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Independent work of students - 50 minutes. Mastering of practical skills: Solution of routine and situational problems

Mastering of practical skills: Solution of routine and situational problems.



1. How to start up MS Excel tabular processor?

2. What is worksheet and workbook?

3. What is current cell? What is its purpose?

4. How to unite, burst and format cells?

5. How to include graphic objects into a document?

6. How to change height of lines and width of columns?

7. How to construct, edit and add diagrams?

8. How is it necessary to work with the Master of diagrams (types, initial data, parameters and replacement of diagrams; formatting areas of diagrams such as look, type, properties)?

9. How to correct typical mistakes in formulae and functions?

10. What standard functions are implemented by means of Excel?

Tests: See Collector of testing tasks on “Informatics”, “MS Excel Tabular processor” theme.

- General estimation of knowledge - 5 minutes

A teacher analyzes on the given theme of competences: practical, communicative skills and consideration of common mistakes made by students while performance of tasks. Then a teacher analyzes achievements and lacks of a student’s work in connection with total grading in the register by one parameter (for practical skills).


Theme #6. Bases of biomedical statistics.

Objective: To learn tools of analysis: descriptive statistics, dual two-sample t-test for average, two-sample z-test. To learn work with several sheets. To learn special possibilities of Excel.

Learning tasks: To work off installation of Analysis Pack and applying of analysis tools for processing of statistical data. To work off practical abilities and skills for transfer from one sheet to another one, creation of headlines of sheets, paste of references on data of other sheets into the formulae, consolidation of data on the sheet.

Organizational part: - 5 minutes

Roll call of students and looking into causes of absence of students, unpreparedness to lessons, check up of lecture notes.

The number of formed competences: knowledge, practical skills.

Basic questions of the theme: - 45 minutes

1. Transfer from one sheet to another one. Creation of headlines of sheets.

2. Paste of links on data of other sheets into the formulae. Consolidation of data on the sheet.

3. Creation of nominate ranges. Check of books.

4. Paste of notes and smart-tags.

5. Restriction of access to Excel documents. Opening of access to Excel documents and unification of books.

Break - 10 minutes

Methods of teaching and tuition: informational technologies of teaching

Methods of control of competences formed on the lesson:

ü Testing is carried out in a computer form (student has to answer the “test” questions containing minimum knowledge and skills that are basic definitions, theoretical questions of the given theme). Oral quiz (student must be ready for discussion of the given theme, questions mentioned in methodical directions).


ü Check of results of practical works on PC (student has to perform individual task for development of certain skills in solution of routine problems);




1. What’s the purpose of tags of sheets?

2. How headlines of sheets are created?

3. How links to data of other sheets are pasted into the formulae?

4. What is consolidation of data on the sheet?

5. How is check of books carried out?

6. How to set off changes entered into the book?

7. Tell about algorithm of changes viewing?

8. How notes are pasted?

9. What mistakes can be made in work with Excel electronic table?

10. How is it possible to restrict access to Excel documents?

11. How is it possible to open access to Excel documents?


Theme #7. Applied software: Work with databases.

Objective: Formation of practical abilities and skills for creation of tables, input of data into cells of table, data editing, data sorting, data selection with the help of filter, types of connections between tables and ways of their installation.

Learning tasks: Induction with general principles of creation of tables with help of constructor, master and by input of data, introduction and editing of data, conducting of filtration. Formation of skills for creation of structure and schemes of database, settings of types of connections between tables, methods of installation and removal of connections.

Organizational part: - 5 minutes

Roll call of students and looking into causes of absence of students, unpreparedness to lessons, check up of lecture notes.

The number of forming competences: practical skills.

Basic questions of the theme: - 45 minutes

1. Creation of database (DB).

2. Creation of tables.

3. Work with tables (searching and replacement of data, filters, assortment).

4. Connection between tables.

5. Scheme of data.

6. Installation and removal of connection between tables.

Break - 10 minutes

Methods of teaching and tuition: method of the project

Methods of control of competences formed on the lesson:

ü Check of results of practical works on PC (student has to perform individual task for development of certain skills in solution of routine problems);

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