1. Проведите поиск информации в режиме оnlinе для получения вспомогательной информации об отрасли экономики на ваш выбор (например, производство спортивных товаров). Ваш поиск должен заключать в себе как количественную, так и качественную информацию.
2. Посетите Web-сайт какой-либо компании на ваш выбор. Предположите, что перед руководством компании стоит задача — расширить долю своей компании на рынке. Получите как можно больше вторичных данных, относящихся к этой проблеме из Web-сайта этой компании и других источников в Internet.
3. Посетите Web-сайт Бюро переписей Соединенных Штатов Америки (см. адрес в учебнике). Напишите отчет о вторичных данных, предоставляемых Бюро, которые были бы полезны для компании "быстрого питания", например МсDопаld’s, формирования маркетинговой стратегии на рынке США.
4. Посетите сайт http://www.census.gov/stabab. Используя статистику штатов и статистику естественного движения населения, определите шесть основных штатов с точки зрения продажи товаров для пожилых граждан.
5. Для проекта "Выбор универмага" компания Sears хотела бы, чтобы вы обобщили информацию о розничных продажах в Соединенных Штатах Америки, посетив сайт http://www.census.gov/ftp/pub/indicator/www/indicat/html/.
6. Посетите http://www.npd.com и опишите структуру и технологию панельного исследования, проводимого компанией NPD.
7. Посетите сайт http://www.acnielsen.com и напишите отчет о различных услугах, предлагаемых компанией A.S. Nielsen.
1. Gordon L Patzer, Using Secondary Data in Marketung Research (Westport: CT Greenwood Publishing Group, 1995); David W. Stewart, Secondary Research Information Sources and Methads (Beverly Hills: Sage Publications, 1984), р. 23-33.
2. Rebecca A Fanmn, "Samsonite, with TBWA, Readies Global Push", Advertising Age, February 24, 1997, p. 4; Robert Bengen, "Teamwork It's in the Bag", Marketing Research A Magazine of Management and Applications, Winter 1993, p. 30—33.
3. Cyndee Miller, "It's Not Take-Out, It's Now Home Meal Replacement", Marketing News, June 9, 1997, p. 2; Carol Casper, "Some Place Like Home", Restaurant Business, August 1, 1997, p. 63-68.
4. Ron Stodghill, "The Coming Job Bottleneck", Business Week, March 24, 1997, p. 184-185.
5. "C-tore Retailers Push Growth with Dollars, New Profit Centers", NPN National Petroleum News, October 1996, p. S3-S40.
6. Ann Chambers, "25% of Drivers Would Consider Buying an EV", Power Engineering, September 1997, p. 10.
7. Об использовании вторичной информации см. статьи Michael R. Czinkota, Ilkka A. Ronk-amen, "Market Research for Your Export Operations. — Part I. Using Secondary Sources of Research", International Trade Forum, 1994, p. 22—33; Dipak Jain, Vijay Mahajan, Eitan Muller, "Innovation Diffusion in the Presence of Supply Restrictions", Marketing Science, Winter 1991, p. 83-90.
8. Claude Brodesser, "Nielsen under Fire on Hispanic Sample", Mediaweek, July 21, 1997, p. 15.
9. Peter Keating, "The Best Airlines to Fly Today", Money, November 1997, p. 118-128.
10. Judy Foster Davis, "Maintaining Customer Relationships through Effective Database Marketing A Perspective for Small Retailers", Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, Spring 1997, p. 31-42.
11. "The Colonel's Bold Campaign", Chain Store Age, June 1997, p. A12-A13.
12. Ruth A Pagell, "Market Research in the US. — Part 1. Industry, Market, and Advertising Sources", Business Information Review, April 1995, p. 54—70.
13. www. census. gov, cm. также James H. Andrews, "Countdown to the Census", Planning, December 1996, p. 4-7.
14. Ruth A Pagell, "Market Research in the US. — Part 4. Data from the Census of Population and Housing", Business Information Review, March 1996, p. 49—56.
15. "Frequently Asked Questions about Census 2000", Indiana Business Review, Summer 1997, p. 10.
16. "Claritas Has Household Data", Insurance Systems Bulletin, October 1996, p. 8.
17. Amy Hilliard-Jones, "Consumers of Color are Changing the American Marketplace", Marketing News, November 18, 1996, p. 8.
18. Carol Post, "Marketing Data Marts Help Companies Stay Ahead of the Curve and in Front of the Competition", Direct Marketing, April 1997, p. 42-44.
19. Greg R. Notess, "Searching the Hidden Internet", Database, June-July 1997, p. 37-40.
20. Barbara Quint, "Assume the Position, Take the Consequences", Information Today, June 1996, p. 11-13.
21. Cristopher C. Brown, "Creating Automated Bibliographies Using Internet-Accessible On-line Library Catalogs", Database, February 1994, p. 67-71.
22. Mary Ellen Bates, "American, Business Information Here, There, and Everywhere", Database, April-May 1997, p. 45-50.
23. Greg R. Notess, "The Internet as an On-line Service. Bibliographic Databases on the Net", Database, August-September 1996, p. 92-95.
24. cm. cтатьи J. Zif, D.J. McCarthy, "The Research and-Development Cycle: The Influence of Product and Process Research-and-Development on Short Term ROI", IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, May 1997, p. 114-123; Venkatram Ramaswamy, Hubert Gatignon, David J. Reibstem, "Competitive Marketing Behavior", Journal of Marketing, April 1994, p. 45-56.
25. Об использовании компьютерных баз данных см. статью Vicki Lane, Robert Jacobson, "Stoc ' Market Reactions to Brand Extension Announcements The Effects of Brand Attitude and Familiar Hy", Journal of Marketing, January 1995, p. 63-77.
26. "The Monitor™ Service", брошюра подготовлена Yankelovich and Partners.
27. cm. статью L.J. Shrum, John A. McCarty, Tina M. Lowrey, "Buyer Characteristics of the Greei ' Consumer and Their Implications for Advertising Strategy", Journal of Advertising, Summer 1995 p. 71-82.
28. Leon G. Schiffman, Leslie Lazar Kanuk, Consumer Behavior, 6th ed. (Upper Saddle River, NJ ' Prentice Hall, 1997), p. 68-71.
29. Christina Merrill, "Roper Expands Testing", Adweek, November 4, 1996, p. 6; Starch Readership ' Report Scope, Method, and Use (Mamaroneck, NY: Starch INRA Hooper, undated).
30. "Roper Custom Question Service A Unique Omnibus Research Facility", брошюра подготовлена Roper Organization, Inc. (One Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016).
31. Rita E Turgeon, We Make the Market Perfectly Clear (New York NPD Research, Inc., undated).
32. Информация предоставлена A.C. Nielsen.
33. Associated Press, "Nielsen Test Rating Service for TV Commercials", Marketing News, May 12 1997, p. 22.
34. Donna Petrozzello, "Arbitron Offers Custom Fit", Broadcasting & Cable, February 24, 1997, p. 46.
35. "Why Consumer Mail Panel Is the Superior Option" (Chicago Market Facts, Inc., undated); Johr H. Parfitt, B.J.K. Collins, "Use of Consumer Panels for Brand-Share Predictions", Journal q Market Research Society, October 1996, p. 341—367; Venkatram Ramaswamy, Wayne S. DeSarbo "SCULPTURE. A New Methodology for Deriving and Analyzing Hierarchical Product- Markei Structures from Panel Data", Journal of Marketing Research, November 1990, p. 418—427.
36. R. Tim Coupe, Nnadi M. Onodu, "Evaluating the Impact of CASE. An Empirical Comparison ol Retrospective and Cross Sectional Survey Approaches", European Journal of Information Systems, March 1997, p. 15—24; Seymour Sudman, "On the Accuracy of Recording of Consumer Panels II". Learning Manual (New York: Neal-Schumen Publishers, 1981).
37. Tim Bowles, Claude Charbit, "Can Scanner Data Achieve Their Potential in Europe? New Questions, New Solutions", Marketing & Research Today, May 1997, p. 121-124.
38. S. Baron, A. Lock, "The Challenges of Scanner Data", Journal of the Operational Research Society, January 1995, p. 95; Rick L.Andrew, T.C. Srinivasan, "Studying Consideration Effects in Empirical Choice Models Using Scanner Panel Data", Journal of Marketing Research, February 1995, p. 30—41.
39. cm. статью Gary J. Russell, Wagner A. Kamakura, "Understanding Brand Competition Using Micro and Macro Scanner Data", Journal of Marketing Research, May 1994, p. 289-303.
40. О примерах использования сканерных данных см. статью Markus Christen, Sachin Gupta, John C. Porter, Richard Staelin, Dick R. Wittmk, "Using Market Level Data to Understand Promotion Effects in a Nonlinear Model", Journal of Marketing Research, August 1997, p. 322-334; T Erdem, M.P. Keane, "Decision-Making under Uncertainty Capturing Dynamic Brand Choice Processes in Turbulent Consumer-Goods Markets", Marketing Science, 1996, p. 1-20.
41. На основе информации поставщиков
42. www.elavidge. corn.
43. Geoffrey Richards, "TtiNet Taps into Corporate America's Real Estate Business", National Real Estate Investor, September 1996, p. 42-44; "Decision- Makers Mostly Males, Study Shows", Quirk's Marketing Research Review, June-July, 1988, p. 45-46.
44. О примере комплексных данных см. статью Joan S. Aslo, Eduard Nafria, "AUDE Integral Information Analysis Derived from Consumer Panels and Audience Panels", Marketing & Research today, May 1997, p. 106-114; Michael Darkow, "Compatible or Not? Results of a Single Source Experiment within a TV Audience Research Panel", Marketing & Research Today, August 1996, p. 150-16; John Deighton, Caroline M. Henderson, Scott A. Neslin, "The Effects of Advertising on Brand Switching and Repeat Purchasing", Journal of Marketing Research, February 1994, p. 28-43.
45. Alice Z. Cuneo, "New Age Drinks Think Healthy", Advertising Age, July 8, 1996, p. 4; Joanne Lip-man, "Single-Source Ad Research Heralds Detailed Look at Household Habits", Wall Street Journal, February 16, 1988, p. 39.
46. John W. Ellis, IV, "On the Map", Telephony, June 2, 1997, p. 200-206.
47. В качестве примера международных маркетинговых исследований с учетом вторичной информации см. статью Hirokazu Takada, Dipak Jam, "Cross-National Analysis of Diffusion of Consumer Durable Goods in Pacific Rim Countries", Journal of Marketing, April 1991, p. 48-54.
48. Susan P Douglas, C Samuel Craig, International Marketing Research (Upper Saddle River, NY: Prentice Hall, 1983).
49. Joseph Rydholm, "A United Effort", Quirk's Marketing Research Review (October 1996). Также см. quirks.corn/ Researcher/ArticleDetails.html H www.think.corn.
50. Alan Bunce, "Faced with Lower Ratings, Networks Take Aim at Nielsen, The Big Three Consider a Competing Ratings Service", Christian Science Monitor, March 20, 1997.
51. "New York Times on the Web, Offers Advertisers New Way to Target Consumers", Direct Marketing, August 1997, p. 12.
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