


Другие языки
Охрана труда





Independent work of students - 50 minutes

Mastering of knowledge, communicative skills: Solution of routine and situational problems.


2. Write mathematical equations in line view (see table 2)

3. Calculate Y function by formula (see table 2):

Requirements to performance of the task:

a) Choose the number of the variant for performance of the task and condition of your variant;

b) Draw block-scheme for task solution;

c) Write text of the program;

d) Show a teacher the numerical results received after calculations.

Table 2

Number Function



1. What is translator, compiler, interpreter?

2. How to load Turbo Pascal?

3. Name the elements of the main menu of Turbo Pascal editor.

4. Enumerate the basic concepts of Turbo Pascal language.

5. Draw the structure of Turbo Pascal program.

6. Name operators of input-output.

7. Name additional arithmetical operations and functions, transformation of number variable.

8. What are types of data?

9. What are order types of variables?

10. How to work in Turbo Pascal sphere?

11. How to dial, correct and debug programs?

12. How to save, load and correct programs?

13. How are number variables transformed?


Tests: See Collector of testing tasks on “Informatics”, the theme “Algorithmization. Programming”

General estimation of knowledge - 5 minutes

Theme №13. Basics of Delphi.

Objective: To study the branch and selection constructs. To study structure of sub-programming, formation of procedures and functions and access to them. Give an idea about the structure of the module, class, and object. Introduction to the three principles of object-oriented programming. Give an idea of ​​the fields, properties, events and methods. To study the ListBox component.

Learning tasks: Formation of abilities and skills to create programs with branches, to create and use sub-programs, to describe classes and assign objects.

Organizational part - 5 min.

Roll call of students and identifying reasons for absence of students, who are not ready for the lesson, checking of synopses.

The number of formed competences: knowledge, practical skills.

Basic questions of the theme: - 45 min.

1. If clause and selection operator.

2. Structure of subprogram (functions and procedures).

3. Structure of the module. Idea of the class.

4. Three principles of object-oriented programming.

5. Fields, properties, events and methods.

6. ListBox component, its main features and methods.

Break - 10 min.

Methods of teaching and tuition: business games, jigsaw.

Methods of control of forming competences on the lesson:

ü Computer-based testing (the student shall answer questions referring to the knowledge and skills – main definitions, theoretical issues on the topic). Recitation (the student must come for classes prepared on the subject, on the issues specified in the guidelines).

ü Verification of results of practical exercises on PC (the student must complete an individual task to obtain certain skills in solving typical problems);

Independent work of students - 50 min.

Development of practical skills: Solving of model and situational problems.

Methods to control competencies, gained during Independent work of the student:

ü The ability to execute an individual task (the student shall be able to execute an individual task on gaining certain skills, solving typical problems);

Form of the task: execution of tasks

Criteria of execution: preparation and defense of task

Term of delivery: the students shall timely fulfill the tasks and deliver the results strictly following the schedule.

Evaluation criteria: execution of independent work on preparation of tasks is scored by volume of completed tasks.




1. Name the sequence of operations in processing the files.

2. Which types of files you know and how are they declared?

3. How to process a text file (opening, saving, reading from a file, closing a file)?

4. How to work with a type file (opening, saving, reading from a file, closing a file)?

5. How to work with standard Windows dialog boxes?

6. How to choose a file using the TOpenDialog component?

7. How to save a file using the TSaveDialog component?

9. How to choose color using the TColorDialog component?

10. How to choose font using the TFontDialog component?




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