Nouns and noun phrases
acidification - окисление
anchoring - постановка на якорь
coastguards - береговая охрана
construction - строительство
dredging - дноуглубительные работы
emission - выделение
environment - окружающая среда
exhausts - выпуск, выхлоп; выхлопные газы
fumes - дым, газы, испарения
hazard - опасность
impact - влияние
lead - свинец
leakage - течь, просачивание, утечка
liquid - жидкость
pollution - загрязнение
quay - причал
rags - ветошь
repository - контейнер
rescue service board - спасательная лодка
resources - ресурсы
responsibility - ответственность
solid-waste disposal - удаление, сброс твердых отходов
spill - пролитая жидкость
substance - вещество
surface water - поверхностная вода
threat - угроза
waste – отходы
Verbs and verbal phrases
to allow - позволять
to cause - вызывать
to constitute - составлять
to discharge - разгружать, участие
to disinfect - дезинфицировать
to imply - предполагать
to involve - включать
to leak - иметь течь; просачиваться
to mean - значить
to participate - принимать освободить
to prohibit - запрещать
chemical - химический
combustible - горючий
harmless - безвредный
hazardous - опасный
nautical - морской
poisonous - ядовитый
protective - защитный
32. Read the text and say what hazards substances are taken into the UN Act on measures against water pollution and how they are classified. Translate the text into the Russian language.
Pollution by Ships
Shipping represents a serious threat to the environment, nature and biological life. This is due to its infrastructure (in some harbours), to traffic itself, and to exhausts and spills from ships and harbours. Some of the major hazards are:
1) Presence(disturbance of wildlife in coastal areas through boat traffic, landings and spills);
2) Physical impact (on coasts, shorelines and bottoms by wave actions, anchoring, and on coastal areas during construction, dredging, etc.);
3) Waste / solid-waste(solid-waste disposal along coasts and disposal of toilet and kitchen wastes);
4) Chemical pollution (oil-spills along coasts and in open waters; oil leakage from motors and fuel tanks; accidents especially involving oil tankers).
Many types of discharge from ships are prohibited and regulated, according to the UN Act on measures against water pollution by ships.
The substances prohibited for discharge includes: oil; large volumes of hazardous liquid substances; packed hazardous substances; toilet waste; solid waste.
One might believe that tanker accidents constitute the major threat but, in fact, they represent a few percent of the oil spills. But the less well-recognized daily leakage from motors of small boats is the largest threat to surface water from shipping.
As for the large volumes of hazardous substances, they are divided into four categories: A, B, C and D.
Category A includes poisonous substances that, if discharged into the sea, would constitute a severe risk to marine resources or human.
Category B implies hazardous liquid substances that may constitute a risk to marine resources.
Category C means less hazardous liquid substances.
The substances of the category D are practically harmless to life in water but cause decreases in the beauty of the area.
The discharge of packed hazardous substances is strictly prohibited altogether.
The rules for the discharge of toilet waste imply that ships are only allowed to make a discharge more than 12 nautical miles from the nearest land and the waste must be ground into finer particles and disinfected.
Prohibited for discharge solid wastes include plastic materials, paper products, rags, glass, metal, bottles, covering and packing materials. The discharge of leftovers should be done as far away from land as possible.
Emission of fumes from ships also presents a serious problem as they participate in acidification.
Responsibility concerning protective measures against the ecological threats to water environment is spread out over many different authorities: environmental protection agencies, coast guards, rescue service boards, maritime administrations and even meteorological and hydrological institutes. As close as possible to the quay there should be an environmental station for attending waste from ships. The environmental station should include at least one container for combustible waste and three containers for barrels and other waste that may leak. There must be a repository for oily rags as well as for lead batteries and accumulators.
33. Read the texts of Unit I again, make notes under the following headings. Then use your notes to talk about Water Transportation.
1. What is water transportation?
2. The history of water transport development.
3. Modern and tried-and-true navigation aids.
4. Ship navigation.
5. Pollution by ships.