1. | Правила чтения гласных и согласных звуков и их сочетаний в английском языке …………………………………………………………. | |
2. | Имя существительное (The Noun) ……………………………………….. | |
3. | Артикль (The Article)...……………………………………………………. | |
4. | Местоимение (The Pronoun) ……………………………………………… | |
5. | Имя прилагательное и наречие (The Adjective and the Adverb) ………….. | |
6. | Имя числительное (The Numerals)...……………………………………… | |
7. | Глагол, действительный залог (The Verb, Active Voice) …………………. | |
8. | Вопросительные предложения …………………………………………… | |
9. | Глагол, страдательный залог (The Verb, Passive Voice) …………………... | |
10. | Прямая и косвенная речь (Direct and Indirect Speech) ……………………. | |
11. | Значение и функции глагола to have …..……………………………….. | |
12. 13. | Значение и функции глагола to be……………………………………... Приложение ……………………………………………………………….. |
Правила чтения гласных и согласных звуков
И их сочетаний в английском языке
Чтение гласных букв в четырех типах ударного слога.
Гласная буква | Тип слога | |||
I Открытый слог | II Закрытый слог | III Гласная + r | IV Гласная + re | |
а | [ei] make, date | [æ] bag, flat | [a:] far, start | [ ə] spare, fare |
е | [i:] she, eve | [e] pen, bed | [ə:] her, verb | [iə] here, mere |
i/ у | [ai] time, bite, fly, cry | [i] sit, stick, gym, myth | [ə:] bird, fir | [aiə] fire, mire |
о | [əu] note, rose | [ο] not, fog | [o:] born, sport | [o:] more, before |
u | [ju:] tune, fuse | [Λ] nut, run | [ə:] turn, nurse | [juə] pure, cure |
Задание 1. Прочитайте слова, обращая внимание на тип слога.
a) типы I и II: beh a vior, l a ttice, rel a te, b a sic, a dd, m a nner, repl a ce, attr a ct, st a te, g a p, v a cancy, r a dix, loc a te, s a fe, c a rry, tr a p, fl a t, p a ck, s a mple, el e ctrical, conv e ntional, negl e ct,el e ctron, compl e te, interm e diate, prev e nt, e nter, v e ndor, s e t, n e xt, n e t, inv o lve, m o tion, b o nd, pr o cess, o dd, t o tal, h o le, dr o p, cl o ne, m o de, rem o te, sl o t, h o st, p o p back, crit e rion, m i ss, l i ke, f i t, dr i ft, s i te, der i ve, an i on, cat i on, intr i nsic, prov i de, b i nary, cr y stal, t i e, dev i ce, dr i ve, descr i be, def i ne, s u btle, pl u g, interr u pt, f u nction, corr u ption, deb u g, u nique, u nder, cons u me, exec u te, red u ce, cond u ctor, introd u ce, ass u mption, str u cture, prod u ce, c u rrent, n u mber, th u s, introd u ction, res u lt.
b) типы III и IV: c ar bon, ar senic, l ar ge, sh ar p, sm ar t, p ar se, disc ar d, t ar get, ch ar ge, en or mous, imp or tance, inc or porate, acc or ding, c or d, abs or b, supp or t, perf or m, imp or tant, f or mula, occ ur, c ur ve, p ur pose, c ir cuit, v ir tue, transv er se, inv er sely, v er sus, t er m, ext er nal, int er nal, det er mine, s er vice, ins er t, t er minal, conv er t, v er tex, inv er t, sh are, comp are, softw are, aw are, st ore, f or ce, c ore, expl ore, sec ure, c ure, p ure, ent ire, interf ere, sph ere.
Особенности чтения некоторых согласных и гласных букв.
№№ | Правила чтения согласных и гласных букв | Примеры | ||
1. | C | [s] после e, i, y | Cell, pencil, city, space, face, lace, cell, cent, cite, cyst, pencil, nice, mice | |
[k]в остальных случаях | Cat, come, clean, music, cape, candle, camp, cane, cattle, clamp | |||
ck | [k] | Lick, back, lack, stick, nick, black, sack, sick, deck, slack, neck, pack, peck | ||
ch | [t∫ ] | Chime, chest, check, cheap, teach, speech, inch, lynch | ||
[k]в словах латинского и греческого происхождения | School, scholar, chrome, chorus, chlorite, architect, architecture | |||
tch | [t∫ ] | Catch, match, stitch, ditch | ||
2. | G | [d ]после e, i, y | Page, cage, gyps, badge, age, stage, gipsy, gene, gibe, gym, gentle, gem | |
[g] в остальных случаях | Gale, gain, god, grim, big, dig, got, stag, gossip, go, glide, glad, gas, log, dog | |||
3. | S | [s]в начале слова и после глухих согласных | See, sky, caps, books, lamps, sad, cats, lets, meets, sets, likes, sat, sleeps, cakes, stops, pens | |
[z]между гласными, после гласных и звонких согласных | Bees, mends, is, tables, beds, ties, plans, dolls, boys, dogs, noisy, feeds, bells, stones | |||
4. | X | [gz]перед ударной гласной | Exam, exact, exist | |
[ks] в остальных случаях | Text, box, six, next | |||
5. | Y | [j] в начале слова | You, yet, yes, yell, yak, yelp | |
[i]в конце двусложных и многосложных слов в безударном положении | Silly, fifty, kitty, zany, easy, lazy, daddy, nicely, needy, neatly, tiny, sticky, city, factory, fancy, lady | |||
[ai]в конце слов под ударением | Amplify, simplify, magnify, classify, modify, identify | |||
6. | U | [u], [u:] | Pull, put, full, bush, push | |
Задание 2. Прочитайте следующие слова, обращая внимание на произношение выделенных букв.
Latti c e, c on c ern, c on c ept, referen c e, pro c essor, produ c e, s pe c imen, spe c ification, c an c el, a cc ess, a cc ident, pre c ision, os c illate, fa c tor, ex c essive, de c imal, c onne c tion, en c ounter, sc atter, blo ck, so ck et, lo ck, bra ck et, ch e ck, ch ip, ch ange, s ch edule, ma tch, fe tch, swi tch, a ch ieve, ch arge, approa ch, ch annel, ar ch itecture, ch aracter, ch emist, ar ch ive, syn ch ronize, me ch anical, s ch eme, te ch nique, ran g e, advanta g e, stora g e, mana g e, inte g er, levera g e, di g it, inte g rity, g eneral, ener g y, hydro g en, de g enerate, a g itation, arran g ement, g ap, dia g ram, ma g netic, re s pon s e, s end, tran s i s tor, oppo s ite, repre s ent, intrin s ic, e x pect, e x tra, fi x, e xc itation, fle x ible, e xc ess, e x i s t, e x ample, e x ert, y ield, y ellow, namel y, empt y, inventor y, directl y, memor y, temporaril y, responsibilit y, sol u tion, incl u de, imply, magnify.
Чтение сочетаний гласных букв.
№№ | Правила чтения сочетаний гласных букв | Примеры |
1. | ai, ay – [ei] | Pain, vain, nail, day, lain, may, pay, say, clay, aim, nay, mail, fail, sail, bay, lay, claim, plain, laid |
2. | ee – [i:] | Meet, need, sleep, deed, feed, fleet, keep, feel |
3. | - [i:] ea - [e] | Meat, neat, lead, leave, zeal, bead, east, pea, deal, leaf, mean Dead, bread, deaf, ready, heavy, meant, treasure |
4. | ei, ey, ie – [i:] | Ceiling, seize, receive, deceive, niece, field, piece, priest, chief |
5. | au – [o:] | Because, saucer, cause, autumn |
6. | oo – [u:], [u] | Soon, spoon, tool, pool, too, zoo, food, look, took, good, hook, brook, book |
7. | oi, oy – [oi] | Boy, toy, voice, noise, coin, soil, boil |
8. | oa – [əu] | Boat, load, road, soap, throat, coast |
9. | ou – [au] - [u:] - [Λ] | Out, about, round, loud, proud Soup, group Couple, young, country, trouble, rough, enough, tough |
10. | ue, ui – [u:], [u] | True, fruit, blue, glue |
Задание 3. Прочитайте следующие слова, обращая внимание на произношение выделенных буквосочетаний.
Av ai lable, f ai l, obt ai n, rel ay, aw ay, l ay out, arr ay, m ai n, ag ai n, m ai nt ai n, ret ai n, cont ai n, displ ay, m ee t, fr ee, agr ee ment, st ee p, squ ee ze, degr ee, exc ee ding, sp ee d, f ee d, ea se, tr ea t, l ea ve, f ea ture, incr ea se, r ea son, h ea t, spr ea dsh ee t, thr ea d, n eu tral, ach ie ve, f ie ld, y ie ld, k ey stroke, p ie ce, by def au lt, l au nch, l oo p, empl oy, enj oy, depl oy, p oi nt, fl oa ting p oi nt, appr oa ch, comp ou nd, c ou nteract, c ou nter, ou tput, m ou nt, c ou nt, am ou nt, r ou tine, r ou t.