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Exercise 5. Проглянь фото на яких зображено Анабель

Do you think she’s a professional artist or a professional musician?

Прочитай її інтерв’ю та допиши подані питання відповідно її відповідей.

· Do you like your job? Why?

· How many hours do you work?

· Do you earn a lot of money?

· Where do you work?

· What don't you like about your job? How do you relax after work?

· What do you do?

In pairs, guess the meaning of the highlighted words.

Check with your teacher or a dictionary.

Read the article again.

Circle two good and two bad things about Annabel’s job.


What do you do?

1) I am an artist. I draw and paint pictures for magazines, books, CD covers - all kinds of things.


2) I work at home. I have a room just for working in.


3) I usually work about eight hours a day. from 9.30 to 5.30. Sometimes I work again in the evenings or at weekends, when I'm in a hurry to finish a picture.


4) It depends I earn from about £250 to £3,000 for a picture. Sometimes I have a lot of work

but sometimes I don't. That's a problem. And I don't have paid holidays


5) Yes. I love it, because every day is different, and I like using my imagination.


6) It's stressful when I need to work fast and the ideas don't come. And sometimes it's

lonely when you don't work with other people.


7) I play the bass in a band called International Airport We play at weekends in pubs and clubs.

Exercise 1. Заповни таблицю.

Adjective Comparative form

Exercise 2. Доповніть речення прикметником з дужок в необхідній формі.

1. Britain is ___________________(hot) now than at any time before.

2. It’s usually_____________________ (foggy) in autumn than in summer.

3. Places that are sunny are______________________ (popular) than places where it rains a lot.

4. I think the weather is_______________ (bad) than ten years ago.

5. India is__________________________ (sunny) than Britain, but it is also (wet)!

6. The sea is getting_____________________ (high).

7. Summer is_______________________ (short) now than 25 years ago.


Exercise 3. Виберіть правильний варіант.

1. It’s hoter / hotter in July than in September.

2. The weather is badder / worse in London than in my city.

3. I think it’s more beautiful / beautifuler when it rains.

4. Is it drier / more dry now in the summer?

5. I think summer is getting shorter / more short.

6. It’s always raining so it’s weter / wetter than before


Exercise 4.Викресліть зайве слово.

cold difficult short


1. hot big bad;

2. dry long new;

3. popular sunny famous;

4. easy early expensive;

5. good cold late;

6. big wet old;

APPLYING FOR A JOB.....................................................................................................INDEPENDENT WORK No. 7-8


1. Прочитати та перекласти текст.

2. Реферувати текст

3. Виписати 5 порад із тексту.

How to apply for a job.

Money makes the world go round. In today’s world money is everything to everyone. If a person doesn’t have money its standards of life are not so nice. A job is one of the most crucial aspects of anyone’s life.

More and more people are looking for job. Also, more people are changing jobs as job markets change. How do you find out about new jobs? Besides the local newspaper, there are many places to check for more information on possible jobs.

Public libraries in most towns and cities have information about jobs and different careers. Many businesses hire workers through employment agencies. Employment agencies handle both temporary and permanent jobs. Many employment agencies list jobs in the want ad section of newspapers. Your friends and relatives who are working are another source to learn about jobs. They can tell you about job openings where they are working.

Now when it comes the time to chose a job there are millions and millions of jobs out, however there are billions of people vying for these jobs. This makes incredible importance to have an edge over the other people trying to get the job.

There are three major things to know when trying to get a job. The first crucial step to getting a job is actually to talk to any trustful person you are acquainted with. This may sound weird as employers generally hire people they know. In fact five of every ten positions are filled through personal contacts. The better the job and the better the pay, the greater the chances it will be offered through a personal contact. However personal contacts do not guarantee a job, which is why it is significant to know the other important things to do.

The next crucial step to getting a job is being prepared as much as possible. Not only one should be prepared physically for an interview but also mentally. When going to a job interview dressing nicely is an important aspect. To the average employer seeing the fact that you took the time to get nice for the interview shows your genuine interest in the job, thus improving your chance at getting the job.

Aside from looking good it’s also important to be educated enough to talk about the job. Some things a person should know about the job and the company includes what the company’s business or service is.

The last crucial step to getting a job is something so simple that everyone should be a pro at it, however it is where a lot of people trip up. The last important aspect is being able to talk about yourself. When going into an interview it is important to be able to talk about your education, experience, and ability to adapt to the job position. Also it is important to talk about why you want the job, and why you would be a great fit for the job. In fact to make sure you’ve got what you want to say down it might be helpful to practice what you’re going to say before the interview.

In conclusion, getting a job is a crucial part of almost everyone’s life. If you follow the three easy steps of getting your foot in the door you find it much easier to find a job. With your newfound job you can hopefully make all the money you’ve ever wanted.



SCIENCE AND MODERN TECHNOLOGIES……………..………………………………………………LESSON 23-24

Exercise 1. Поєднайте слова з відповідним визначенням. Запишіть відповіді окремо.

1. Computer 2. Keyboard 3. E - mail 4. Laptop 5. Game 6. Mouse 7. Wi-fi 8. Screen 9. Mobile 10. Website   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10   A. An electronic machine. You use it for going on the internet, storing information and playing games. B. An electronic letter. C. You can play this on the computer for fun. D. You use this to write on a computer. It has letters or characters on. E. A computer that can travel with you. F. Your personal telephone. G. You use this to move and click on a computer. H. The part of your computer where you see the pictures or words. I. Google, YouTube and Wikipedia are types of… J. Internet connection without wires or cables.

Exercise 2. Заповніть пропуски словами із вправи 1.

You use a ______________ to write on a computer. It has letters or characters on.

2. You can play a _______________ on the computer for fun.

3. Google, YouTube and Wikipedia are types of __________________.

4. A ___________________ is an electronic machine. You use it for going on the internet, storing information and playing games.

5. A_________________ is a computer that can travel with you.

6. Internet connection without wires or cables is called________________.

7. An _________________ is an electronic letter.

8. Your _________________________ is your personal telephone.

9. You use a _____________________to move and click on a computer.

10. The part of your computer where you see the pictures or words is the _________________.


Exercise 3. Зєднайте слова з колонки А зі словами в конці В, щоб утворити словосполучення.Запишіть їх.


downloads a firewall burn the network 1._______________ 5. ________________

enter images load onto a CD 2._______________ 6.________________

install the net log onto a program 3. _______________ 7.________________

surf a password click on a button 4._______________ 8.________________
Exercise 4. Прочитай як молоді британці використовують компютер. Перклади на українську мову. Подумай і скажи як використовуеш комп’ютер ти.

Jenny: “We’ve had broadband since January, and it’s really changed the way we use our computer. We’ve bought a webcam, so we can video chat with our friends in the States. I also download a lot more music and videos from the Net because it’s faster now, and I burn them onto CDs and DVDs.”


Rob: “I use a laptop at home. We’ve got a wireless router in the hall, so it’s easy to get online in any room in the house. I’ve got my own website with photos of myself, my family and my friends. I write a blog (when I remember) so that my friends know all my news. My website also includes lots of links to my other favourite websites.”


Matilda: “We haven’t got a computer at home, but there’s an Internet cafe near my home. I go there two or three times a week and log onto my e-mail account. I also surf the Internet and visit some of my favourite websites. I occasionally download music. The computer that I use hasn’t got a CD-writer, but it’s easy to copy files onto a flash drive. ”

Exercise 5. Заповніть пропуски словами з вправи 1.

1________________are connections between different web pages or different parts of a web page.

2________________is a fast, permanent connection to the Internet.

3________________A allows you to_________________and surf the Internet without plugging any wires into your computer.

4________________A allows you to send video pictures via the Internet.

5________________A is a small, portable computer.

6________________A is a diary that you write on the Internet.

7________________If your computer has a____________, you can information from your computer onto a CD.

8________________The is another word for the Internet.

9________________To is to communicate via the Internet with voice and video pictures.

10_______________To means to copy from the Internet onto your computer.

11_______________You usually a website by entering your username and password.

12_______________A is a very small, portable device for storing computer files.

Exercise 6. Прочитай та переклади українською.

Laptop Computers.

Laptop computers are small portable computers. They weigh from two to six pounds and are easy to carry. Most people carry their laptop computer in a padded case that has a handle. The case protects the laptop. A laptop computer is different from a desktop computer. Laptops are smaller, lighter, and sometimes they have less storage space. Laptop computers allow users to check their email, write letters, and browse the Internet while they are away from their home or office. Most laptops cost from $400 to over $1,500.

Прислівник (The Adverb) – це частина мови, що позначає ознаку дії. Іншими словами, прислівник позначає як, де, коли та в якій мірі щось відбулося, та власне відповідає на ці питання. Як правило, в реченні прислівники грають роль обставини способу дії, місця, часу та ступеня. Але бувають випадки, коли вони виступають в ролі означення.

За значенням прислівники в англійській мові поділяють на 5 основних груп:

• ПРИСЛІВНИКИ ЧАСУ: today (сьогодні), yesterday (вчора), now (тепер), soon (незабаром), early (рано), late (пізно), then (тоді), before (до того як);

• ПРИСЛІВНИКИ МІСЦЯ: here (тут), there (там), near (біля), above (над);

• ПРИСЛІВНИКИ ЧАСТОТНОСТІ: often (часто), never (ніколи), sometimes (іноді), ever (будь-коли), usually (звичайно);

• ПРИСЛІВНИКИ СТУПЕНЯ: very (дуже), quite (досить), little (мало), too (занадто);

• ПРИСЛІВНИКИ СПОСОБУ ДІЇ: quickly (швидко), well (добре), slowly (повільно).

Найчастіше прислівники утворюються від інших частин мови (найчастіше прикметників) за допомогою суфікса - ly: quick — quick ly, happy — happi ly.

За своєю формою прислівники бувають:

прості (кореневі): here, there, now, then, quite, little, out;

похідні (з суфіксами і префіксами): slowly, forward (s), upstairs;

складні та складені (які складаються з двох коренів або слів): sometimes, anywhere, at last, at once.

Прислівники, як правило, вживаються після дієслів: to run quickly, to smile happily. Прислівники способу дії та деякі інші мають ступені порівняння.



Деякі прислівники в англійській мові збігаються за формою з прикметниками: fast (швидкий, швидко); early (ранній, рано); loud (голосний, голосно), hard (важкий, важко) You must work hard (hard — прислівник напружено, у функції обставини способу дії).

This is a hard question (hard — прикметник важке у функції означення).

Exercise 1. Утворіть прислівники з прикметників.

1.Turtles crawl (slow).  
2. She speaks English (fluent).  
3. Do this exercise (careful).  
4. Leopards run (quick).  
5. That lazy person never does a job (good).  
6. She cooks (bad).  
8. She types (fast) of all secretaries in the office.  
7. He wrote the test (good) than his friend.  
9. Who works (much) in your family?  
10. We must discuss this question (quiet).  
11. She does everything (easy).  
12. He always does his work (proper).  

Exercise 2.Виберіть правильну форму слова.

1. You must work (hard, hardly). He (hard, hardly) ever does any work. 2. I haven’t been well (late, lately). 3. I (near, nearly) missed the bus this morning. The station is (near, nearly) here. 4. Mary sings (loud, loudly). I’m (pretty, prettily) sure that he’s said “yes”. 5. She answered me very (direct, directly) and openly. 6. He looked (angry, angrily). He looked at me (angry, angrily).

Exercise 4. Перепишіть наступні речення, використовуючи прислівники замість прикметників.

Example: His answer was good.—He answered well.

1. John is a slow eater.-

2. Mary’s translation of the sentence is correct. -

3. My companion was a quick walker. -

4. She was a careless cook. -

5. His arrival was unexpected. -

6. My friend is an excellent dancer. -

7. His death was sudden. -

8. Her speech at the meeting was wonderful.-

Exercise 5. Дайте відповідь на запитання, використовуючи ступені порівняння прислівників.

1. Does Peter drive the car as carefully as Tom? 2. Does a taxi run as fast as a bus? 3. Did Jane speak as calmly as Helen? 4. Did you come as late as your brother? 3. Does Nick speak English as slowly as Peter? 6. Does Susan speak French as well as her mother? 7. Does Harry get up as early as his father? 8. Does Jack do his grammar exercises as carelessly as he did last year?


Exercise 1. Прочитай текст. Переклади на українську мову. Подумай що в статті є найдивнішим?

_______________ SMART MUSIC_________________

There are now more and more ways of listening to music.

Many people now listen to music on their smartphones.

But do you know what a smartwatch is? Smartwatches do far more than tell the time; they also enable you to control the music you're listening to. They are part of what people call 'wearable technology', like Google glasses.

On a smartwatch you can make phone calls, read emails and texts, and answer them. Some smartwatches have voice recognition, so you can speak your reply to a text, and others have a camera. Soon everyone will want a smartwatch.

But there are two problems. The first is that having so many functions on a small device means that the battery life is short. So the battery will need a recharge every two days or so. The second is that a smartwatch is not stand-alone. In other words, you will still need to have a smartphone. The watch 'talks' to your phone using Bluetooth.

So why get one? Well, you won't miss calls when your phone is in your bag and you don't hear it. And you won't have to look for your phone when you get a call or a text.


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