Kuznetsova E.
Lukina U.
Novash Ch.
Представлено исследование влияния на сопротивление организационным изменениям осведомленности персонала о них, уровня доверия менеджерам компании и чувства принадлежности сотрудников к компании, в которой они работают. Получено, что чем меньше сотрудники осведомлены о происходящем в организации, тем более они негативно настроены к организационным переменам. Чувство патриотизма, принадлежности к компании снижает уровень сопротивления персонала.
Ключевые слова
Сопротивление изменениям, организационные коммуникации, адаптация к изменениям, управление персоналом, исследование.
The issue of managing change in organizations is one of the most frequently discussed in the scientific and practical management literature now. The scientists, managers and practitioners agree that the ability to change becomes one of the main factors of organization ability to survive and to succeed in the market.
Another important trend of modern management theory and practice is the increased attention to the company's employees as a key resource of competitiveness and long-term development of the organization in an unpredictable and complex environment.
Most of the problems in the process of organizational change are determined by human factor [1].
In order to collect the data we used a questionnaire, which 50 people have filled. Our study consisted of placing the questionnaire in social networks for detecting resistance changes in Russian companies [2].Goal of the research is to study the causes and factors of the resistance to the organizational changes.Research tasks:1) Studying the theory of the resistance to changes and methods of its reduction.2) Discovering the causes and factors of the resistance to the organizational changes in Russian companies.3)Development of the recommendations in order to create a program of overcoming resistance to the changes in the Russian context.
There were 3 factors of the resistance to the change set for our group.
· Employee awareness concerning the forthcoming changes.
· Level of credibility to the company management
· Community spirit towards the company, affiliation to the company, where a person works.
From these result of resistance it is clear that only 16-20 people of 50 are not afraid of change, impact on other specific reasons. These reasons you can see on the diagram.
We can make some conclusions. Mostly employees have the information about the changes; just 22% of people know nothing about it. Perhaps it is because of their posts. In addition, 23 employees, 46 % of the total number, have told that company management informs them insufficiently. 20 people (40%) have let us know that they trust their superiors. The level of confidence has average performances. In addition, we can say that employees ask their management for help, and they always get it. However, other Colleagues often do not do this (44%), because anyway they would have to do everything in their own way. Only 10 (20%) people have said that they are not satisfied with their co-workers. Usually the relationship between colleagues is competitive and everyone is focused on the own interests (22-44 %). Nevertheless, there are people why are ready to help each other to reach some goals (18-36%) and voted that their relationship with the co-workers are indifferent 20 % (10 people).
In our opinion, company management should inform the employees about forthcoming changes in details independently of their posts. In order to prevent the problems with the staff (negative, dismissal, etc.), management should not make the decisions on its own authority. We must also note the wish to help the employees, as in most cases they are afraid to ask for help. To increase the staff cohesion we offer to hold some corporative events, collective tasks. Managers should indicate their interest to the employees, thereby increasing loyalty of the staff.
1. Блинов А.О. Управление изменениями: Учебник для бакалавров / Блинов А.О., Угрюмова Н.В..- М.: Издательско-торговая корпорация «Дашков и Ко», 2014.- 304 с.
2. Ivanova E.A., Suchkova M.V. Study of the Resistance to Changes Among Employees of Trading Company on the Example of LLC «Adidas Group»/ International Scientific Conference «Scientific Discoveries» Czech Republic, Karlovy Vary – Moscow, Russia, 28-29 January 2016. – p. 128-133.
УДК 338