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Joint Declaration on friendly relations, partnership and enhanced cooperation between the Republic of Armenia and the Czech Republic


The President of the Republic of Armenia H.E. Mr. Serzh Sargsyan and the President of the Czech Republic H.E. Mr. Miloš Zeman, upon completion of high-level talks in the framework of the state visit of President Miloš Zeman to the Republic of Armenia from 8 to 9 June 2016;

Mindful of long-standing traditions of friendship and cooperation, economic and cultural ties, as well as shared values between the Armenian and the Czech peoples;

Guided by the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and Helsinki Final Act;

Reaffirming their commitment to promote and protect fundamental freedoms, human rights, democratic principles, the rule of law and good governance;

Conscious of their role and responsibility in contributing to international peace and security, as well as to promote prosperity and sustainable development;

Determined to further expand and strengthen bilateral interactions and enhance the cooperation in multilateral dimension;

Recognizing the importance of continuous support towards deepening of bilateral trade and investment as well as widening of sectoral cooperation in all fields of mutual interest;

Welcoming the established cooperation between the Czech Republic and the Republic of Armenia in the frame of the Eastern Partnership;

Taking note of the progress in implementation of existing bilateral agreements, including those signed during the state visit of the President of the Republic of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan to the Czech Republic in January 2014;

Declare as follows:

The Armenian and Czech side (hereinafter referred jointly to as the “Sides”) note with satisfaction the progressive development and broadening of political relations and express a fundamental commitment to further intensify their political dialogue and cooperation, both on bilateral level as well as within the United Nations and other international and regional organizations;

The Sides underline the necessity of holding more regular bilateral visits and consultations on issues of mutual interest;

The Sides express their satisfaction with the established high-level inter-parliamentary interactions between the legislatives of the two countries and confirm their determination to further activate parliamentary diplomacy as a highly advantageous tool for boosting the cooperation between the two countries;

The Sides reiterate their readiness to reinforce and broaden cooperation within the framework of the European Union initiatives, in the context of the launch of negotiations on a new comprehensive framework agreement covering political, economic and sectoral cooperation between the EU and Armenia, based on shared common values and strong commitment to democracy, human rights and rule of law;

The Armenian Side appreciates the Czech support and contribution towards the Eastern Partnership, as well as for its continuous support to a number of the EU-Armenia projects, including the visa facilitation and promotion of people-to-people contacts;

Both Sides express their support to the efforts of the OSCE Minsk Group to resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and in this respect stress that the conflict should be resolved exclusively by peaceful means, based on the principles of international law, i.a. non-use of force or threat of force, territorial integrity and the equal rights and self-determination of peoples. They reiterate their full support to the mediation efforts by the co-chairs of the Minsk Group on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, including at the level of Presidents and their statements since 2009;

The Sides declare their intention to further strengthen, expand and diversify bilateral trade in goods and services as well as investments, including through mutual efforts to improve market access and the flow of goods and services, in accordance with their respective bilateral and multilateral obligations;

The Sides attach special importance to the activities of the Armenian-Czech Intergovernmental Commission on Economic Cooperation, whose recent session was held on the 25-26 April 2016 in Prague;

The Sides underline the importance of maintenance of regular contacts and experience sharing in the spheres of tourism and public administration and to that end express their readiness to facilitate exchange visits of high level officials and expert groups;

The Sides stand ready to expand people-to-people contacts, strengthen cooperation in culture, education, science, tourism, sports and healthcare in order to further enhance mutual understanding and friendship between the two peoples. In this context they highlight the role played by the Armenian community in the Czech Republic in reinforcement of the bilateral relations;

The Sides attach special importance to the established decentralized cooperation and partnership between local authorities, as an additional impetus for the development of bilateral relations;

To this end the Sides wish to extend their assistance for intensification of cultural and educational ties by encouraging visits of groups and individuals representing Armenian and Czech cultures as an important form of communication and enrichment of the two peoples and rendering more support and exchange opportunities for students and young researchers of the both Sides. In this context the Armenian Side expresses its appreciation to the Czech side for the scholarships provided to Armenian students pursuing their education in Czech universities.

Signed (in duplicate) in Yerevan, on the 8th day of June, in the year two thousand sixteen.


I. Read the text and answer the checkup questions.

1. What does the term «declaration» denote? 2. Are all declarations to be regarded as treaties? 3. When can an international instrument be regarded as legally binding? 4. What is the usual form of a declaration? 5. What is «a declaration of intention»? Is it assumed to constitute any international commitments? 6. What are the final documents of summit meetings? 7. What subjects are generally covered in a declaration?


II. Complete the following sentences using the required information from the above text.


1. The title «Declaration» is frequently given to.... 2. Although sometimes declarations are important international agreements in themselves, …. 3. A mere general statement of policy and principles cannot be regarded as.... 4. Summit meetings lead to what is sometimes known.... 5. The results of such meetings are usually, for lack of time, not set out in.... 6. Very often, the participants in summit meetings confine themselves to …. 7. Declarations may or may not provide for ….


III. Study the texts in exhibits 9 and 10, point out words and phrases pertaining to the formal style.

IV. Memorize the phrases below, suggest their Russian equivalents.

1) the commitments earlier assumed by the Sides; 2) equality and mutual benefit; 3) full respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity; 4) a general statement of policy; 5) a legally binding agreement; 6) non-interference in internal affairs; 7) to be appended to a treaty; 8) to be regarded as a treaty; 9) to create contractual obligations; 10) to place on record some understanding reached.


V. Define the following terms in English consulting the Glossary of Diplomatic Terms if necessary.

denunciation, force majeure, pourparler, raison d’etre, rapprochement, signatory.


VI. Study the use of italicized words in different phrases, suggest their
 Russian equivalents.


an aggressor ≈; the contesting ≈ s; the contracting ≈ s; a dependent ≈; a depositary ≈; a founder (founding) ≈; a friendly ≈; a guarantor ≈; a host ≈; a hostile ≈; an independent ≈; a member ≈; a neighbouring ≈; a neutral ≈; the newly-independent ≈ s; a (non-)belligerent ≈; a (non-) nuclear ≈; an offending ≈; a participating ≈; a receiving ≈; a recipient ≈; a sending ≈; a signatory ≈; a third ≈; a transgressing ≈; a trustee (tutelary) ≈; a ≈ party to the present convention; the ≈ s concerned; ≈ s with different social systems; head of ≈.




an adverse ≈; a belligerent ≈; the (High) Contracting ≈ ies; a hostile ≈; States Parties to the present Convention; the ≈ ies to the dispute; the ≈ ies concerned (interested ≈ ies); to become a ≈ to a treaty.


VII. Suggest the English for:

1) воюющая сторона; 2) заинтересованные государства; 3) молодые независимые государства; 4) государство-нарушитель; 5) государство пребывания; 6) государства-участники; 7) государство, подписавшее договор; 8) государство, совершившее противоправное деяние; 9) государства с различным общественным строем; 10) противная сторона


VIII. Find the root in the word «authentic» and give other derivatives with the same root. Suggest the English for:

1) аутентичныйтекст; 2) аутентичнаякопия; 3) аутентичностьтекстадоговора; 4) подлиннаяподпись; 5) достоверные сведения; 6) заверять документ; 7) установить авторство; 8) удостоверить подлинность подписи.


IX. Translate the following Latin expressions into Russian consulting Appendix I if necessary.

addendum: a supplement to a book; ad interim: for the intervening time, temporarily; ad verbum: to a word; consensus: general agreement; in re: in the matter of; modus operandi: a method of procedure; pro tempore: for the time (being); temporary; temporarily; quid pro quo: smth given as compensation; one thing in return for another; sine die: with no appointed day; sine loco: without indication of place; versus: against; vide infra: see below; vide supra: see above.


X. Memorize the archaic words below pertaining to the formal style. Translate into Russian using the following definitions.

whereas: in view of the fact that; taking into consideration; in contrast or comparison with; whereat: at which place; for which reason; whereby: by which means; in consequence of which; wherefrom: from which; whence; wherein: in which place or respect; whereof: of what, which, or whom; whereon: on which; whereto: to which; towards what place, direction, or end; whereupon: in consequence of which; immediately after which; wherewith: with which.


XI. Translate into Russian paying attention to the words in bold type.


1. The ideal of free human beings can only be achieved if conditions are created whereby everyone may enjoy his civic and political rights. 2. Decision 3.3 wherein the Executive Board expressed its opinion concerning the future presentation of c/5 documents is of particular importance. 3. The procedure by which the present Convention is to be applied is defined in the Regulations for its execution, which constitute an integral part thereof. 4. Any High Contracting Party may, at the time of ratification or accession, or at any time thereafter, declare that the present Protocol shall extend to all territories for whose international relations it is responsibility. 5. In faith whereof the undersigned, duly authorized to that effect, have signed the present Convention. 6. The Director-General shall lay down and enforce rules and provisions consistent therewith. 7. Unesco’s programmes in the field of communication are based upon the fundamental principles stated therein.



XII. Memorize the following:


bimonthly происходящий два раза в месяц, раз в два месяца  
annum annual   biennium biennial biannual triennium triennial век, столетие ежегодный     двухлетний период     двухлетний, происходящий раз в два года   трехлетний период трехлетний период  трехлетняя годовщина, повторяющийся через три года
century centenary centennial bicentenary bicentennial tercentenary tricentenary tercentennial quarter- centenary quincentenary век, столетие век, столетие; столетний столетие; столетний; происходящий раз в сто лет   двухсотлетие, двухсотлетний     трехсотлетие, трехсотлетний   четырехсотлетие четырехсотлетний   пятисотлетие пятисотлетний
millennium millenary millennial millenarian тысячелетие тысячелетие; тысячелетний     тысячелетний

XIII. Study the following tables.



в целях

с целью

in order so as designed



+ inf




could should would  
Subj I  








with aim/object

in view


with a view



aiming/ aimed







в этих целях

с этой целью








aim end in mind view


end, effect



XIV. Translate into English taking note of the words and phrases in bold type.
1. Всякая попытка, направленная на то, чтобы частично или полностью нарушить извне территориальную целостность страны, несовместима с целями и принципами ООН. 2. Необходимо отдавать приоритет программе социальных наук и их развитию в странах третьего мира с тем, чтобы позволить им лучше понять свое положение. 3. В рамках этой цели ЮНЕСКО поручено выполнение в Африке проекта оказания помощи Секретариату Западно-африканского экономического содружества. 4. В этих целях необходимо уделять больше внимания гармонизации политики в области образования и культуры. 5. Этот подход должен иметь целью развитие способности решать современные проблемы. 6. Особое внимание следует уделить международному сотрудничеству в целях содействия проведению в жизнь долгосрочных планов.

XV. Translate into Russian paying attention to the italicized words. See Appendix III if necessary.

1.... considering the fruitful experience of mutually beneficial cooperation
and close bonds of friendship between the two countries; 2.... convinced
that the continued development of friendship and cooperation between
them accords with the aspirations of the peoples of both states; 3.... guided
by their common desire to make a positive contribution to a peaceful settlement of controversial issues; 4.... reaffirming their allegiance to the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter; 5.... striving for the unity of all progressive forces in the struggle for peace, freedom, independence and social progress.


XVI. Study the following information about diplomatic terms, translate the extract into English. Memorize the main points:


Термин «декларация» употребляется для обозначения различных международных документов. Однако декларации не во всех случаях являются юридически обязательными. Этот термин часто намеренно выбирается для демонстрации того, что стороны не собираются устанавливать юридически обязательных обязательств, а лишь хотят декларировать определенные чаяния. Примером является Декларация Рио 1992 года. В то же время декларации также могут представлять собой договоры в общем смысле слова, которые должны иметь обязательную силу по международному праву. В этой связи в каждом отдельном случае необходимо определять, намеревались ли стороны устанавливать юридически обязательные обязательства. Выяснение намерений сторон зачастую может быть сложной задачей. Некоторые документы, озаглавленные «декларации», как изначально предполагалось, не должны были иметь обязательной силы, однако позднее их положения могли стать отражением международного обычного права или приобрести обязательный характер в качестве нормы обычного права. Это произошло со Всеобщей декларацией прав человека 1948 года. Декларации, которые должны иметь обязательную силу, можно классифицировать следующим образом:

a) декларация может быть договором в собственном смысле слова. Показательным примером является Совместная декларация Соединенного Королевства и Китая по вопросу о Сянгане 1984 года;

b) декларация о толковании представляет собой документ, который прилагается к договору с целью дать толкование или разъяснение его положений;

c) декларацией может также называться неофициальное соглашение по какому-либо маловажному вопросу;

d) ряд односторонних деклараций (заявлений) могут составлять соглашения, имеющие обязательную силу. Типичным примером являются декларации (заявления) в соответствии с факультативным положением Статута Международного Суда, которые создают правовую связь между делающими их сторонами, хотя они прямо и не обращены друг к другу. Еще одним примером является сделанная Египтом в 1957 году односторонняя Декларация о Суэцком канале и порядок ее действия, которая рассматривалась как обязательство международного характера.

XVII. Translate the present document into English in writing:

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