do you get angry when other people want you to do things that you don’t want to do?

d) If you made a stupid mistake in English, would you feel embarrassed?

e) Is there anything that you are very proud of?

f) Are there any common situations where you sometimes feel embarrassed?


ІІ. Граматичний матеріал. Тема: Артиклі.


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або у будь-якому граматичному довіднику на Ваш бибір.


1. Вставте артикль a/an, the, де необхідно

1. ….. moon goes round ….. earth every 27 days.

2. Did you see ….. film on ….. TV or at ….. cinema?

3. After ….. breakfast we went for a walk by ….. sea.

4. There is ….. theatre not far from ….. our house. ….. theatre is very beautiful.

5. Tom lives in ….. small village in ….. country.

6. ….. butter and ….. cheese are made of ….. milk.

7. Here is ….. book you wanted.

8. It is ….. beautiful day. ….. sun is shining brightly in ….. sky.

9. What is ….. highest mountain in ….. world?

10.….. Volga is ….. longest river in ….. European part of ….. Russia.

11.….. children like ….. ice-cream.

12.What ….. beautiful weather! Let’s go for ….. walk!

13.Would you like ….. cup of tea?

14.I usually go to …..bed at 11 o’clock.

15.Pass me ….. sugar, please.

2.Виберіть правильний варіант використання артикля в наступних реченнях

1. Apples / the apples are good for you.

2. Look at apples / the apples on that tree! They are very large.

3. Women / the women are often better teachers than men / the men.

4. In Britain coffee / the coffee is more expensive than tea / the tea.

5. We had a very nice meal in that restaurant. Cheese / the cheese was

especially good.

6. Do you know people / the people who live next door?

7. Many children don’t like to go to school / the school.

8. After work / the work, Ann usually goes home / to home.

9. All criminals must be sent to prison / the prison for their crimes.

10. When Max was ill, we all went to hospital / the hospital to visit her.

11. I like to read in bed / the bed before going to sleep.

12. How many people go to university / the university in your country?

13. Have you ever visited Tower of London / the Tower of London?

14. The British Prime Minister lives in Downing Street / the Downing Street.

15. Mr. Brown’s wife likes to read Times / the Times.

ІІІ. Модульна контрольна робота

Завдання для індивідуального заняття:

Індивідуальне читання за фахом.

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