And security policy
The Conference agrees that the use of languages shall be in accordance with the rules of the European Communities.
For COREU communications, the current practice of European political cooperation will serve as a guide for the time being.
All common foreign and security policy texts which are submitted to or adopted at meetings of the European Council as well as all texts which are to be published are immediately and simultaneously translated into all the official Community languages.
on asylum
1. The Conference agrees that, in the context of the proceedings provided for in Articles K.1 and K.3 of the provisions on cooperation in the fields of justice and home affairs, the Council will consider as a matter of priority questions concerning Member States’ asylum policies, with the aim of adopting, by the beginning of 1993, common action to harmonize aspects of them, in the light of the work programme and timetable contained in the report on asylum drawn up at the request of the European Council meeting in Luxembourg on 28 and 29 June 1991.
2. In this connection, the Council will also consider, by the end of
1993, on the basis of a report, the possibility of applying Article K.9 to such matters.
on police cooperation
The Conference confirms the agreement of the Member States on the objectives underlying the German delegation’s proposals at the European Council meeting in Luxembourg on 28 and 29 June 1991.
For the present, the Member States agree to examine as a matter of priority the drafts submitted to them, on the basis of the work programme and time table agreed upon in the report drawn up at the request of the Luxembourg European Council, and they are willing to envisage the adoption of practical measures in areas such as those suggested by the German delegation, relating to the following
functions in the exchange of information and experience:
Ø support for national criminal investigation and security authorities, in particular in the coordination of investigations and search operations;
Ø creation of databases;
Ø central analysis and assessment of information in order to take stock of the situation and identify investigative approaches;
Ø collection and analysis of national prevention programmes for forwarding to Member States and for drawing up Europe-wide prevention strategies;
Ø measures relating to further training, research, forensic matters and criminal records departments.
Member States agree to consider on the basis of a report, during 1994 at the latest, whether the scope of such cooperation should be extended.
XXI. Translate the text, comment on its syntactic and stylistic peculiarities.
European Parliament Council Commission
Joint Declaration
by the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission
The European Parliament, the Council and the Commission
Whereas the Treaties establishing the European Communities are based on the principle of respect for the law;
Whereas, as the Court of Justice has recognized that law comprises, over and above the rules embodied in the treaties and secondary Community legislation, the general principles of law and in particular the fundamental rights, principles and rights on which the constitutional law of the Member States is based;
Whereas, in particular, all the Member States are Contracting Parties to the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms signed in Rome on 4 November 1950,
Have Adopted the Following Declaration:
1. The European Parliament, the Council and the Commission stress the prime importance they attach to the protection of fundamental rights, as derived in particular from the constitutions of the Member States and the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.
2. In the exercise of their powers and in pursuance of the aims of the European Communities they respect and will continue to respect these rights.
Done at Luxembourg on the fifth day of April in the year one thousand nine hundred and seventy-seven.
For the European Parliament
For the Council
For the Commission
XXII. Translate into Russian taking note of the words and phrases in bold type.