









I should like to get this book.

would liketo join us. He could doit tomorrow. They would have helpedyou, but they couldn't come.



. , .

You could have done it. Why ,
didn't you try? ?

2) :


It is












, ... , ... , ... , ... , ... that... , ... , ... , . , ... , ... , ...

should :

It is desirable that he should be , -
here. .

to suggest , to propose , to de
sire , to require, to demand , to order
to insist
. .:

The engineer demanded that the ,
test be (should be) repeated. .


I wish he were with us. , .

I wish you had brought your ,

camera. .

I wish he would tell us everything. ,

. I wish he could come to the party. ,

I wish you had done it more - , -
fully. .

) so that,
in order that
, ; lest . should

Send him out of the room so that ,

he should not hear what we talk , -

about. .

She put the letter away lest her ,

husband should see it. .

) as if as though

, :

The house is so quite as if there , -
were nobody in it. .


If I were not so tired, I should go ,

with you. .

If they had , they would go to ,

the country. .

If he hadn't phoned her, she wouldn't have come.

, .

. : to send for , to follow by , to look at , to speak of, about , to rely on , to refer to , to act upon , to influence by , to deal with , , to work at, on . :

The doctor was sent for.

His project was much spoken


This reference-book can be relied






a adjective

adv adverb

cj conjunction


pi plural


prp preposition

v verb

abandon [e'baenden] v ,

abbey ['aebi] ,

ability [e'biliti]

able ['9ibl] ; to be ~

about [e'baut] adv , , ; ,

above ['] ; ; adv ~ mentioned

abruptly ['] adv ,

absence ['aebsens]

absent ['aebsent] ;

absolute ['aebseluit] , ,

absorb [eb'so:b] v ,

academic ^aeke'demik] ; ~ year

accelerate [ek'selereit] v

acceleration [ek^ele'reijen] n

accelerator [ek'selereite] n ,

accept [ek'sept] v {)

access ['aekses] n , ; ~ time ,

accessible [ek'sesebl] ,

accident ['aeksident] n

accomodate [e'komedert] v ,

accomodation [e^ome'deifen] n ,

accompany ['] v

accomplish [e'komplifl v ,

accomplishment [e'komplijment] n , ,

accordance [e'koidens] n in - with -, -

according (to) [9'ko:drn] -

accordingly [e'ko.drnli] adv , ; ,

account ['] on ~ of -, ; v ~ for -; -

accounting ['] ,

accumulate [e'kju:mjuleit] v ,

accuracy ['aekjuresi] n

accurate ['aekjunt]

achieve [e'tj"i:v] v

achievement [e'tfhvment] n

acknowledge [ek'nolicfe] v

acquire [e'kwaie] v (, )

across [e'kros] prp ; adv

act [aekt] v ; - (on, upon) ,

action ['/] n

active ['aektiv]

activity [aek'tiviti] n

actual ['aektfuel] ,

actually ['aektfueli] adv ,

add [aed] v , ,

addition [e'dijen] n , ; in - to , ,

adapt [e'daept] v , , ;

address [e'dres] v -;

adequate ['aedikwit] ,

adjust [e'cfcASt] v

admiral ['aedmerel] n

adopt [e'dopt] v (cue- , )

advance [ed'va:ns] v (, ), ; in - ,

advanced [ed'va:nst] ,

advantage [ed'va:ntid3] ; to take ~

advantageous [^dvan'teic^as] ,

advice [ed'vais]

advisable [ed'vaizebl]

advise [ed'vaiz] v ,

adviser [ed'vaize] ,

aerial ['rial]

aeronautics [^ere'noitiks]

affect [e'fekt] v -,

afloat [e'f leut] adv ,

after [':] prp, cj, adv ; ; ; - all

afterwards ['a:ft9W9Cte] adv ,

again ['] adv ,

against [e'genst] , , (-)

age [eicfc] , at the ~ of ; , ,

ago ['] adv

agree [e'gri:] v

agreement [':merit]

ahead [e'hed] adv , ; a few years ~

aid [eid] v ;

aim [eim] v , ); ; to be ~ed at -

air [] n , ; ~ drag

aircraft ['S9kra:ft] = airplane , ; ~ construction [ken'strAkfen] airfield ['safiild] alive [e'laiv] ,

all [:1] , , , ; ~ kind of = ~ sorts of , ; ~ of them ; ~ over again ; ~ over the world ; ~ right , ; in ~ , ; at ~ ,

allow [e'lau] v ,

allowance [elauens] (, ), ; ,

alloy ['aeloi]

almost ['oilmeust] adv

alone ['1] , ; adv

along ['1|] prp , ; ~ with ;

alphabet ['aelfebit]

alphanumerical ^aelfe'njumenkel] - ()

already [o:l'redi] adv

also [7o:ls9u] adv ,

alternative [o:l'te:netiv] ( ), , ;

although [:] cj ; ,

altogether [,o:lte'ge&e] adv ,

aluminium [,aelju'minj9m]

a.m. (ante meridiem) 12 12 ( )

among ['|] ,

amount [e'maunt] v ; , ,

amplification ^aemplifi'keijen] , ,

amplifier ['aemplrfaie]

amplify ['aemplrfai] v ),

analyse ['aenelaiz] v , ;

analysis [e'naelesis] n

ancestor ['aensiste] n

ancient ['eifent] , ,

angle ['aeiigl] n

announce [e'nauns] v ,

announcement [e'naunsmant] n

annually ['aenjueli] adv

another ['] ;

antenna [aen'tene] (pi antennae) n

anticipate [aen'tisipeit] v ,

anyway ['enrwei] adv

apart [e'pait] adv , ; ~ from , ,

apparatus ^aepe'reites] , ,

apparently [e'paerentli] adv , , -, ,

appear ['] v , ; ~ useful

appearance [e'pierens] , ,

appliance [e'plaiens] n ,

applicable ['aeplikebl] , ,

application ^aepli'keijen] n ;

apply [e'plai] v , ; ~ to ( )

approach [e'preutj"] v , (); n , ( )

approve [e'pru:v] v

approximate [e'proksimit] ; ~ calculation

arc [a:k] n

architect ['cr.kitekt] n

architecture ['cr.kitektje] n

area ['] n , , ,

arise (arose, arisen) [a'raiz, e'reuz,

e'rizn] v

arm [a:m] n ;

armoured ['a:mad]

army ['a:mi] n

around [e'raund] adv ; prp

arrange [e'reincfe] v , ,

arrangement [e'reincfement] n ,

arrival [e'raivel] n ,

arrive [e'raiv] (at, in) v ,

art [a:t] n ,

article ['a:tiki] n ;

artificial ^aiti'fijel]

artillery [cr.'tilen] n ;

artist ['a:tist] n

as [aez] cj ; ~ adv , , , , (-, -); ~ a consequence ['konsikwens] , ; ~ far ~ , ; ~ early ['e:li] ( ); ~ far back ['fa: baek] ; ~ follows ['foleuz] ; ~ if ; ~ long ~ (no ); ~ much ~ possible ; ~ a result [n'zAlt] ; ~ a rule [ru:l] ; ~ soon ~ ; ~ soon ~ possible ; ~ though [] ; ~ to ; ~ well ; ~ well ~

ascend [e'send] v ,

ascent [e'sent] ;

ask [a:sk] v , ; ~ for (smth.) -

aspect ['aespekt] , ,

assemble [e'sembl] v

assembling [a'semblir)] n

assembly [e'sembli] n ; a ; ~ shop ; ~ line

assist [e'sist] v

assistance [a'sistens] n

assistant [e'sistent] n , ,

associated [e'seujieitid] a to be ~ with -

assume [e'sju:m] v , ,

assumption [a'sAmpJan] ,

astronomer [as'tronama] n

astronomy [as'tronami] n

at [aet] prp , , , ; ~ last [la:st] ; ~ least [M:st] no () ; ~ once [wAns] , ; ~ present ['preznt] ; ~ one time or another ['waii taim :'5]

atmosphere ['aetmesfie]

atmospheric ^aetmes'fenk]

atom ['aetem]

atomic ['aetomik]

attach [e'taetfl v ,

attachment [e'taetfment] , ;

attain [e'tein] v ,

attempt [e'tempt]

attend [e'tend] v

attention [e'tenfen] n

attentive [e'tentiv]

attentively [e'tentivli] adv

attitude ['aetitju:d] n ( -)

attract [e'traekt] v ; ~ attention

attractive [e'traektiv] , ,

audible ['o.dabl] ,

audience ['o.djens] n , ( )

author ['oiGe]

automatic [,o:t8'maetik]

automatically [pite'maetikeli] adv ; ~ controlled [ken'treuld]

automation ^oite'meijen] n

automatize ['oitemetaiz] v

automobile ['oitemeubiil] n ; ; ~ body

automotive [pita'mautiv] ,

availability [8,veila'biliti] n

available [a'veilabl] , ,

average ['aevencfe] , ; v , ,

aviation ^eivi'eijan]

avoid [e'void] v

award [e'woid] n ; v ; to be ~ed

away [e'wei] (from) adv , ,

axis ['aeksis] (pi axes) ()

axle ['aeksl] ; ,

back [baek] adv ,

backup ['] v ; ;

backward ['baekwed] adv ; ,

bag [baeg] n , ,

balance ['baelens] n , ; ~d

balloon ['1:] n ,

bank [|] ,

barrel [!] , ( , )

base [beis] ; v ; to be ~d (on) [te bi: beist (on)] - basic ['beisik] basis ['beisis] n ,

battle ['baetl] n , ,

beam [bi:m] n , ,

bearing []

beat (beat, beaten) [bi:t, bi:t, bi:tn] v , ; to be ~en

beautiful ['bjir.teful] ,

because [bi'koz] cj , ; ~ of , -

become (became, become) [', bi'keim, ']

before [bi'fo:] adv , ; , ; cj

begin (began, begun) [bi'gin, bi'gaen, bi'gAn,] v (); to ~ with , -,

beginning [bi'gmrn] n

beg pardon ['beg 'pa:dn] ,

behaviour [bi'heivje] n

behind [bi'haind] adv , ; ,

believe [bi'li:v] , ,

belong [bi'l0T|] v , -

below [bi'leu] adv , ; , ( , )

belt [belt] , ,

bend (bent, bent) [bend, bent] v ), (), ; n ,

beneath [bi'ni:9] adv ; ,

benefit ['benifit] , , ; v , ; ,

binary ['] ,

besides [bi'saidz] adv, ,

beyond [bi'jond] ,

bicycle ['baisikl]

bike [baik] (. bicycle)

bird [be:d]

bit [bit] ,

blade [bleid] , ,

blank [|] , ; ; ~ space ()

blanket ['blaerjkit]

blow (blew, blown) [bleu, blu:, ] v ; n

board [bo:d] n (), ; on ~

body ['bodi] n , , , , , ; - of = = body ()

boil [boil] v ();

boiler ['boile] ()]

bomb [bom] ; v

bone []

booster ['buiste] ; rocket ~ ()

border [:1] ; ~ line ,

boredom ['boidem]

born [bo:n] to be ~

borrow [] v ,

both [] pron ; adv, cj ~... and ... ; ...

bother [] v ,

bottom ['botem] , , ;

brain [brein]

brake [breik] ; v ; parking ~

branch [bra:ntf] , break (broke, broken) [breik, breuk, ] , ; - out ( ); ,

breakthrough ['breik'Gru:] , , ,

bright [brait] ,

brightness ['braitnis]

brilliant ['briljent] ,

bring (brought, brought) [brir|, bro:t] v , , ; ~ about (- ); ~ in ; ~ to

brittle ['britl] ,

broad [bro:d]

bubble []

build (built, built) [bild, bilt] ; ~ up , ,


building ['bildiri] , ;

bumper [] ,

bureau [bjue'reu] ; burn (burnt, burned) [:, be:nt, be:nd] v , ; - out = ~ up ; ~t gas

businessman ['biznismen] n ,

but [bAt] adv ; prp ; cj , ,

button [] n ,


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