







HTML- . , . - , , .

HTML-. HTML- <html> </html>. <head> </head>. , JavaScript-, .

HTML- - - <body> </body>. ̳ - - , Web- .

, HTML-.

<html> <head><title> </title></head><body></body> </html>


<title> Web- </title>. - , HTML-. . , . <title> ' HTML-.

<script type="text/javascript"> </script>. JavaScript ( VBScript), Web-, ᒺ. JavaScript - '- , HTML-. ' [4].

<style type="text/css"> </style>. , , Web- .

<meta name="" content="">. HTML <meta> () , . name meta ' , content - , :

- description name , :

<meta name="description" content=" Web-">

- keywords name . , : , , , , , rielter, rieltor, hs'knjh ( ) .

<meta name="keywords" content=" , , , , , , , ">

- refresh http-equiv , ( 10 )

<meta http-equiv=" refresh" content="10;url=new URL" />

- expires name ,

<meta http-equiv=" refresh" content = "thu, 16 DEC 1999 00:04:00 PST">

meta :

<head><meta name="description" content="Free Web tutorials" /><meta name="keywords" content="HTML,CSS,XML,JavaScript" /><meta name="author" content="Hege Refsnes" /><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1" /></head>

HTML- , . . , , .

. .

. Web- , , , , , .

ó . Web-, , .

-. Shockwave, SWF, Java- , HTML-.

2.7. Web-

Web- - <img>. <img> , . <img> . ( ), <img> ' src. <img> . " / ", :

<img src="fon.gif"/>

Web-, , , HTML-. , , URL:

<img src="images/fon.gif"/>

, , URL:

<img src="c:/images/fon.gif">

Web- URL, Web- URL '.

<img> :

width="x". . Web- width.

height="x". width, height . , <img>.

border="x". . x . , . , . , , , , , . , border="0".

align="x". . . . , <img> :

<img src="foto.jpg" width="381" height="273" border="0" align="right"/>


"top" - ;

"middle" - ;

"bottom" - .

, alt - alt=" ". , , alt, , . :

<img src="/images/interfax.gif" alt="Interfax" width="94" height="38" border="0">

hspace="x" , vspace="x" - .


2.8. ó

<> HTML, ' Web-. ' <>... </>:

<a href="URL">...</a><a name="">...</a>

href name <> . - .

, , . , ( , ). ( ), . . <> , href (http://htmlbook.ru/html/a).

<> href, , , . , ' Web-. . 7 HTML-, , .

<p><a href="images/xxx.jpg"> !</a></p><p><a href="tip.html"> ?</a></p><p><a href="http://www.anechka.kiev.ua/bublik/edit/map.html" target="_blank"> HTML </a></p>


. 7. <>

www.anechka.kiev.ua/bublik/edit/map.html, HTML. , , . , URL: . URL, , , , . URL Web-. ³ URL, URL, '. URL . URL URL .

, , ( ) ' . , , , :

<a name="gloss"></a>

, , :

<a href="#gloss">epex </a>


glossary document.html:

<a href="document.html#glossary"></a></p>

target , , . < > target=name, name - ' , . : _blank, _self, _parent, _top. , target="_blank" (http://htmlbook.ru/html/a/target).


Web- , . Web-. HTML.

-, . , .

, . <table> , . - , <tr> <td>. <table> : <caption>, <col>, <colgroup>, <tbody>, <td>, <tfoot>, <th>, <thead>, <tr> [7].

<table> </table> . <table> :

align="x" . left, center right. , , <div>

<table align="left | center | right">...</table>;

border="x" - ;

cols="10" ;

cellspacing="x" - ;

cellpadding="x" - ;

width="x%" width="x" - , , . Web- , , .

<tr> </tr> . <tr> :

align="x" , ;

valign="x" , .


<td>...</td> . :

align="x" , ;

height="x" , . , height . г -. ;

width="x%" width="x" , . . . , width, , , , ;

colspan =" " - - . , . colspan 1;

rowspan="" , , . rowspan 1. , rowspan, , , , rowspan .


. 8.

. 8.

2.10. HTML

HTML , . . , HTML-.

<ol>, <li> </li>. . 9.

. 9. HTML-

<ol> , <li> . <ol> :

<ol type="A | a | I | i | 1">...</ol>

. <ol>, . :







<ol start=""><li> </li></ol>

start , . , type, start .

. , . <ul>, <li>. <ul> , <li> . , <li> type. : (disc), (circle) (square):

<ul type="disc | circle | square">...</ul>.

. 10.

. 10. HTML-

- , . : , .

< dl >, , <dt> < dd >; <dt> , a <dd> - (. 11).


. 11.

Web-. ( , ), HTML-. . , , ; , , , . , . . 12.

. 12.

, HTML-, , . HTML-, :

<html><!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/frameset.dtd"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1251"><title> FRAMESET ()</title></head><i-- --><frameset rows="25%,*"><frameset cols="25%,*"><frame name="l" src="1.html" marginwidth="10" marginheight="10"scrolling="auto" frameborder="1"> <frame name="2" src="2.html" marginwidth="20" marginheight="20"scrolling="auto" frameborder="1"></frameset><frameset cols="25%,*"><frame name="3" src="3.html" marginwidth="30" marginheight="30"scrolling="auto" frameborder="1"><frame name="4" src="4.html" marginwidth="40" marginheight="40"scrolling="auto" frameborder="1"> </frameset></body></html>

. 13. HTML-

HTML-, . Web-, . 13, ' HTML-: (1.html, 2.html, 3.html, 4.html,).

, , :

<frameset>. Web-. . <frameset> </frameset>. , Web- <frameset> <body>.

<frame>. Web-. src="x", - URL HTML-.

<noframes>. , <noframes>, , . .

<frameset> .

cols="x". . , . , "*". , . , , . , , : cols="230,120, *". 230 , - 120 , .

rows="x". . , .

border="x". . . . , Internet Explorer .

frameborder="x". Internet Explorer . Netscape Navigator 3.0 , frameborder "yes" "n". Web- , - . frameborder framespacing. , .

framespacing="x". Internet Explorer . frameborder framespacing Web-, Netscape Navigator, - Internet Explorer.

<frame> .

frameborder="x". frameborder . Netscape Navigator "yes" "no", a Internet Explorer , .

marginheight="x". marginheight . Netscape Navigator 4.0, Internet Explorer 4.0 .

marginwidth="x". marginwidth . marginheight, Netscape Navigator 4.0, Internet Explorer 4.0 .

name="x". name . target <>. .

noresize. . <frame> , .

scrolling="x". "yes", "no" "auto", . "yes", . "no" . "auto", . , .

src="x". URL HTML-, .

Web- .

, Web- . , Web-, , , , .



18. HTML [ ]. : http://on-line-teaching.com/html/. . .

19. A Little History of the World Wide Web [ ]. : http://www.w3.org/History.html. . .

20. Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Core Specification [ ]. : http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Core/. . .

21. 18 Scripts [ ]. : http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/interact/scripts.html#h-18.1. . .

22. . - [ ]. : http://wdh.suncloud.ru/contents.htm. . .

23. HTML 4.01/XHTML 1.0 Reference [ ]. : http://www.w3schools.com/tags/default.asp. . .

24. <table> [ ]. : http://htmlbook.ru/html/table. . .

25. .., .. . ϳ / . .. .: , 2003. 400 ., . ISBN 9667223277.

26. . , . . Web-: . . .: . BHV, 1997.

27. . . . . .. .: 000. - Ի, 2000 496 .

28. . . . . : , 2001. 528 .

29. Internet. . . . . .: BHV, 2001. 864 .

30. Web- . . .: , 2001. 576 .




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