1. Я родился в Москве. | 1. I was born in Moscow. |
2. В прошлом году мы переехали на другую квартиру. | 2. Last year we moved to another flat. |
3. Я не ходил в детский сад. | 3. I didn't go to kindergarten. |
4. Мой друг пошел в школу в 6 лет. | 4. My friend went to school at 6. |
5. Я хорошо успевал по английскому языку. | 5. I was good at English. |
6. Я усердно учился. | 6. I studied hard. |
7. Мои родители не были разочарованы. | 7. My parents were not disappointed. |
8. Я решил стать судоводителем. | 8. I decided to become a navigator. |
9. Я потратил много времени. | 9. I wasted much time. |
10. Я усовершенствовал свои знания по английскому языку. | 10. I improved my English. |
11. Я не вступил в этот спортивный клуб. | 11. I didn't join this sports club. |
12. Это не принесло мне пользы. | 12. It didn't do me any good. |
13. Я успешно закончил школу. | 13. I finished school successfully. |
14. Я не сдал этот экзамен. | 14. I didn't pass this exam. |
Переведите вопросительные предложения. Следите за правильностью употребления глагольных форм и порядком слов в предложении. Проверьте себя по контрольным вопросам.
1. Когда вы родились? | 1. When were you born? |
2. Где вы живете? | 2. Where do you live? |
3. Где вы жили в то время? | 3. Where did you live at that time? |
4. В какую школу вы ходили? | 4. What school did you go to? |
5. По каким предметам вы хорошо занимались? | 5. What subjects were you good at? |
6. Почему вы решили стать моряком? | 6. Why did you decide to become a seaman? |
7. Когда вы вступили в баскетбольный клуб? | 7. When did you join a basketball club? |
8. Когда вы закончили школу? | 8. When did you finish school? |
9. Как вы сдали экзамен? | 9. How did you pass your exams? |
Используя таблицы, расскажите кратко свою биографию.
1. I was good at | English. mathematics. swimming. remembering numbers. cooking. |
2. At the age of... I | went to school. had many family problems. decided to be a navigator. got a driving licence. learnt to swim. started working. |
3. I improved | my English. my position. my writing (почерк). in health (здоровье). in looks (внешний вид). |
Расскажите свою биографию, используя как можно больше слов и словосочетаний из текста.
Text 8. Alex's biography
Прочитайте текст и постарайтесь понять его содержание, пользуясь словами и выражениями, данными на полях.
Alex's biography
Alex's story is not a long one to tell. He was born 18 years ago in Moscow where some relatives of his still live. His grandmother died recently. He took her death to heart. Alex adored her and she contributed much to his upbringing. She was an interesting personality,indeed. Alex's parents have lived in Murmansk for 13 years. So he considers Murmansk his home town. All his friends live there too. Through all the school years Alex did well in his studies. In fact his parents werevery proud of him. He was never short of confidence and he always had his feet on the ground. Books about adventures were his pastime. He made up his mind to go to sea. He set his heart on fighting against storms on a ship which ploughed through the great seas. He looked forward to hearing about his exam results and entering the Technical University. His patience was finally rewarded, he had broken the back of the task. He passed the initial period of adjustment and didn't lose heart in being a seaman and knowing the ropes. | die [daı] умирать recently [΄ri:sntlı] недавно death [deθ] смерть adore [ə΄do:] обожать contribute[kən΄trıbju:t] содействовать upbringing воспитание personality личность indeed в самом деле, действительно consider считать be proud of [praud] гордиться confidence[΄konfıdəns] уверенность have one's feet on the ground быть практичным adventure[əd΄ventòə] приключениe pastime [΄pa:staım] увлечение, досуг make up one's mind решать set one's heart [ha:t] хотеть plough [plau] прокладывать путь, бороздить enter поступать patience[΄peıòəns] терпение reward [rı΄wo:d] вознаградить break the back of the task выполнить самую трудную часть задачи adjustment адаптация lose heart терять интерес know the ropes знать дело очень хорошо |
Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания на английский язык, проверьте свои ответы по контрольным ответам и повторите их по образцу.
1. родственники 2. умерла недавно 3. смерть 4. обожать 5. содействовать воспитанию 6. интересная личность 7. считать 8. хорошо успевать 9. гордиться кем-то 10. быть неуверенным 11. быть практичным 12. увлечение 13. приключение 14. решать 15. хотеть 16. бороздить (моря) 17. с нетерпением ждать 18. поступать в университет 19. вознаграждать 20. терпение 21. выполнить самую трудную часть задачи | 1. relatives 2. died recently 3. death 4. adore 5. contribute to one's upbringing 6. an interesting personality 7. consider 8. do well 9. be proud of somebody 10. be short of confidence 11. have one's feet on the ground 12. pastime 13. adventure 14. make up one's mind 15. set one's heart 16. plough 17. look forward to 18. enter the University 19. reward 20. patience 21. break the back of the task |
22. начальный периoд адаптации | 22. an initial period of adjustment |
23. терять интерес | 23. lose heart |
24. знать дело очень хорошо | 24. know the ropes |
Прочитайте вопросы и ответы к тексту. Ответьте на вопросы самостоятельно и сверьте свои ответы с контрольными.
1. When was Alex born? | 1. He was born 18 years ago. |
2. Where do some relatives of his still live? | 2. They live in Moscow. |
3. When did his grandmother die? | 3. She died recently. |
4. Did Alex like his grandmother? | 4. Alex adored her. |
5. Who brought Alex up? | 5. His grandmother contributed much to his upbringing. |
6. Why does Alex consider Murmansk his home town? | 6. Alex's parents have lived in Murmansk for 13 years. All his friends live there too. |
7. How did Alex study at school? | 7. Through all the school years Alex did well in his studies. |
8. Why were Alex's parents very proud of him? | 8. He was never short of confidence and he always had his feet on the ground. |
9. What was his pastime? | 9. Books about adventures were his pastime. |
10. What did he set his heart on? | 10. He set his heart on fighting against storms on a ship which ploughed through the great seas. |
11. What did he look forward to? | 11. He looked forward to hearing about his exam results and entering the University. |
12. Did he lose his heart in being a seaman? | 12. No, he didn't. |
Закройте вопросы в задании 2, оставьте открытыми ответы. По ответам восстановите вопросы и проверьте себя.