


Другие языки
Охрана труда





Independent work of students - 50 minutes. Mastering of practical skills: Solution of routine and situational problems

Mastering of practical skills: Solution of routine and situational problems.


1. Create “Personal list of a patient”

(This form has to contain your Full name, Gender, Division, Diagnosis)


Create descriptions of frames (unification of several files into one document).

Demonstration example:

1. In Worksheet enter and save the following document named Frames1.html:

<html><head><title>Example </title></head><FRAMESET ROWS=”30%,40%,30%”><FRAME SRC="1.html"><FRAME SRC="2.html"><FRAME SRC="3.html"></FRAMESET></html>



As a result you have to receive document uniting 3 files across.


3. Create frame, one by vertical and two across.


1. Use <frameset cols= “*”>, <frameset rows= “*,*”> tags.

2. Save this document as Frames2.html.


Create hyperlink.


1. Enter <A HREF= “file allocation\file name. add-ins” command between <BODY> and </BODY> tags for creation of hyperlinks.

2. Enter the words “My computer” then closing </A> tag.

3. Ascertain that the words “My computer” are marked with another color and underlined; it means that hyperlink is created.

4. Click on “My computer” link and examine how it works (Thus document on which hyperlink indicates has to be loaded).


Create horizontal lines.


1. Create three horizontal lines using the following tags:

<HR WIDTH= “50%”>

<HR WIDTH= “80%”>

<HR WIDTH= “100%”>

Here <HR> is line, WIDTH is width.

2. Install color and thickness of each line. Thickness is defined in pixels with help of <SIZE= “n”> tag.


Create filters applied to text and images.


1. Create filters of texts display: “Informatics, E-government”, using filter DropShadow.

2. Create filters applied to texts mentioned above with help of FlipH filter.

3. Choose one image, apply filter WAVE for its display.

4. Make that 3 kinds of image are displayed in the window of a document after appliance of a certain filtration.

5. Apply 3 kinds of filtration for one image: WAVE, ALPHA, DROPSHADOW.



1. Name points of general concept of development and realization of Web-pages.

2. How to create form?

3. How to create hyperlink to image?

4. How to create horizontal line?

5. What are filters applied to text?

6. What are filters applied to image?

7. Are there any interactions between frames?

Theme #11. Receiving of e-services on “Electronic government of Kazakhstan” portal.

Objective: To acquaint with experience of developed countries in formation of Electronic government.

Learning tasks: induction of students:

a) With rights to information from public informational systems;

b) Use of documents in electronic digital form in public administration and civil legal sphere;

c) With industrial parks created as centers of development of innovative enterprise in ICT sphere;

d) With arrangements directed on development of education technologies and preparation of specialists in ICT sphere;

e) Development of telecommunication infrastructure and creation of connection centers to open informational systems.

Form of conduct: discussion

Organizational part: - 5 minutes

Roll call of students and looking into causes of absence of the students, unpreparedness to the lesson, check up of lecture notes.

Independent work of students - 45 minutes

Mastering of knowledge, legal skills


Tasks 1:

To find materials from Internet about experience of ICT applied in public administration in developed countries (one country among 50 developed countries).


Tasks 2.

Work with Web-portals of CIS (Kazakhstan, Russia, Kirgizia, Ukraine).

From Internet:

a) Overlook;

b) Compare;

c) Analyze its portals;

a) Describe directions of strategic development of countries above mentioned.


Mastering of knowledge on the theme and legal skills

Break - 10 minutes


1. Give definition for informational-communicative technologies.

2. Give definition for informational resources.

3. Give concept to main priorities of introduction and development of modern informational-communicative technologies (ICT) all over the world.

4. Name main priorities of introduction and development of modern ICT in developed countries.

5. Name four fundamentals for successful introduction of EG in any state.

6. Give concept to decrease of informational inequality.

7. Characterize multilevel IT-certification in the RK.


Tests: See Collector of testing tasks on “Informatics”, “e - prav” theme



Theme #12. Introduction to programming.

Objective: To form first data about Pascal language. To introduce with various types of data, arithmetical operations and main mathematical functions. To develop skills of recording mathematical expressions in Pascal language.

Learning tasks: Formation of the first data about structure of the program in Pascal language. Formation of abilities and skills of work in text editor of Pascal language and development of algorithms.

Organizational part: - 5 minutes

Roll call of students and looking into causes of absence of students, unpreparedness to the lesson, check up of lecture notes.

The number of formed competences: knowledge, practical skills.


Basic questions of the theme: - 45 minutes

1. Turbo Pascal programming language.

2. Technology of programs development.

3. Types of data.

4. Structure of program in Pascal.

5. Variables. Constants.

6. Mathematical, logical and string expressions.

7. Assignment operator. Comments.

8. Description of a new type.

9. Enumeration types.

10. Type-diapason.

11. Creation of line programs.

Break - 10 minutes

Methods of teaching and tuition: scroll saw.

Methods of control of forming competences on the lesson:

ü Testing is carried out in a computer form (student has to answer the “test” questions containing minimum knowledge and skills that are basic definitions, theoretical questions of the given theme). Oral quiz (student must be ready for discussion of the given theme, questions mentioned in methodical directions).


ü Check of results of practical works on PC (student has to perform individual task for development of certain skills in solution of routine problems);



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