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Kherson is the southern Ukrainian city. Kherson is the region capital, a large sea and river port and railway junction. It is situated in the steppe of the Black Sea Lowland on both banks of the Dnieper River directly north of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. If you want to go to the Black Sea it will take you 1.5 hours by car or 2 hours by bus. The city was founded by Prince Potemkin on June 29, 1778, on former fortification Oleksandrivskyi Shanets ruined by the Turks. It was named in honour of Chersoneses of Taurus founded by Greeks in the 5th century B.C. The first mention of Kherson in the chronicles occurred in 1737.Admiral Ushakov and his soldiers built many ships here in the 18th century and fought with Turkish army. Russian army won. In 1803 the town became the center of Kherson Province. In 1944 the city became the capital of Kherson region. Among the city's architectural monuments are the remnants of the fortress walls and gates, the Black Sea Hospital, the naval arsenal (18th century), and the Cathedral of the Transfiguration (1781), the Greek-Sophia Church (1780), the Gates of the fortress (18th century), the Holy Spirit Church with a Bell Tower (1836). The climate here is dry. Winters are cold and summers are hot, and the winds often blow. In summer many people go to the river bank or to the Black Sea, and there are many fruit and vegetables: apples, cherries, strawberries, peaches, grapes, tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes, etc. Population of Kherson is nearly 360, 000 people. And they work on the city's enterprises. Ocean tankers, freighters, agricultural machinery, electric machines, glass products are produced there. There is an oil-refining plant, fat-processing plant, and many wine-making factories. Highways, air and railway lines connect the city with all other cities of Ukraine and Russia. Today it is a large sea- and river-port. There are two bridges over the Dnieper which joins Kherson and a smaller town Tsurupinsk. There are wonderful views of the river and the countryside. There is fresh air and good climate, so many tourists visit Kherson in summer. Kherson is over 200 years old.

It is a large educational center. It has 4 higher educational institutions, 14 technical secondary schools and several research institutes. The total area of Kherson is more than 200 km; the most part of it is covered with parks and public gardens. There are two arboreta and the Botanical Gardens. 10 years ago the main branches of industry here were ship-building, textile and building of agricultural machines. But there is an economic crisis in Ukraine nowadays, so many factories closed down, Nowadays the main branches of industry are ship-building and mined food factories, but there is not enough work for all people. Those who work don't earn much. There are many good colleges and universities such as the Teachers' Training University, the Industrial University, the Shipbuilding University and the Agricultural University. There is a good drama theatre and a puppet-show. If you like palming you can listen to the philharmonic orchestra; can go to the Art Museum. There are good pictures of the painters of the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. There are also many bars, cinemas, clubs, gyms and a swimming-pool. People sometime call Kherson a green city because there are many parks. The Kherson Region includes 18 districts, 9 towns, 30 settles,677 villages.


Ex.1. Transcribe the given words.

to protect – захищати

frontier – кордон

chronicles – літопис

remnants – останки

Cathedral of the Transfiguration – Собор Преображенський

publicgardens – сквери

arboreta – дендрарії

freighter – грузове судно

oil-refining – нафтопереробний

highway – автострада

Ex. 2. Answer the following questions.

a) What is the geographical position of Kherson?

b) When was it founded and first mentioned in the chronicles?

c) What are the cities museums and theatres?

d) Is it a green city? Why do you think so?

e) What can you say about the population of the city?


Робота з текстом за професійним спрямуванням.

Ex. 1. Read and translate the text.



More people are abusing drugs today than in any other time in history of mankind, and many of those people are youth.


Understanding what drugs are is fundamental for understanding their potential abuse. Drugs are a psychoactive substance.

A psychoactive substance is something that people take to change the way they feel, think or behave. Some of these substances are called drugs and others, like alcohol and tobacco, are considered dangerous, but are not called drugs. The term drug also covers a number of substances that must be used under medical supervision to treat illnesses.

I am going to talk about drugs as those man-made or naturally occurring substances used without medical supervision, basically to change the way a person feels, thinks or behaves.

In the past, most drugs were made from plants. That is, plants were grown and then converted into drugs such as coca paste, opium and marijuana. Over the years, these crude products were further processed to drugs like cocaine and heroin and finally, in the 20th century, people found out how to make drugs from chemicals.

These are called man-made or synthetic drugs and include ecstasy, LSD, etc. These were initially manufactured for largely experimental reasons and only later were used for recreational purposes. Now, however, with the increased size and scope of the drug trade, people set out to invent drugs especially for human consumption.

For the first time in human history, a whole industrial complex creates and produces drugs that are meant to be used for the sole purpose of «having fun.» People use drugs just to escape the reality, to have fun. The majority of them are young, even very young, who do not understand what might happen to them because of drugs.

  1. Підготуватися до словникового диктанту:

to abuse — зловживати

drugs — наркотики

mankind — людство

youth — молодь

substance — речовина

tobehave — поводитися, поступати, триматися

to consider — думати, вважати

dangerous — небезпечний

tocover — включати, містити

supervision — лікування, припис

to treat — лікувати

illness — хвороба

plants — рослини

crude — сирий

to find (past found, p.p. found) out — знайти, винайти

ecstasy — екстазі (наркотик, що викликає почуття ейфорії, широко вживаний на дискотеках)

LSD — скор.від lysergicaciddiethylamide ЛСД (наркотик, що викликає галюцинації)

initially — у початковій стадії, спочатку

purpose — призначення, намір, мета

toinvent — винайти

consumption — споживання

toescape — йти від реальності, відключатися

majority — більшість


1. What is fundamental to understand the essence of drugs?

2. What are drugs?

3. What is a psychoactive substance?

4. What kind of drugs do you know?

5. What naturally occurring drugs do you know?

Тема: Структура англійського речення. Звороти there is, there are.

Зворот there is (there are) повідомляє про наявність у визначеному місці особи (осіб) чи предмету (предметів), ще невідомих співрозмовнику. Зворот there is має значення «є, знаходиться».

В українській мові речення у таких випадках, як правило, розпочинається з обставини місця чи часу: На столі книга. В класі учні. Учора в клубі було зібрання.

В англійській мові такі речення розпочинаються із звороту thereis/are, за яким слідує іменник зі словами що до нього відносяться, а потім обставина місця чи часу. Дієслово to be узгоджується з іменником що прямує на за ним:

There is a book, some pencil and a pen on the table.

Читайте більше на http://opentalk.org.ua/langstory/zvorot-%E2%80%9Cthere-is%E2%80%9D-%E2%80%9Cthere-are%E2%80%9D

Або в будь-якому довіднику з граматика на Ваш вибір.

1. Задайте запитання, використовуючи звороти Is there ….? або

Are there….?

1 (any cigarettes?)..... Are there any cigarettes in the box.........?

2(any books?)..............................................................................in the box?

3(a man?)....................................................................................................?

4(any money?).............................................................................................?

5(any clothes?).............................................................................................?

6(a key?)......................................................................................................?

2. Вставте в пропущених місцях there is/there isn’t/is there?/there

are/there aren’t/are there?

1. Dunford is a very modern town. ……There aren’t.... many old buildings.

2. Look!......................a photograph of George in the newspaper!

3. Excuse me,........................a restaurant near here?

4. …………….five people in my family: my parents, my two sisters and me.

5. We can’t take any photographs.......................a film in the camera.

6. How many students........................in your class?

7. Where can we sit?...........................any chairs.

8. …………………. a bus from the city centre to the airport?


3. Поставте питання до виділених слів

1. There is a big park in the centre of our city.

2. There are three children in our family.

3. There are five English books on my table.

4. There are only three mistakes in my dictation today.

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