






1. Law and Order

The Need for Law.

- : The Need for Law.

(, , ). .

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The First Laws.

- : The First Laws.

(, , ). .

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The Foundation of British Law.

- : The Foundation of British Law.

(, , ). .

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. Simple. Present Simple.


Legal System.

- : Legal System.

(, , ). .

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. Simple. Past Simple.

Types of Legal Professions.

- : Types of Legal Professions.

(, , ). .

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. Simple. Future Simple.

2. The Court System of Great Britain

The Court System of England and Wales.

- : The Court System of England and Wales.

(, , ). .

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Constitutional Law of in Great Britain.

- : Constitutional Law of in Great Britain.

(, , ). .

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: 2015-05-08; !; : 1050 |



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