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Text 1. General characteristic of GIS

Geography is an information about the Earth’s surface and the objects found on it as well as a framework for organizing knowledge.

GIS is a technology that is used to view and analyze data from a geographic perspective. GIS links location to information (people to addresses, buildings to parcels or streets) and manipulate with this information to give you better understanding of how it all interrelates.

The information systems used to ensure effective processing of the object information in the territory are called geoinformation systems (GIS).

Thus GIS is intended to provide storage, search and manipulation of the data about the territorial objects.

GIS is comprised of three parts: spatial information, special software and a computer. These components work together to provide a digital platform for viewing and processing layers of spatial information.

GIS assembles information from several sources including ground surveys existing maps, aerial photos and satellite imagery. In GIS specific information about a place, such as the locations of utility lines, roads, streams, buildings and even trees and animal populations is layered over a set of geodetic data. Using special software, regional planners and scientists can examine the layers individually or in various combinations to improve traffic flow, merge constructions with utility systems, develop around environmentally sensitive areas and protect the public from potential natural disasters. Because GIS stores data digitally, information can be quickly and economically updated, easily reproduced and made widely available.

GIS technology is doing most of the cartographic (mapmaking) work. GIS is mostly associated with maps. A map is only one of three ways. GIS can use to WORK with geographic information. These three ways are:

1) The Database view: GIS is a unique kind of database of the WORLD - a geographic database (geodatabase). It is an information System for geography. Fundamentally, GIS is based on a structured database that describes the world in geographic terms.

2) The Map View: GIS is a set of intelligent maps. Views that show features and feature relationship on the earth's surface. Maps can be constructed and used as «Windows into the database» to support analysis and editing of information. This is called geovisualization.

3) The Model View: GIS is a set of information transformation tools that derive new geographic datasets from existing datasets. These geoprocessing functions take information from existing datasets, apply analytic functions, and write results into new derived datasets. Together, these three views are critical parts of GIS and are used in all GIS applications.

The most important element needed to reconstruct geographic reality in GIS is good spatial information. If the spatial information provided to GIS is sparse or of poor resolution, then the world created by the computer will be a lifeless digital shell — a sharp contrast to the complexity of our living Earth.

Exercise 2. Look through the words and try to remember their meaning:

to provide storage —забезпечувати збереження

to process data —обробляти дані

to improve —поліпшувати

to merge —поєднувати

to analyze data —аналізувати дані

to apply —застосовувати

to ensure processing —забезпечувати обробку

geographic perspective —географічна перспективи

spatial information —просторова інформація

intelligent maps —розумні карти

digital platform —цифрова база (основа)

geovisualization —геоуявлення

derived datasets —одержані набори данних

components —складові частини

sparse —розсіяний

Exercise 3. Answer the following questions:

1. What is GIS?

2. Why is the information system used to?

3. What is GIS intended to?

4. How many and what parts is GIS comprised of?

5. Where does GIS assemble information from?

6. Where can GIS technologies be used most of all?

7. What is the first of three ways using GIS?

8. What process is geovisualization called?

9. What is the most important element needed to reconstruct geographic reality in a GIS?

Exercise 4. Translate the following word combinations:

geographic perspective, effective processing, territorial objects, spatial information, digital platform, aerial photos, satellite imagery, utility lines, animal populations, traffic flow, environmentally sensitive areas, natural disasters, intelligent maps, geographic reality, a lifeless digital shell.


Exercise 5. Complete the following chart:

Verb Noun Adjective
to understand   understandable
to ensure    
to improve    
to protect protection  
to construct    
to reach    

Exercise 6. Look through the following verb forms and define the tense, write the infinitive of the verb:

is used, are called, assembles, can examine, stores, is doing, are, is based, will be, are used.

Exercise 7. Put verbs in the brackets in the correct form:

1. GIS _______ (to be) a technology that ______ (to be) used to view and analyze data from a geographic perspective.

2. GIS ________ (to link) location to information (people to addresses, buildings to parcels or streets) and manipulate with this information to give you better understanding of how it all interrelates.

3. GIS __________ (to assemble) information from a several sources including ground surveys existing maps, aerial photos and satellite imagery.

4. GIS technology___(to do) most of the cartographic (mapmaking) work.

5. Maps can__________ (to construct) and (to use) as «Windows into the database» to support analysis and editing of information.

6. The most important element needed to reconstruct geographic reality in GIS _______ (to be) good spatial information


Exercise 8. Read and translate the text.

Text 2. What is GIS?

GIS is an acronym for: Geographic Information System. The term Geographic is used because GIS tends to deal primarily with `geographic' or `spatial' or 'graphical' features. These objects can be referenced or related to a specific location in space. The objects may be physical, cultural or economic in nature. Features on a map for instance are pictorial representations of spatial objects in the real world. Symbols, colours and line styles are used to represent the different spatial features on the two-dimensional map.

Computer technology has been able to assist in this mapping process through the development of automated cartography (map making) and computer aided design (CAD). Computer programs can now accomplish in minutes and hours tasks, which previously took days or weeks for cartographers and draughtsman to complete.

The term Information represents the large volumes of data, which are usually handled within the GIS. Every graphical object has their particular set of data, which cannot be represented in full details in the map. So all these data have to be associated with corresponding spatial object so that the map can become intelligent. When these data are associated with respective graphical feature they get turned to information that is now by click of a mouse on any object its corresponding data get highlighted. All information is data but all data are not information.

The term Systems is used to represent the systems approach taken by GIS, whereby complex environments are broken down into their component parts for ease of understanding and handling but are considered to form an integrated whole. Computer technology has aided and even necessitated this approach so that most information systems are now computer based.

Therefore, Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computer based information system used to digitally represent and analyse the geographic features present on the Earth' surface and the events (non-spatial attributes linked to the geography under study) taking place on it.


Exercise 9. Look through the words and try to remember their meaning:

spatial —просторовий to analyse —аналізувати

large volumes —великий обсяг to handle —обробляти

automated —автоматизований to accomplish—виконувати

two-dimensional—двомірний to assist —допомагати

draughtsman —кресляр to aid —сприяти

features —особливості to complete —закінчувати

graphical —графічний approach —підхід

intelligent —розумний data —дані

for instance —наприклад components —складові

to be associated with—бути пов’язаним з

to necessitate—робити необхідним

to digitize—(обч.) переводити в цифрову форму

Exercise 10. Answer the following questions:


1. What does GIS stand for?

2. What features does GIS deal with?

3. What are used to represent the different spatial features on the two-dimensional map?

4. How long do computer programs accomplish many tasks?

5. What kind of information does every graphical object have?

6. What information is usually handled within a GIS?

7. What is the systems approach taken by GIS?

8. What is the role of computer technology in GIS?

9. What is the function of GIS?

10. Does GIS digitally represent and analyse Earth surface features?


Exercise 11. Complete the following chart.


Verb Noun Adjective
to necessitate necessity necessitous
to assist    
to associate    
to accomplish    
to analyse    
to aid    
to complete    
to digitize    


Exercise 12. Look through the following verb forms and define the tense, write the infinitive of the verb:

took, has been able, handled, accomplish, are broken down, has aided, are associated with, represents, is used, was referenced, was applied, had provided, will link, allows, facilitate, represented.


Exercise 13. Put verbs in the brackets in the correct form:

1. Standard GIS functions______ (to include) thematic mapping, statistics, charting, matrix manipulation, decision support system, modeling and algorithms and simultaneous access to several databases.

2. Many development projects _____ (to have) serious dependence on transport network.

3. Better information _______(not to guarantee) better decision-making capability.

4. This demand for information ______ (to require) new approaches.

5. If two users ______ (to need) the same data or very similar data, the data is often collected twice.

6. Features on a map for instance _____ (to be) pictorial representations of spatial objects in the real world.

7. Complex environments ______ (to break) down into their component parts.

8. The term Information ______ (to represent) the large volumes of data.

9. Computer technology _______ (to be) able to assist in this mapping process.

10. GIS ______ (to deal) primarily with `geographic' or `spatial' or 'graphical' features.

11. Geographic Information System ________ (to provide) a digital analysing of the geographic features of the Earth' surface.


Exercise 14. Change the following sentences into Passive:

1. Computer technology assists in this mapping process.

2. The term Information represents the large volumes of data.

3. Computer programs have accomplished many tasks.

4. Geographic Information System digitally represent and analyse the geographic features on the Earth' surface.

5. Computer technology has aided and even necessitated this approach.

6. Symbols, colors and line styles represent the different spatial features on the two-dimensional map.

7. Management applications will require more detailed locational data.

8. GIS-T applications have included land use, demographic, environmental, utility, and hazardous materials databases.

9. The editing function allows the user to add or delete points, lines, or polygons and change the attributes of these features.

10. The display function generates thematic maps.



Exercise 15. Read and translate the text.


Text 3. Components of GIS


GIS components are: hardware, software, data, methods and people.


GIS relies on a computer for storage and processing of data. The size of the computing system will depend on the type and nature of GIS. A small scale GIS will only need a small personal computer to run on, while a large enterprise uses a wide system with larger computers and a host of client machines to support multiple users.


At a core of any GIS system lies the GIS software itself providing the functionality to store, manage, link, query and analyze geographic data. In addition to the core GIS software various other software components can be added to provide access to additional sources of data and forms of functionality.


Data for GIS comes in two forms: geographic or spatial data, and attribute or a spatial data. Spatial data are data that contain an explicit geographic location in the form of a set of coordinates. Attribute data are descriptive sets of data that contain various information relevant to a particular location, e.g. depth, height, sales figures, etc. and can be linked to a particular location by means of an identifier, e.g. address, pin code, etc. Sources of spatial data include paper maps, charts, and drawings scanned or digitized into the system. Digital files are imported from CAD or other graphics systems. Coordinate data are recorded using a GPS receiver and data are captured from satellite imagery or aerial photography.


GIS systems are designed and developed to aid the data management and decision support processes of an organization. The operation of any organization is based on a set of practices and business logic unique to that organization. While some organizations may use GIS on an ad-hoc basis with each user formulating their own standards of work and methods of analysis others define their business logic into GIS to streamline certain aspects of their operations. So the methodology applied is another factor for success of any GIS project.


The system users - those who will use the GIS to solve spatial problems - are most often people who are well trained in GIS, perhaps in a specific application of GIS. System operators are responsible for the day-to-day operations of the system, more often performing tasks that allow the system users to function efficiently.

GIS suppliers are responsible for providing software support and updates of the software as new and improved methods are put into the system. The data supplier could be either private or public. The private company may provide internally generated data or data obtained from public agencies modified to better fit needs expressed by the user community. Public agencies, primarily governmental agencies, provide data for large portions of the country. Application developers are generally trained programmers who will provide user interface to reduce the reliance on specialized GIS professionals to perform common tasks. GIS systems analysts specialize in the study of systems design.


Exercise 16. Look through the words and try to remember their meaning:

storage —збереження to analyze —аналізувати

enterprise —підприємство to contain —вміщати

acces —доступ to define —визначати

core —ядро, центр, серце to solve —вирішувати

attribute data —специфічні дані to perform —виконувати

spatial data —просторові дані to provide —забезпечувати

drawings —креслення to reduce —зменшувати

charts —схеми to specialize —спеціалізуватися

digital files —цифрові файли to rely —довіряти

processing —обробка to streamline —модернізувати

needs —потреби to update —модернізувати

responsible —відповідальний relevant to —відносно до

analysts —аналітики programmers —програмісти

Exercise 17. Answer the following questions:

1. How many components does GIS consist of?

2. What does hardware stand for?

3. What does software stand for?

4. What forms do data for a GIS come in?

5. What do you know about geographic data?

6. What can you tell about attribute data?

7. What do descriptive sets of data contain?

8. What methods and practices do various organizations use?

9. What categories of users can you define people using GIS?

Exercise 18. Translate the following word combination:

geographic location, sales figures, various information, paper maps, particular location, scanned drawings, spatial data, satellite imagery, aerial photography, decision support processes, spatial problems, software support, improved methods, system users, digital files, data supplier, large portions, generated data, application developers, graphics systems, data management, specific application, governmental agencies, coordinate data, computing system, large computers, additional sources, software components, small scale, wide system, large enterprise.


Exercise 19. Look through the following verb forms and define the tense, write the infinitive of the verb:

are trained, provide, applied, was based, define, is linked, comes, contain, will depend, were added, has included, are designed, will be developed, was analyzing, relies, is supporting, had imported.

Exercise 20. Put verbs in the brackets in the correct form:

1. GIS _____ (to describe) a world in terms of longitudes and latitudes and other projection systems.

2. The national level planning in the country is broad based and ______ (to do) using some macro level data like area, gross domestic product etc.

3. Geographical Information System (GIS) ______ (to become) more widely used in transportation planning agencies, especially among metropolitan transportation organizations.

4. The ability of most GIS software to provide many basic transportation models and algorithms ______ (to be) useful in specific situations.

5. GIS ______ (to be) a powerful tool in the analysis and design of transport routing networks.

6. GIS applications ______ (to expect) in pavement management, traffic engineering, planning and research, bridge maintenance and field office support.

7. This ability of GIS, along with the final presentation of results on a digital base map, ______ (to allow) the user a better perception of the problem, enable better decisions, and allow a better understanding.

8. The typical GIS ________ (to represent) the world as a map.

9. Public agencies, primarily governmental agencies, _____ (to provide) data for large portions of the country.

10. GIS systems _______ (to design) and (to develop) to aid the data management and decision support processes of an organization.

Exercise 21. Change the following sentences into Passive:

1. The topological information available in GIS database opens the new ways for analyzing the transportation related data for different purposes.

2. The road network at GIS platform will provide a framework for the development of disaster management system of any kind.

3. The functionality of existing GIS-T software constrains choice of the spatial database and the transportation modes.

4. The thematic maps show the attributes of selected features using a variety of symbols and colors.

5. GIS technology provides the core framework for an integrated highway information system.

6. The surface modeling function created a three-dimensional model of land forms or other surface features.

7. These regional base maps will provide the framework for identifying and monitoring congestion from a regional perspective.

8. Design software imported the topographic map from the GIS.

9. The union of two base maps displays all the features of both maps.

10. The measurement function determines the length of lines and the area of polygons.

Exercise 22. Read and translate the text.


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