


Другие языки
Охрана труда





Тема 13 Моя будущая специальность


Choosing a career

Finishing school millions of young people begin independent life they can start a working career, go into business or continue schooling to receive a higher education. There is one institute or few institutes in nearly every Russian city. There tens of them in Moscow and St. Petersburg. If you want to get a working profession you can enter a technical college. They say that there are over 2000 professions in the world so it is rather difficult to choose and make a decision. Some follow their own choice and some follow their parents' advice.

I have asked myself a lot of times: «What do I want to be when I leave school?». A few years ago it was difficult for me to give a definite answer. As the years passed I changed my mind a lot of times about which science or sphere of industry to specialize in. It was difficult to make up my mind and choose one of the hundreds of jobs to which I might be better suited.

What are the main reasons to choose your future profession? First of all it should seem interesting to you. An exciting job that you really like is an important component of happiness in life. Then you should consider the problem of earning a living. The most fascinating job will bring no satisfaction if you starve. And there is a very up-to-date problem of unemployment: you should choose such a profession that you could find yourself a job.


Практическое занятие 1

Имя существительное

1 Заполните пропуски неопределенным артиклем:

1 It is... lesson. It is lesson five.

2 It is... pencil. It is... bad pencil.

3 Is it... book? Yes, it is. It is... good book.

4 Give Ann... good book, please.

5 Is Mike... good student?

6 Is Ann... student?

7 It is Ben. Ben is... man.

8 It is... cup. It is... nice cup.

9 Kate, give me... spoon, please.


2 Определите, какой артикль следует употребить перед выделенным существительным при переводе на английский язык:

1 Мой друг – Инженер. Он работает на заводе. Завод выпускает горно-шахтное оборудование.

2 – Где книга? – Она на столе.

3 Вот телекс, о котором я вам вчера говорил.

4 В воскресенье мы видели интересный фильм. Фильм нам всем очень понравился.

5 Вчера мы получили запрос на лесотовары от английской фирмы.

6 Я люблю кофе, а моя сестра любит чай.

7 Кофе уже остыл.

8 – Это новый телевизор? – Да.

9 Телевизор, который мы купили в прошлом году, работает очень хорошо.

10 Дома, которые вы видите здесь, были построены за последние пять лет.

11 На нашей улице много новых красивых домов.

12 Это студенты.

13 Студенты нашей группы хорошо сдали экзамен.

14. В прошлом месяце моя сестра получила новую квартиру. Квартира небольшая, но очень удобная. В ней две комнаты. Комнаты квадратные и очень светлые.

15 Выставка открывается в 10 часов. Я буду ждать тебя у главного входа на выставку без четверти десять.


3 Заполните пропуски неопределенным или определенным артиклем:

1 This is... tea-pot.... tea-pot is not in this room. It is in... kitchen.

2... Ann, go to... kitchen, and take... cup, please.

3 Give me my spoon, please.... spoon is on... table.

4 Is this... bathroom? Yes, it is. Is... bathroom large? No, it isn’t.

5 Pete, take... book, please, and open page six.

6 This is... park. Is... park large? No, it isn’t.

7 This is... black car.


4 Образуйте множественное число от следующих существительных и прочитайте их: pen, desk, text, pencil, page, lesson, book, cup, spoon, student, man, woman, flat, room, kitchen, sofa, table.

5 Заполните пропуски определенным или неопределенным артиклем:

1 Trese are... brown desk.... desks are in... room.

2 Those are... engineers.... engineers are at... office.

3... office is large.

4 This is... book. It is my book.... book is on... table.

5 She is... student. She is... good student.

6 Mike is... man. He is... nice man.

7 Where are... telexes? There are on... table.

8 Ann is his wife. She is... economist.

9 Where is... letter? It’s in my book.

10 What colour is... cup?... cup is white.

11 This is lesson nine.... lesson is long.

12... flat is not large.

13 This is... tea. This is... good tea.

Практическое занятие 2

Имя прилагательное


1 Раскройте скобки, употребляя требующиеся формы прилагательных. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

1 He was the (fat) man in the village.

2 As he went on, the bag become (heavy) and (heavy).

3 My sister is the (tall) girl in the class.

4 Nick has a (good) handwriting than you.

5 Oil is (light) than water.

6 A bus is (fast) than a train.

7 This girl is as (beautiful) as that one.

8 It is (bad) mistake he has ever made.

9 Asia is (large) than Australia.


2 Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1 Этот кабель много длиннее, чем тот.

2 Сегодня такая же хорошая погода, как и вчера.

3 Твой брат более способный, чем его друг.

4 Это был самый трудный день в моей жизни.

5 Самая интересная лекция была в среду.

6 Эта девочка добрее, чем ее мама.

7 Самая дорогая телефонная станция была построена в 1997 году.

8 Эта улица более грязная, чем та.

9 Масло легче, чем вода.

Практическое занятие 3

Времена группы Simple

1 Determine the tense. Write Present, Past or Future after each sentence.

1 The girl met many interesting people at the party.

2 Students come to the English lessons twice a week.

3 Al. Bell invented the telephone.

4 Every month my friend visits his grandparents.

5 The porter brought the luggage to the platform.

6 We shall book tickets beforehand. Future.

7 People understand the importance of this invention.

8 The director will open the meeting on Friday at 7 o’clock.

9 They brought their things home exactly at 12.

10 My sister will graduate from the Institute next year.

11 The bright stars shine in the dark sky.


2 What sentences are true? Write T after them.

1 Last Tuesday we go to the exhibition.

2 The scientist will finish his work next year.

3 Little children like to play in the garden.

4. The sun rose in the blue sky at 5 o’clock yesterday.

5 The parents brought their little children to school tomorrow.

6 My son passed one of his examinations next Friday.

7 His uncle teaches English at the University.

8 Our students will speak English good.

9 My husband bought a new house in the USA next year.

10 He usually gets up very early.


3 Write F after the sentence, if you find a mistake:

1 When do you play tennis?

2 We did not understand this strange man.

3 She met her sister next Saturday.

4 Last year I shall come to visit you.

5 They do not graduated from the Institute last year.

6 He does not meet his parents last year.

7 Many years ago people used fingers and stones for counting.

8 I shall come to you next Monday.

9 The students shall write tests on Wednesday.

10 We built a new house for our specialists.


4 What translations are true? Write T.

1 The workers laid the cables on the ground.

a) Рабочие прокладывают кабель по земле.

b) Рабочие проложили кабель по земле.

с) Рабочие проложат кабель по земле.


2 The electric current flows through the wires.

a) Электрический ток течет по проводам.

b) Электрический ток будет течь по проводам.

с) Электрический ток протек по проводам.


3 The computer will store the information.

a) Компьютер будет хранить информацию.

b) Компьютер сохранил информацию.

с) Компьютер хранит информацию.



4 The student created a new file.

а) Студент создаст новый файл.

b) Студент создает новый файл.

с) Студент создал новый файл.


5 Did the workers heat the rotor on one side?

a) Рабочие нагревают ротор с одной стороны?

b) Рабочие нагрели ротор с одной стороны?

с) Рабочие нагреют ротор с одной стороны?


6 Does he find new sources of cheap energy?

a) Он нашел новые источники дешевой энергии?

b) Он ищет новые источники дешевой энергии?

с) Он искал новые источники дешевой энергии?


7 Will scientists obtain electric power directly from the Sun?

a) Ученые получают электрическую энергию прямо от солнца?

b) Ученые получат электрическую энергию прямо от солнца?

с) Ученые получили электрическую энергию прямо от солнца?


8 The engineers did not study the problem of using cosmic rays.

a) Инженеры не изучают проблему использования космических лучей.

b) Инженеры не изучали проблему использования космических лучей.

c) Инженеры не будут изучать проблему использования космических лучей.


9 The plant does not organize the production of the necessary alloys.

a) Завод не организует производство необходимых сплавов.

b) Завод не организовал производство необходимых сплавов.

c) Завод не будет заниматься организацией производства необходимых сплавов.


10 Students did not learn the poem by heart.

a) Студенты не выучили стихотворение наизусть.

b) Студенты не учат стихотворение наизусть.

c) Студенты не выучат стихотворение наизусть.


11 The sun shines in the blue sky.

a) Солнце светит в синем небе

b) Солнце светило в синем небе.

c) Солнце будет светить в синем небе.


12 They will not solve problems concerning radio, radar and television.

a) Они не будут решать проблемы касающиеся радио, радара и телевидения.

b) Они будут решать проблемы касающиеся радио, радара и телевидения.

с) Они решают проблемы касающиеся радио, радара и телевидения.


13 The scientists knew every form of energy production.

a) Ученые знают каждую форму получения энергии.

b) Ученые знали каждую форму получения энергии.

c) Ученые не знают каждую форму получения энергии.


14 The worker brought the cable to the workshop.

a) Рабочий несет кабель в мастерскую.

b) Рабочий принесет кабель в мастерскую.

c) Рабочий принес кабель в мастерскую.


15 They used lasers for transmitting power.

a) Они использовали лазеры для передачи мощности.

b) Они используют лазеры для передачи мощности.

c) Они будут использовать лазеры для передачи мощности.


5 Choose the true translation from Russian into English. Write T.

1 Завтра инженеры будут проверять оборудование.

a) Tomorrow the engineers will test equipment.

b) Tomorrow the engineers shall test equipment.

c) Tomorrow the engineers tested equipment.


2 Рабочие прокладывают кабель по стене.

a) Workers laid the cable on the wall.

b) Workers lay the cable on the wall.

c) Workers lays the cable on the wall.


3 Блез Паскаль сконструировал первую механическую счетную машину.

a) Bles Paskal constructs the first mechanical counting machine.

b) Bles Paskal will construct the first mechanical counting machine.

c) Bles Paskal constructed the first mechanical counting machine.


4 Наша фирма будет закупать оборудование для телефонов в этом магазине.

a) Our firm byes telephone equipment at this shop.

b) Our firm will buy telephone equipment at this shop.

c) Our firm bought telephone equipment at this shop.


5 Электронный луч как миниатюрный инструмент разрезает любой материал.

a) The electron beam like a miniature instrument cuts any material.

b) The electron beam like a miniature instrument will cut any material.

c) The electron beam like a miniature instrument cut any material.


6 Институт не будет разрабатывать машину для сварочных конструкций.

a) The institute will not develop a machine for welding constructions.

b) The institute does not develop a machine for welding constructions.

c) The institute did not develop a machine for welding constructions.


7 Транзистор заменяет вакуумную трубу во многих ситуациях.

a) The transistor replaces the vacuum tube in many situations.

b) The transistor replaced the vacuum tube in many situations.

c) The transistor replace the vacuum tube in many situations.


8 Александр Попов изобрел радио в 1876.

a) Al. Popov invents the radio in 1876.

b) Al. Popov invented the radio in 1876.

c) Al. Popov will invent the radio in 1876.


9 Рабочие установят микрофоны в панелях.

a) The workers mounted the microphones in the plates.

b) The workers will mount the microphones in the plates.

c) The workers mount the microphones in the plates.


10 Я сдам этот трудный тест.

a) I shall pass this difficult test.

b) I pass this difficult test.

c) I passed this difficult test.

Практическое занятие 4


1 Заменить выделенные слова местоимениями:

1 The theater is helping the students to translate the article.

2 The mother will send Mary to buy the tickets.

3 The man gave the books to the boy.

4 My friend is going to write a letter to his sister to day.

5 This book is not suitable for young children.

6 Helen worked hard at history.

2 Переведите на английский язык выделенные слова:

1 Он сломал мой карандаш, но дал мне свой.

2 Этот словарь мой, а не ваш.

3 Это ваша книга, а где моя?

4 Я попрошу вашего брата достать этот словарь.

5 Вы видели этот фильм? Да я видел его вчера.

6 Я видел его и его жену вчера. Я видел их в театре.

7 Он дал нам эти книги и попросил нас вернуть их ему на следующий день.

8 Я сам отвечу на это письмо.

9 Я оставлю эту книгу для себя.

10 Они очень много рассказывали о себе.


3Вместо точек вставьте одно из местоимений: somebody, someone, anybody, something, anything.

1 I saw … at the window.

2 Is there … new?

3 There is … in the next room who cam speak to you.

4 Give me … to eat, I am hungry.

5 … left the book on the table.

6 Where can I get …to drink?

7 Has … called?

8 Was there … absent?

4 Переведите на русский язык выделенные слова:

1 Звонил мне кто-нибудь?

2 Я никогда не говорил об этом.

3 Он ничего не знает об этом.

4 Любой из вас может это сделать.

5 Кто-то говорил мне об этом.

6 Вы что-нибудь читали об это?

7 Хотите что-нибудь выпить?

Практическое занятие 5

Модальные глаголы


1 Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание на употребление модального глагола can и его эквивалента to be able to.

1 Кто может перевести это предложение?

2 Можно войти?

3 Не могли бы вы мне помочь?

4 Он смог вас встретить? – Нет, он не смог нас встретить.

5 Вы сможете прийти завтра вечером? – К сожалению, не могу.

6 Могли бы вы сделать это сегодня? – Да, думаю, могла бы.

7 Я тоже хотел пойти в кино, но не смог.

8 Я не могу остаться здесь сегодня.

9 Кто может ответить на мой вопрос?

10 Вы можете обсудить эти вопросы в понедельник?


2Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами, подходящими по смыслу в соответствующей форме, и переведите на русский язык.

1 She … not go to the theatre with them last night, she … revise the grammar rules and the words for the test.

2 My friend lives a long way from the office and … get up early.

3 All off us … be in time for classes.

4 When my friend has his English, he … stay at the office after work.

5 …you … to work hard to do well in your English?

6 “… we discuss this question now?” No, we …. We … do it tomorrow afternoon.

7 He … to make a report but he didn’t come.

8 … you … to come and have dinner with us tomorrow?


3 Переведите предложения на английский язык, употребляя модальные глаголы и их обороты.

1 Вчера мне пришлось ответить на все эти письма.

2 Мы обязательно должны писать тест сегодня?

3 Анну тоже пригласить на обед? – Да, пожалуйста.

4 Вам пришлось остаться дома, потому что была плохая погода?

5 Вы, знаете, что вам нужно на собеседование завтра?

6 Вам следует навестить вашего друга, он не важно себя чувствовал вчера.

7 Я не люблю ложиться спать поздно, но иногда приходится.

Практическое занятие 6


1 Write sentences in Present Continuous.

1 I (make) breakfast in the kitchen.

2 The workers (test) equipment.

3 The sun (shine) in the blue sky.

4 My uncle (work) at the computer now.

5 My sons (take) examinations at this moment.


2 Write sentences in Past Continuous.

1 We (wait) for you from 5 till 6.

2 I (prepare) dinner when you called me.

3 The passengers (buy) tickets at the railway station.

4 Our friend (watch) TV at that cold evening.

5 The students (write) exercises in English.


3Write sentences in Future Continuous.

1 They (transmit) signals into space.

2 The current (appear) between two plates.

3 The businessmen (discuss) terms of payment.

4 Children (sleep) after dinner.

5 I (meet) you in 15 minutes near the college.


4 Write negative sentences.

1 The teacher (wait) for you after lessons. Future Continuous.

2 The moon (shine) in the black sky at that cold night. Past Continuous.

3 I (spend) time after lessons. Future Continuous.

4 Students (listen) to the teacher very attentively. Present Continuous.

5 The dog (drink) milk in the kitchen. Past Continuous.


5 Write questions to underlined words.

1 Students were going to the Institute at 8 o’clock.

2 He is working at his project now.

3 The engineer will be testing equipment at the workshop.

4 The director was opening the meeting at 7 in the morning.

5 The boy is going to England at this moment.


Практическое занятие 8

Упражнения по теме «Perfect»

1 Write the sentences in Present Perfect.

1 He (to graduate) from the University.

2 Our students (to pass) all examination.

3 Your son (to sleep) in his room

4 My grandmother (to prepare) breakfast in the kitchen.

5 Students (to go) home.

6 The secretary (to bring) the mail.

7 My brother (to write) a report.

8 He (to speak) English at the meeting.

9 Our uncle (to catch) fish in the river.

10 Students (to write) the test.


2 Write the sentences in Future Perfect.

1 In an hour they (to meet) their friends at the station.

2 Workers (to lay) cables on the walls.

3 Radio (to transmit) signals by electromagnetic waves.

4 An Electric field (to appear) between two plates.

5 They (to carry) electric waves over a distance.

6 Our friend (to visit) his parents tomorrow.

7 The storm (to stop) in the morning.

8 The train (to come) at 7 o’clock.

9 He (to print) the text by 7 o’clock.

10 We (to build) our future.


3 Write the sentences in Past Perfect.

1 We (to meet) our parents by 7 o’clock.

2 Sound waves (to travel) through the space before the bell rang.

3 He (to discuss) these questions with his friends before the director came.

4 They (to build) many telephone stations before the spring came.

5 After the boy (to print) the text he went home.

6 After the engineers (to test) equipment they decided to have dinner.

7 When this equipment (to send) signals to the space they finished the work.

8 After foreign specialists (to visit) our plant we produced these engines.

9 We (to buy) a new computer by Sunday.

10 I (to bring) flowers to the lecture-room before the exam started.


4 Determine the Tense and translate the sentences into Russian.

1 People will have spent much time in fresh air.

2 The bell has rung.

3 Sound waves have produced oscillations.

4 The workers had tested equipment before the engineer came.

5 I shall have waited for you near the college.

6 Workers have laid cables in the ground.

7 They will have protected cables against corrosion.

8 It has changed sound energy into electric waves.

9 Transmission system will have carried electric waves.

10 Switching system had connected two telephones sets.


5 Write negative sentences in Present Perfect. Translate them into Russian.

1 His sister (never play) tennis.

2 We (learnt) many new words.

3 I (never be) in London.

4 We (meet) my sister at the station.

5 The teacher (tell) about her trip to England.

6 He (work) in an international company.

7 They (earn) a lot of money.

8 Tourists (move) from London to Wells.

9 He (meet) the president three times.

10 My brother (read) many science magazines.


6 Write sentences in Present Perfect - affirmative (+), negative (-) or questions (?).

He (read) ‘Romeo and Juliet’. (?) Has he read ‘Romeo and Juliet’?

1 Workers (worm) cables before laying. (+)

2 Al. Bell (invent) the telephone. (+)

3 The current (pass) through the diaphragm. (-)

4 Sound waves (produce) oscillations. (?)

5 He (use) the telephone for conversation. (-)

6 Radio waves (travel) through space. (?)

7 Electron tubes (amplify) currents. (+)

8 The engineer (create) new machines. (-)

9 Scientists (do) some practical works. (?)

10 People (stop) the war in Iraq. (?)


7 There is a mistake in each sentence. Find it and correct it.

1 My friend have finished the work in the evening.

2 I have make dinner for my husband.

3 A.S. Popov has graduate from the Institute

4 He has demonstrate his device.

5 I has never seen this invention.

6 We have lay cables on the walls.

7 He have included many parts.

8 Engineers had test the equipment by 5 o’clock.

9 We will has done the work at night.

10 My friend will have graduate from the Institute of Communication and Information Science.

Практическое занятие 9



1 Прочитайте и переведите текст письменно (См. \ Теория \ 9 Лондон).


2 Ответьте письменно на вопросы к тексту:

1 How old is London?

2 What is the population of London?

3 Where is the Houses of Parliament situated?

4 What can you tell about the East End?

5 When was founded the British Museum?

3Подготовьте короткое сообщение (8 – 10 предложений) по теме «Лондон».

Практическое занятие 10

Имя числительное

1 Напишите числительные: 7, 12, 34, 6, 11, 8, 18, 80, 21, 5, 68, 86, 3, 13, 30, 9, 67, 15, 1, 99, 100, 25, 52, 37, 66, 41.


2 Напишите даты: 12 января 1946г., 23 марта 1949г., 22 сентября 1948г.,11 октября 1951г., 20 августа 1950г., 11 декабря 1946г., 19 ноября 1945г.


3 Напишите порядковые числительные: первый, одиннадцатый, двадцать первый, второй, двенадцатый, третий, тринадцатый, четвертый, четырнадцатый, сороковой, пятый, пятнадцатый, пятидесятый, шестой, шестнадцатый, шестидесятый, триста, семьсот, тысяча.

Практическое занятие 11

Современный речевой этикет


1 Ответьте на вопросы:

1 Как попросить помочь что-то сделать?

2 Какие приветствия будут уместны утром?

3 Какую фразу можно сказать на прощание?

4 Как Вы выразите радость при встрече?

5 Как спросить о самочувствии?

6 Какие фразы можно сказать на прощание?

7 Какой фразой представить знакомого?


2 Переведите на английский:

1 До встречи в следующий раз.

2 Пока.

3 Не возражаешь подождать минутку?

4 Да. Разумеется.

5 Ты не можешь одолжить мне 100 рублей до завтра?

6 Как поживаете? – Отлично, спасибо.

Практическое занятие 12

Passive Voice


1 Open the brackets, write sentences in Present Simple Passive Voice.

1 The window (wash) by my sister every Saturday.

2 The flowers (buy) by my friend at this shop.

3 The file (create) by students.

4 Many new machines (invent) by Russian engineers.

5 The text (translate) in the library.

6 The story (tell) by the man very often.

7 These pictures (drew) by my young sister.


2 Open the brackets, write sentences in Past Simple Passive Voice.

1 This equipment (sell) by our businessmen at the supermarket.

2 The works (do) at this workshop.

3 The engine (test) by the workers last week.

4 The first house (build) at this settlement.

5 Russian songs (sing) all over the world.

6 Terms of payment (discuss) by our businessman.

7 Cables (send) to foreign firms by the secretary.


3 There are mistakes in using Passive Voice. Find them.

1 The first telephone line were opened in 1915.

2 Graham Bell was invite to the conference.

3 The new transmitters was set in Bell’s room.

4 New computers is created by engineers.

5 The letter will be write by my sister.

6 Foreign films was shown at the English lessons.

7 New branches of industry was developed in our country.


4 Write sentences in Future Simple.

1 New scientific films are created in Ekaterinburg.

2 Computers are used very widely in every day life.

3 Many subjects are taught in our Institute.

4 The engine is tested at this plant by practical engineers.

5 The new project is developed by my friend.

6 The cars are bought at this auto shop.

7 Many questions are asked at the lessons.


5 Read and translate the following sentences, take attention to Passive Voice.

1 Компьютеры широко используются в повседневной жизни.

2 Новый проект был разработан моим другом.

3 Кабели прокладываются под землей.

4 Голос передается на расстоянии.

5 Первая телефонная линия была открыта в 1915.

6 Новые научные фильмы создаются в Екатеринбурге.

7 Новые технические специальности будут преподаваться в институте связи и информатики.


6 Underline the correct word in each sentence.

1 The story was/were told by my old uncle.

2 The books have/has been written by this famous writer.

3 The articles will be write/written at our institute.

4 This new counting machine is/are used at our office.

5 The song is/was being sung at the concert.

6 Terms of payment was/were discussed by businessmen.

7 New products of our firm have/has widely used in many countries.


7 Open the brackets, write sentences in Present Continuous Passive Voice.

1 The picture (show) at the exhibition in our institute.

2 Signals (send) by means of electromagnetic waves.

3 Many new laboratories (open) at the institute of communication and computer science.

4 The doors of our institute (open) for capable young people.

5 Computers (use) in every day life of this firm.

6 The engines (test) at the workshops of this plant.

7 Questions (ask) by our specialists about this problem.


8 Translate sentences in Present Continuous Passive Voice.

1 Кабели защищаются рабочими от коррозии.

2 Речь передается на большие расстояния.

3 Звуковая энергия превращается в электромагнитные волны.

4 Это устройство используется для воспроизведения звука.

5 Телефоны широко используются в повседневной жизни.

6 Много новых лабораторий открывается в институте связи и информатики.

7 Двери нашего института открыты для способных молодых людей.


9 Translate questions into Russian.

1 What equipment is used at this workshop?

2 Where was the first telephone invented?

3 What parts of the telephone are connected together?

4 What wires were protected from corrosion?

5 When was the radio invented?

6 What machines have been created by Russian specialists?

7 What subjects will have been learned by our students?


10 Write sentences in Present Perfect Passive Voice.

1 Транзистор был изобретен в 1948.

2 Полупроводниковые детекторы были использованы в радиотехнике.

3 Температура в проводах понизилась.

4 Несколько металлов было использовано в этом устройстве.

5 Новые лаборатории были открыты в нашем институте.

6 Электротехникум связи был преобразован в колледж связи и информатики.

7 Много специалистов было подготовлено нашим институтом за эти годы.


11 Write sentences in Past Perfect Passive Voice.

1 The picture (show) at the exhibition in our institute by 5 o’clock.

2 Signals (send) by means of electromagnetic waves after the director came.

3 Many new laboratories (open) at the institute of communication and computer science.

4 The doors of our institute (open) by 8 p.m.

5 The engines (test) at the workshops by 7 o’clock.

6 Questions (ask) by our specialists before the conference started.


12 Find the correct sentences:

1 Computers are used in our life.

2 Computers are use in our life.

3 Computers is used in our life.


13 Find the correct sentences:

1 The telephone line was build in our city.

2 The telephone line was built in our city.

3 The telephone line were built in our city.


14 Find the correct sentences:

1 Radio waves are being received by this device.

2 Radio waves is being received by this device.

3 Radio waves are being receive by this device.


15 Find the correct sentences:

1 The engine will tested at the workshop.

2 The engine will be tested at the workshop.

3 The engine will test at the workshop.


16 Find the correct sentences:

1 The telephone has been invented by Al. Bell.

2 The telephone have been invented by Al. Bell.

3 The telephone has invented by Al. Bell.


17 Find the correct sentences:

1 Signals has been transmitted by electromagnetic waves.

2 Signals have been transmit by electromagnetic waves.

3 Signals have been transmitted by electromagnetic waves.


18 Find the correct sentences:

1 Foreign films had been shown at the lessons.

2 Foreign films had be shown at the lessons.

3 Foreign films had been show at the lessons.


19 Find the correct sentences:

1 The examinations are take by our students.

2 The examinations are taken by our students.

3 The examinations is taken by our students.


20 Underline the correct word in each sentence.

1 Where was/were the text printed?

2 What is/are developed at this factory?

3 Why is/are this signals transmitted to the earth?

4 When has/have the books been written?

5 Where has/have the first telephone line been created?

6 Why was /were the students dismissed from the institute?

7 When was/were the telephone invented?


21 Find the correct sentences:

1 Is the windows washed every morning?

2 Are the windows washed every morning?

3 Are the windows wash every morning?


22 Find the correct sentences:

1 Where was the first telephone line created?

2 Where be the first telephone line created?

3 Where were the first telephone line created?


23 Find the correct sentences:

1 Are special signals sent by the television transmitter?

2 Is special signals sent by the television transmitter?

3 Are special signals send by the television transmitter?

4 Was the signal demodulated by a detector?

5 Were the signal demodulated by a detector?

6 Was the signal demodulate by a detector?

7 Will the picture synchronized by the receiver?

8 Will the picture be synchronize by the receiver?

9 Will the picture be synchronized by the receiver?

10 Is the article being read by our students at the lessons?

11 Is the article be read by our students at the lessons?

12 Will the article being read by our students at the lessons?

13 Was the film being show on Monday?

14 Was the film being shown on Monday?

15 Were the film being shown on Monday?

16 Has the house be built last year?

17 Has the house been build last year?

18 Has the house been built last year?

19 Had the picture been take by this girl?

20 Had the picture been taken by this girl?

21 Had the picture be taken?

22 Will the terms of delivery has been discussed by businessmen?

23 Will the terms of delivery have been discussed by businessmen?

24 Will the terms of delivery have be discussed by businessmen?


Negative sentences

24 Open the brackets, write negative sentences in Present Simple Passive Voice according the example: The picture is not shown at the exhibition in our institute.

1 The picture (show) at the exhibition in our institute.

2 Signals (send) by means of electromagnetic waves.

3 Many new laboratories (open) at the institute of communication and computer science.

4 The doors of our institute (open) for capable young people.

5 Computers (use) in every day life of this firm.

6 The engine (test) at the workshops of this plant.

7 Questions (ask) by our specialists about this problem.


25 Write negative sentences in Past Simple Passive Voice according the example: The picture was not shown at the exhibition in our institute.

1 The picture (show) at the exhibition in our institute.

2 Sounds (send) by means of electromagnetic waves.

3 A new library (open) at the institute of communication and computer science.

4 The methods (study) by the scientists.

5 Dictionaries (use) in every day life.

6 The engines (test) at the workshop.

7 The problem (discuss) by our specialists.


26 Translate negative sentences into English.

1 Сигналы не передаются посредством электромагнитных волн.

2 Компьютеры не использовались в этом заводе.

3 По этой проблеме вопросы специалистами не задавались.

4 Двигатели не испытываются в этой лаборатории.

5 Сигналы не усиливались посредством этого оборудования.

6 Радио не было изобретено Маркони.

7 Приглашение не было принято Александром Бэллом.

8 Изображение не принимается телевизионной камерой.


27 Write negative sentences in Future Simple Passive.

1 New scientific films are created in Ekaterinburg.

2 Computers are used very widely in every day life.

3 Many subjects are taught in our Institute.

4 The engine is tested at this plant by practical engineers.

5 The new project is developed by my friend.

6 The cars are bought at this auto shop.

7 Many questions are asked at the conference.


28 Write affirmative (+), negative (-) or interrogative (?) sentences in Present Continuous Passive Voice.

1 The experiment (repeat) by workers. (+)

2 Cables (produce) from iron. (?)

3 Heat (produce) in the wire. (-)

4 Wires (make) of copper. (+)

5 Modern methods (discuss) by our specialists. (+)

6 The parallel- connected coils (use) in this equipment. (-)

7 The faults (determine) by the engineers. (?)


29 Write affirmative (+), negative (-) or interrogative (?) sentences in Past Continuous Passive Voice.

1 The experiment (repeat) by workers. (+)

2 Cables (produce) from iron. (?)

3 Heat (produce) in the wire. (-)

4 Wires (make) of copper. (+)

5 Modern methods (discuss) by our specialists. (+)

6 The parallel - connected coils (use) in this equipment. (-)

7 The faults (determine) by the engineers. (?)


30 Write negative sentences in Present Perfect Passive Voice.

1 New computer programs are created at the firm Microsoft.

2 This newspaper is read by my uncle every morning.

3 Many houses were built at this part of the town.

4 The computer was brought to the library at 7 o’clock in the evening.

5 The wire is being warmed in the coil.

6 Signals are being transmitted into the space.

7 The story was being told during breakfast.

Практическое занятие 13

Моя будущая специальность


1 Прочитайте и переведите текст письменно (Теоретический материал. Тема 13).

2 Ответьте письменно на вопросы по теме:

1 Do you know how many institutes are there in Ekaterinburg?

2 Where can you get a working profession?

3 What job can bring you satisfaction?

4 How do you consider the problem of earning a living?

5 What was the main reason to choose your present profession?

3 Подготовьте краткое сообщение по теме «Моя будущая специальность» (8 – 10 предложений).


Вариант 1

Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

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