1. She can visit us in September.
2. She can stay till next Saturday.
3. She can give him a piece of advice.
4. He likes living in a big city.
5. I must buy a piece of fresh meat.
6. Show me the way to the railway station, please.
7. This summer is quite warm and sunny.
8. She says her father is a sea captain.
9. My sister likes white roses.
10. He grows potatoes and tomatoes in his garden.
11. My uncle is a teacher of Art.
12. It can be very difficult.
13. It is in the centre of the city.
14. Your dress costs a lot of money.
15. My friend is a talented writer.
16. She is a teacher of Russian Literature.
17. Do you live in Berlin?
18. Does he want to learn playing the piano?
19. Do they go home by car?
20. Is it a difficult exercise?
21. Isn’t it an expensive car?
22. Why are you leaving so early?
23. How old is your sister?
24. How much does this flat cost?
25. Who is your favourite singer?
26. Where do your parents live?
27. Is it warm or cold in winter in your country?
28. Do you want to study Italian or Swedish?
29. Do you prefer tea with or without sugar?
30. Does he have a dog or a cat as a pet?
31. Is this book boring or interesting?
32. This shop isn’t very expensive, is it?
33. You live far from here, don’t you?
34. Her parents are teachers, aren’t they?
35. Their plans don’t change very often, do they?
36. They go to the cinema every Saturday, don’t they?
VII. Прочтите следующие ритмогруппы с одним ударением:
а) с восходящим тоном
́Well. ́ Good. ́ Four.
́Next. ́ Thanks. ́ Five.
́Yes. ́ Sam. ́Six.
́Fine. ́ French. ́ Right.
́Difficult? ́ Friday. ́ Pardon?
́Really? ́ Saturday. ́ Is he?
To ́night? If you ́ like. ́ Are they?
Ha ́ llo. Are you ́ sure? ́ Do you?
Our ́ selves? Is it ́ right? ́ Can he?
Is he ́ busy? Do you ́ know him? I’d ́ love to.
With ́pleasure. Are they ́ coming? Are there ́five chairs?
б) с нисходящим тоном
̀When? ̀Look! ̀Yes.
̀ Who? ̀ Come! ̀ No.
̀ Why? ̀ Speak! ̀ Sure.
̀ Where? ́ ̀ Don’t! ̀ Eight.
̀ Wonderful. ̀ April. ̀ Sure I can.
̀ Monday. ̀ Far from it. ̀January.
My ̀ self. Her ̀ self. In ̀ March.
I ̀ see. To ̀ day. It’s ̀ Kate’s.
Him ̀ self. Ju ̀ ly. She’s his aunt.
It’s ̀ Saturday. It’s in ̀ England. Why ̀ not then?
It’s ̀ December. I’m ̀ sure of it. Why ̀ should I?
в) с нисходяще-восходяшим тоном
̌ Do. ̌ Here. ̌ True.
̌ Bye. ̌ Try. ̌ Soon.
̌ Hi. ̌ Ten. ̌ No.
̌ Mine. ̌ Hers. ̌ Sure.
̌ Sorry. ̌ London. ̌ Here you are.
̌ Careful. ̌ Seventy. ̌ Thank you.
So ̌ long. ̌ I’m fine. ̌ Never again.
Ha ̌ llo. She’s ̌ twenty. She’s ̌ five.
Good- ̌ bye. It is ̌ raining. He’s ̌ fine.
Ex ̌ cuse me. I ̌ think so. In the ̌ evening.
It’s a ̌ pity. It is ̌ wonderful. It’s im ̌ possible.
VIII. Прочтите следующие ритмогруппы с двумя ударениями:
а) с восходящим тоном
'All ́ right. 'That’s ́ fine. ' Good ́ luck.
'Good ́ news. 'Not ́ yet. ' High ́ time.
'Good- ́ bye. 'Not ́ now. ' No ́ doubt.
'Making mis ́ takes? 'Leaving to ́ morrow? 'Taking e ́ xams?
б) с нисходящим тоном
'Right ̀ now. 'Over ̀ there. 'Near ̀ here.
'Next ̀ time. 'Down ̀ stairs. 'Quite ̀ new.
'Come ̀ in. 'Be ̀ quick. 'Work ̀ hard.
'No ̀ entry. 'Sherlock ̀ Holmes. 'Western ̀ countries.
в) с нисходяще-восходящим тоном
̀ Make ͵sure. ̀ Too ͵late. ̀ Take ͵notes.
̀ Come ͵on. ̀ That’s ͵true. ̀ Quite ͵old.
̀ See you ͵later. ̀ Have some ͵tea. ̀ Quite ͵young.
̀ Saturday ͵evening. To ̀ morrow ͵morning. ̀ Hardly ͵possible.
Часть IV
Интонация обращений
Если прямое обращение стоит в начале фразы, оно образует самостоятельную интонационную группу и произносится с нисходящим кинетическим тоном.
Такое обращение звучит значимо и серьезно.
e.g. `Monica, | `help me, please.
`Children, | ˈkeep `silence.
В непринужденной обстановке обращение может произноситься с нисходяще-восходящим кинетическим тоном (неразделенный вариант). Такой тон выражает теплое, дружеское отношение говорящего. Иногда это может быть предупреждение или необходимость выделить какого-либо конкретного человека из толпы.
e.g. ˇ Mommy, | ˈgive me some `apple pie, please.
Если обращение стоит в середине или в конце фразы, то оно, обычно, является неударным или частично ударным и произносится на низком уровне диапазона голоса.
e.g. I ` say, ˌPeter,≀ ˈgive him a `hand. He `needs it.
`Buy it, ˌAnn. It’s `fine.