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MY FUTURE PROFESSION……………………………………………………………………LESSON 19-20

Exercise 1. Поєднайте слова з колнки A з відповідим поясненням в колонці B. Запишіть відповіді окремо.

1. Fee

2. Bonus

3. Wage (s) /weekly by cash/

4. Pay

5. Salary /mounthly by cheque/

6. Scholarship/grant

7. Profession

8. Job

9. Occupation

10. Work


A. money that you receive every month as payment from the organization you work for /professional peopleteachers, doctors, lawyers/

B. the amount of money that someone is paid every week by their employer /factory workers and other manual workers/

C. additional payment for a particular reason

D. money paid for regular work or services /in armed forces/

E. payment made to doctors, lawyers, architects for their service

F. payment to students

G. engage in physical or mental activity

H. a peace of work that you regularly do in order to earn money either to be done or completed

I. a job that needs an high level of education and special training (law, medicine, teaching)

J. the kind of job that someone does, for making a living (a handicraft) a specially one in which they work with their hand.

Exercise 2. Прочитайте текст. Перекладіть на українську мову.


About half of 16- and 17-year-olds in the UK have got jobs, and three quarters of this age group also go to school. They do part-time jobs before or after school and at weekends. The most common jobs are babysitting (very popular with girls) and paper rounds (popular with boys). Cleaning and working in a shop are also popular jobs.

In the UK, school students are not allowed to work more than two hours on a school day, or more than twelve hours in total during a school week. They are not allowed to work before 7 a.m. or after 7 p.m. (but babysitters can work later). They must have at least two weeks’ holiday from school each year when they don’t work at all.

Teenagers do part-time jobs because they want to earn some money. However, they don’t usually earn very much, in the UK, there is a minimum wage for adults-. £5.52 (186.8 UAH) an hour. For 16- and 17-year-olds, it is £3.40(115.06 UAH) an hour. For children under 16, there is no minimum wage, so many teenagers work for £2(67,68 UAH) or £3(101,52 UAH) an hour.


Exercise 1. Дайте відповідь на питання

1. How many young people aged 16 and 17 have jobs in the UK?

2. What is the most common job for teenage girls?

3. What is the most common job for teenage boys?

4. How many hours in total can young people work during a school week?

5. Can babysitters work after 7 p.m.?

6. Why do teenagers get part-time jobs?

7. What is the minimum wage for a 16-year-old?

8. What is the minimum wage for a 15-year-old.

Exercise 2. Випишіть виділені слова і фрази в тексті відповідно до поданих значень.

1___________ looking after children while the parents are out

2___________ get (money) for working

3___________ jobs that you do for a few hours a week

4___________ the smallest amount of money you can get for working, by law

5___________ can’t smth

6___________ delivering newspapers to people’s homes

Exercise 3. Прослухайте та доповніть поданими словами.

Advantage education experience meeting paid tired

1 Part-time jobs give you good_________________of working.

2 The other_______________of a part-time job is that you can earn some money.

3 Part-time jobs are a good way of____________________people.

4 Sometimes, part-time jobs make teenagers too___________to study!

5 The most important thing for teenagers is to get a______________________good.

6 Teenagers can only get part-time jobs that are__________________badly.

Прикметник. The adjective. Прикметник на -іng та -ed

Чимало прикметників утоврюються від дієслів додаванням закінчення - і ng або - ed:


Прикметники із закінченням - іng мають форму дієприкметника теперішнього часу. (Present Participle). Вони використовуються для того, щоб вказати на джерело (суб'єкта або причину) почуття або емоції. Такий прикметник – характеристика суб'єкта або об'єкта.

Найпоширенішим такими прикметниками є:

Amusing – розважаючий

shocking - шокуючий

surprising- такий, що дивує

frightening - лякаючий

interesting- цікавий

disappointing – такий, що розстроює

exciting - захоплюючий

tiring – втомлюючий

worrying- турбуючий

boring - нудний

terrifying – такий що лякає; лякаючий

annoying - дратівливий


If you call something interesting you mean it interests you. - Якщо ви називаєте щось цікаве, значить це вас цікавить.

If you call something frightening you mean it frightens you. - Якщо ви називаєте щось лякаючим,отже це вас лякає.

I read a very interesting article in the newspaper today. Я читав дуже цікаву статтю в газеті сьогодні.

That Dracula film was absolutely terrifying. Дракула, що фільм був абсолютно лякаючий.


Прикметники із закінченням –ed мають форму дієприкметника минулого часу (Past Participle). Вони вживаються для того, щоб вказати на одержувача почуття або емоції. Такий прикметник використовується для опису почуттів.

Найпоширенішим такими прикметниками є:


Annoyed - роздратований

bored - нудний

frightened - наляканий

worried - схвильований

tired – втомлений

closed - закритий

excited - порушений

delighted – захоплений (тобто. в захваті)

disappointed - розчарований

If something annoys you, you can say you feel annoyed. Якщо вас дратує щось, ви можете сказати, що ви відчуваєте роздратування.

If something interests you, you can say you are interested. Якщо вас щось цікавить, ви можете сказати, що ви зацікавлені.

The children had nothing to do. They were bored. Дітям нічого було робити. Їм було нудно.

Excercise 1. Заповніть таблицю.

1. Jack has been doing the same job for a very long time. Jack’s job is bored. bored boring
2. Jack is ________________ with his job. bored boring
  3. I am not _______________ in this TV program anymore. interested   Interesting
4. This book is so ____________. depressed   depressing
5. Working in the garden is ____________ and tiresome business. tired   tiring
6. Well, I am ____________ with your answer today. dissatisfied   dissatisfying
7. I believe English is ____________. interested   interesting
8. It was a ____________ fact that I managed to pass that exam. surprised   surprising
9. He was ____________ when we told him about the car accident. shocked   shocking
10. I know it’s strange, but I always feel ____________ when the weather is good. excited   exciting


11. Jimmy always looks so ____________. I guess his life is really ____________. boring / bored   Bored /boring
12. He was ____________ with the idea of eating worms and bugs. disgusted   disgusting
13. I am really proud of you! You’ve made _______________ progress! astonished   astonishing
14. Don’t be _______________. They are children, they always get noisy. annoyed   annoying
15. Do you know that woman _______________ to Jack? talked   talking
16. The boy _______________ in the accident was taken to hospital. injured   injuring
17. Police ________________ the crime are looking for a woman with blond hair. investigated   investigating
18. Who were those students _______________ outside? waited   waiting
19. She was woken up by a bell ring ____________. ringed   ringing
20. The path ____________ two forests is very narrow. connected   connecting
21. I have a large window at my office _______________ the whole city. overlooked   overlooking
22. Can you tell me the name of a mammal begin________________ with H? begined   begining
23. Erinn showed me some pictures _______________ by her brother. painted   painting
24. I saw a big purple car ______________ across the road. parked   parking
25. The house ______________ in the storm has been repaired. damaged   damaging
26. What was the name of a woman ____________ by the police? arrested   arresting
27. Some of the people ____________ to the party can’t come. invited   inviting
28. Life must be unbearable for people ____________ near busy airports. lived   living
29. I have a brother ________________ in the university. worked   working
30. Being _______________ with the film, I went home straightforwardly. disappointed   disappointing


MY FUTURE PROFESSION..……………………………………………………………………LESSON 21-22

Exercise 1. Поєднайте слова (1-6) з їх значенням(A-F). Запишіть відповіді окремо.

1. instructor Aa.someone who studies at university

2. guitar B.someone who teaches or shows students how to do something

3. drama C.the process of acting or performing in front of an audience

4. photography D.the process of taking pictures using a camera

5. university student E.the process of drawing, painting or making models

6. art F. a musical instrument with six strings

1 2 3 4 5 6



Exercise 2. Read the email from Ben Brown and complete the application form for him.


Application Form

1.First name:



4.Courses he/she wants to teach (circle): swimming / football

/ tennis / drama /

art / music /photography

5.Courses he/she can work(circle):

Course 1 Course 2

Course 3 Course 4



I’m studying Dear I also I’m interested in I’m a I love Best regards I can work for
Exercise 3. Check your writing: gap fill. Complete this application email with a word or phrase from the box.



1___________________Ms Cartwright,

2_______________university student and 3_____________________working on your summer camp this July.4__________________English and History, so I can help with the English classes. 5_____________sports and I play football and basketball in the university team. I can organise some fun sports activities at the camp. 6___________________have experience of looking after children. 7_________________________the last week of June and the first three weeks of July.


Jenna McArthur.


Exercise 4. Writing skills practice: Summer jobs - writing practice. You are a university student and you’re looking for a summer job. Read the advert and then write an email to apply for a job. Think about these things:

Paragraph 1: Introduce yourself. What do you do? Why are you writing this email?

Paragraph 2: Write about your skills. What are you studying? What can you teach?

What are your hobbies?

Paragraph 3: When can you work?


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