


Другие языки
Охрана труда





Перечень вопросов для подготовки студентов к итоговой аттестации по дисциплине

1 Чтение гласных в открытом слоге.

2 Чтение сочетаний гласных ei, ai, ou, ee, ea.

3 Определенный артикль и его значение.

4 Неопределенный артикль и его значение.

5 Основные случаи отсутствия артикля.

6 Существительные, образование множественного числа.

7 Личные и притяжательные местоимения.

8 Личные местоимения 3-го лица единственного числа.

9 Личные местоимения единственного и множественного числа.

10 Указательные местоимения в английском языке.

11 Особенности образования порядковых числительных.

12 Особенности чтения дат.

13 Предлоги направления движения.

14 Формы глагола “to be” в простом настоящем времени.

15 Формы глагола “to have” в простом настоящем времени.

16 Случаи употребления простого настоящего времени и его отличительные черты (форма глагола-сказуемого, вспомогательные глаголы)

17 Вспомогательные глаголы настоящего простого времени.

18 Особенности спряжения глаголов в Present Simple, включая глаголы “to be”, “to have”, “to do”.

19 Особенности образования Past Simple от правильных глаголов с учетом окончаний глаголов.

20 Способы образования Past Simple от неправильных глаголов. Таблица неправильных глаголов.

21 Способы образования вопросительной формы в Present Simple. Употребление вспомогательного и смыслового глагола.

22 Порядок слов в предложениях с вопросительным словом в Present Simple.

23 Способы образования вопросительной формы в Past Simple. Употребление вспомогательного и смыслового глагола.

24 Порядок слов в предложениях с вопросительным словом в Past Simple.

25 Способы образования отрицательной формы в Present и Past Simple.

26 Способы образования Future Simple: употребление смыслового и вспомогательного глаголов.

27 Способы образования отрицательной формы Future Simple.

28 Способы образования вопросительной формы Future Simple.

29 Особенности употребления Continuous.

30 Образование Present Continuous.

31 Образование Past Continuous.

32 Образование Future Continuous.

33 Образование отрицательных форм Continuous.

34 Образование вопросительных форм Continuous.

35 Лексикологические различия грамматических времен Present Simple и Present Continuous.

36 Лексикологические различия грамматических времен Past Simple и Past Continuous.

37 Лексикологические различия Future Simple и Future Continuous.

38 Особенности употребления Perfect Tense.

39 Особенности перевода Present и Past Perfect.

40 Образование вопросительной формы Perfect Tense.

41 Образование отрицательной формы Perfect Tense.

42 Модальные глаголы.

43 Особенности образования Passive Voice во временах Simple.

44 Особенности образования Passive Voice во временах Coninuous.

45 Особенности образования Passive Voice во временах Perfect.

46 Способы образования степеней сравнения односложных, двухсложных и многосложных прилагательных. Исключения из правил.

47 Особенности употребления местоимений “some” и “any”.

48 Особенности употребления наречий “much” и “many”.

49 Согласование времен в предложениях с косвенной речью.

50 Знаки препинания в предложениях с прямой речью.

51 Выражения приветствия в английском языке.

52 Выражения согласия в английском языке.



1 Выберите правильный вариант ответа: единственное число - woman, множественное -?

1 Women

2 Women

3 Wimen

4 Wumans

5 Womens

2 Выберите неправильный вариант образования множественного числа существительных:

1 Man - men

2 Woman - wimen

3 Child - children

4 Foot - feet

5 Tooth - teeth

3 Поставьте глагол в предложении в Past Indefinite, раскрыв скобки: «My sister (to spend) much money yesterday».

1 My sister spended much money yesterday

2 My sister does spend mush money yesterday

3 My sister spent mush money yesterday

4 My sister was spent mush money yesterday

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4 Составьте предложение из слов: to speak, student, this, well, English, very.

1 This student speak English very well

2 This student speaking English very well

3 This English speak student very well

4 This student speaks English very well

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5 Поставьте прилагательное "bad" в сравнительной степени.

1 Bader

2 The worst

3 Worse

4 Wore bad

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6 Выберите правильный вариант перевода: "Завтра инженеры будут проверять оборудование".

1 Tomorrow the engineers will test equipment

2 Tomorrow the engineers shall test equipment

3 Tomorrow the engineers tested equipment

4 Tomorrow the engineers are testing equipment

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7 Преобразуйте предложение в Past Continuous: «Students take books in the library».

1 Students are taking books in the library

2 Students were taking books in the library

3 Students will be taking books in the library

4 Students took books in the library

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8 Выберите правильный вариант перевода: «Они обсуждают трудные вопросы».

1 They are discussing difficult guestions

2 They are discussed difficult guestions

3 They will discuss difficult guestions

4 They have discussed difficult guestions

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9 Найдите предложение во времени Future Continuous.

1 They protect cables against corrosion

2 They are protecting cables against corrosion

3 The will be protecting cables against corrosion

4 The will protect cables against corrosion

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10 Преобразуйте предложение в Present Continuous: «The businessman sells computers».

1 The businessman is selling computers

2 The businessman was selling computers

3 The businessman are selling computers

4 The businessman sold computers

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11 Определите время, в котором стоит предложение: "Students were working at computers in the morning".

1 Present Continuous

2 Past Continuous

3 Future Continuous

4 Present Indefinite

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12 Преобразуйте предложение в Present Perfect: «Bles Pascal constructed the first mechanical machine»

1 Вles Pascal has constructed the first mechanical machine

2 Bles Pascal was constructed the first mechanical machine

3 Bles Pascal had constructed the first mechanical machine

4 Bles Pascal constracts the first mechanical machine

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13 Найдите предложение, которое стоит в Past Perfect:

1 I have done the work

2 I did the work at 5 o'clock

3 I had done the work by 5 o'clock

4 I shall have done the work by 5 o'clock

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14 Выберите правильный ответ перевода: "Носильщик принесет мой багаж в 5 часов".

1 The porter brought my luggage at 5 o'clock

2 The porter is bringing my luggage

3 The porter will have brought my luggage at 5 o'clock

4 The porter was brought my luggage at 5 o'clock

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15 Поставьте предложение в Present Perfect, раскрыв скобки: «We (to buy) telephone equipment».

1 We bought telephone equipment

2 We have bought telephone equipment

3 We buy telephone equipment

4 We shall have bought telephone equipment

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16 Выберите правильный вариант вопроса:

1 Has A.S. Popov invented the radio?

2 Has A.S. Popov invent the radio?

3 Have A.S. Popov invented the radio?

4. Had A.S. Popov invent the radio?

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17 Переведите вопрос на английский язык: "Когда Александр Грехам Белл изобрел телефон?"

1 When does A.S. Bell invent the telephone?

2 When did A.S. Bell inventеd the telephone?

3 When did A.S. Bell invent the telephone?

4 When will A.S. Bell invent the telephone?

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18 Задайте вопрос к выделенному словосочетанию: "They opened the first telephone line"?

1 What opened they?

2 What did they open?

3 What do they open?

4. What do they opened?

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19 Выберите модальный глагол для перевода предложения: "Толстые кабели могут передавать электрическую энергию".

1 Thick cables must carry electric power

2 Thick cables should carry electric power

3 Thick cables can carry electric power

4 Thick cables could carry electric power

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20 Выберите модальный глагол для перевода предложения: "Все студенты нашего колледжа должны говорить по-английски".

1 Аll students of our college can speak English?

2 Аll students of our college must speak English?

3 Аll students of our college may speak English?

4. Аll students of our college could speak English?

5. Затрудняюсь ответить

21 Переведите предложение на английский язык: "Когда твоя сестра обычно заказывает билеты?"

1 When your sister usually book tickets?

2 When does your sister usually books tickets?

3 When has your sister booked tickets?

4 When does you sister usually book tickets?

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22 Выберите эквивалент модального глагола для перевода предложения: "Вы можете говорить в микрофон".

1 You are able to speak into the microphone?

2 You were able to speak into the microphone?

3 You have to speak into the microphone?

4 You will be able to speak into the microphone?

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23 Переводите на английский язык: "В нашем городе было много колледжей".

1 There is many colleges in our city

2 There are many colleges in our city

3 There was many colleges in our city

4 There were many colleges in our city

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24 Выберите правильный вариант глагола с учетом согласования подлежащего и сказуемого.

1 Computers takes an important place in our life

2 Computers taken an important place in our life

3 Computers are taken an important place in our life

4 Computers take an important place in our life

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25 Переведите на английский язык: «Я сдал (сдала) этот тест».

1 I pass this difficult test

2 I have passed this difficult test

3 I shall have passed this difficult test

4 I was passing this difficult test

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26 Определите время, в котором стоит предложение: "Sounds will have produced electromagnetic waves".

1 Future Indefinite

2 Future Сontinuous

3 Future Perfect

4 Present Indefinite

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27 Найдите правильный вариант перевода: "Они обсуждают условия поставки".

1 They have discussed terms of delivery

2 They discussed terms of delivery

3 They are discussing terms of delivery

4 They will discuss terms of delivery

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28 Выберите неправильный вариант употребления "much" или "many".

1 Many cables

2 Much water

3 Mach air

4 Much students

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29 Дополните предложение: “We shall buy bread”.

1 Yesterday

2 Last Sunday

3 Tomorrow

4 Last evening

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30 Выберите неправильный вариант употребления "some" или "any".

1 I have bought some books

2 Have you bought any books?

3 I have not bought any books

4 She has bought any pictures

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31 Определите время, в котором стоит предложение: «He telephone was invented by Al. Bell».

1 Present Simple

2 Future Simple

3 Past Continuous

4 Past Simple

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32 Найдите грамматически неправильное предложение в Present Simple.

1 The story is told by my sister

2 The housed are built by workers

3 Computers is sold at this shop

4 Football is played in summer

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33 Найдите предложение во Future Simple.

1 The light was switched on by the boy

2 The flowers will be sold on Friday

3 The equipment is tested by the engineers

4 New machines are created by Russian engineers

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34 Найдите грамматически неправильное предложение в Present Continuous.

1 This article is being translated into English

2 The song is being sung by children

3 The computers are being sold at the supermarket

4 The windows is opened now

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35 Найдите правильный перевод предложения: «The flowers were being sold from 5 till 6 in the street».

1 Цветы продавались на улице с 5 до 6

2 Цветы проданы на улице с 5 до 6

3 Цветы продаются на улице с 5 до 6

4 Цветы будут продаваться на улице с 5 до 6

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36 Найдите предложение в Present Perfect.

1 Signals had been transmitted by electromagnetic waves by 5 o’clock

2 Signals will have been transmitted by electromagnetic waves

3 Signals have been transmitted by electromagnetic waves

4 Signals are transmitted by electromagnetic waves

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37 Найдите правильный вариант перевода: «Two cables will have been connected».

1 Два кабеля соединяются

2 Два кабеля соединены

3 Два кабеля были соединены

4 Два кабеля будут соединены

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38 Найдите предложение во Future Perfect

1 Oscillations are produced by soud waves

2 Oscillations were produced by soud waves

3 Oscillations will be produced by soud waves

4 Oscillations will have been produced by soud waves

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39 Найдите грамматически неправильное предложение.

1 Difficult questions are discussed by engineers

2 Difficult questions were discussed by engineers

3 Difficult questions will be discussed by engineers

4 Difficult questions be discussed by engineers

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40 Найдите предложение в Past Continuous.

1 The file was opened by the girl

2 The file is being opened by the girl

3 The file was being opened by the girl

4 The file has been opened by the girl

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41 Найдите предложение в Past Simple:

1 The company Microsoft has created the system Windows

2 The company Microsoft had created the system Windows

3 The company Microsoft will create the system Windows

4 The company Microsoft created the system Windows

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42 Найдите правильный перевод предложения: «Студенты смотрели на экран компьютера».

1 Students were looking at the screen of the computer

2 Students are looking at the screen of the computer

3 Students look at the screen of the computer

4 Students have looked at the screen of the computer

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43 Найдите предложение во Future Perfect.

1 A cable conduit is built in the ground

2 A cable conduit was built in the ground

3 A cable conduit will be built in the ground

4 A cable conduit will have been built in the ground

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44 Найдите грамматически неправильное предложение.

1 Conduits are bored in the ground at the depth depending on local conditions

2 Conduits were bored in the ground at the depth depending on local conditions

3 Conduits has been bored in the ground at the depth depending on local conditions

4 Conduits had been bored in the ground at the depth depending on local conditions

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45 Переведите вопрос: «Кто построил первую механическую счетную машину?»

1 Who constructs the first mechanical counting machine?

2 Who will construct the first mechanical counting machine?

3 Who has constructed the first mechanical counting machine?

4 Who was constructing the first mechanical counting machine?

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46 Переведите предложение: «Computers are widely used in our everyday life».

1 Компьютеры широко используются в нашей повседневной жизни

2 Компьютеры широко использовались в нашей повседневной жизни

3 Компьютеры будут широко использоваться в нашей повседневной жизни

4 Компьютеры были широко использованы в нашей повседневной жизни

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47 Найдите предложение в Past Continuous.

1 An alternating current is established in the microphone

2 An alternating current will be established in the microphone

3 An alternating current has been established in the microphone

4 An alternating current was being established in the microphone

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48 Переведите предложение: «Переменный ток появится в микрофоне».

1 An alternating current is established in the microphone

2 An alternating current will be established in the microphone

3 An alternating current has been established in the microphone

4 An alternating current was being established in the microphone

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49 Переведите предложение: «Кабели должны иметь защиту от коррозии».

1 Cables must have some protection against corrosion

2 Cables have some protection against corrosion

3 Cables will have some protection against corrosion

4 Cables had some protection against corrosion

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50 Найдите предложение в Present Simple.

1 Radio waves traveled through space at the speed of light

2 Radio waves travel through space at the speed of light

3 Radio waves will travel through space at the speed of light

4 Radio waves have traveled through space at the speed of light

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51 Выберите неправильный вариант существительного во множественном числе:

1 Countries

2 Wires

3 Sheeps

4 Channels

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52 Составьте предложение в Passive Voice из слов: Put, Cables, walls, on, hangers, the, are, on.

1 Cables put on hangers are the walls

2 Cables are put on the walls on hangers

3 Walls are put on the hangers on the cables

4 Hangers are put on the cables on the walls

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53 Найдите ошибку в образовании степеней сравнения.

1 Good – better – the best

2 Strong – stronger – the strongest

3 Important – more important – the most important

4 Heavy – heavier – the heaviest

5 Big – biger – the bigest

54 Найдите ошибку в употреблении местоимений much и many.

1 Much air

2 Many stars

3 Many money

4 Much water

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55 Найдите правильный вариант построения вопросительного предложения:

1 Did the engineer went on business to the USA?

2 Went the engineer on business to the USA?

3 The engineer went on business to the USA?

4 Did the engineer go on business to the USA?

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56 Найдите ошибку в построении вопросительных предложений.

1 Does the businessmen sell power equipment?

2 Do the students take examinations in June?

3 Does he usually meet his wife after work?

4 Do we think about our future?

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57 Задайте вопрос к выделенному словосочетанию: «They went to the concert after dinner».

1 Who went to the concert after dinner?

2 What did they do after dinner?

3 Where did they go after dinner?

4 When did they go to the concert?

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58 Найдите ошибку в употреблении предлогов.

1 We get up early in the morning

2 Students have English on Wednesdays

3 Our lessons start in 7 o’clock

4 They have examinations in May

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59 Какой вопрос к предложению «The workers test the engine every day at the workshop» грамматически не корректен?

1 Who tests the engine every day at the workshop?

2 Where do the workers test the engine every day?

3 What do the workers test at the workshop every day?

4 Test the workers the engine at the workshop every day?

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60 Найдите ошибку в употреблении предлогов.

1 At half past seven

2 In the evening

3 In Sunday

4 In front of the window

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