






. 1 Ginsberg M. Sociology. L., 1934

1 Ginsberg M. Sociology. L., 1934. P. 118: Whether innate tendencies are repressed, sublimated, or given full play depends to a large extent upon the type of family life and the traditions of the larger society... Consider, for example, the difficulty of determining whether the aversion to incestuous relationships has an instinctive basis, or of disentangling the genetic factors underlying the various forms of sexual jealousy. The inborn tendencies, in short, have a certain plasticity and their mode of expression, repression or sublimation is, in varying degrees, socially conditioned.( , , ... , , , , , . , , , . . .)

. ( ), , , , . , , . , .

, (. I, . XXIII): Les loix de la conscience, que nous disons naistre de nature, naissent de la coustume: chacun ayant en veneration interne les opinions et moeurs approuvées et reues autour de luy, ne sen peut desprendre sans remors ny sy appliquer sans applaudissement. Celuy me semble avoir trs-bien conceu la force de la coustume, qui premier forgea ce conte, quune femme de village ayant apris de caresser et porter entre ses bras un veau des lheure de sa naissance et continuant tousjours à ce faire gaigna cela par laccoustumance, que tout grand beuf quil estoit, elle le portoit encore... Usus efficacissimus rerum omnium magister... Par coustume, dir Aristote, aussi souvent que par maladie des femmes sarrachent le poil, rongent leurs ongles, mangent des charbons et de la terre et autant par coustume que par nature les masles se meslent aux masles. ( , , , ; , , , , , , ... , , , , , , , ... Usus efficassissimus rerum omnium magister ( )... , , - , , , , , - , , . - . . .: , 1979. . I. . 101-102, 108).

, remors , -߻ ( , ), , , -߻.

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2.: Huizinga J. Erasmus. N.Y. - L., 1924. . 200: What Erasmus really demanded of the world and of mankind how he pictured to himself that passionately desired purified Christian society of good morals, fervent faith, simplicity and moderation, kindliness, toleration and peace this we can nowhere else find so clearly and well expressed as in the Colloquia. (To, , , , , , , , ero Colloquia. A. P.)

3 1665 ., museion pro secretiore cubiculo dictum est ( . ..).

4 , , . , . XIX . , , .

: . , , , , .

, . . , , .. , ; , .., . , , . , . , ; . (Schultz A. Deutsches Leben im 14. und 15. Jahrhundert. Wien, 1892. S. 68f.)

, , , , . ., , : Allen P.S. The Age of Erasmus. Oxford, 1914. P. 204ff.

5 .: Bömer A. Aus dem Kampf gegen die Colloquia familiaria des Erasmus // Archiv für Kulturgeschichte. Lpzg-B., 1911. Bd. IX. H. 1. S. 32.

6 . : ... , . , . . , , , , , . , , , , .

7 , , .

, .ʸ , . , . , . . (Köbner R. Die Eheauffassung des ausgehenden Mittelalters // Archiv für Kulturgeschichte. Lpzg-B., 1911. Bd. IX. H. 2.). : Early English Text Society // Ed. by F.J.Furnivall. Original Series, 108. L., 1897. : , (Childmarriages, Divorces, and Ratifications. P. XIX).

8 Zarncke F. Die deutsche Universität im Mittelalter. Lpzg, 1857. Btr. I. S. 49ff.

9 Bauer M. Liebesleben in der deutschen Vergangenheit. ., 1924. S. 136.

10 Rudeck W. Geschichte der öffentlichen Sittlichkeit in Deutschland. Jena, 1897. S. 33. 11 Ibid.

12 Schäfer K. Wie man früher heiratete // Zeitschrift für deutsche Kulturgeschichte. ., 1891. Bd. 2. H.l. S. 31. 13 Rudeck W. . cit. S. 319.

14 Brienne. Mémoires. Vol. 2. P. 11. . : Laborde. Le Palais Mazarin. P., 1816. Note 522.

15 Bezold Fr.v. Ein Kölner Gedenkbuch des 16. Jahrhunderts // Aus Mittelalter und Renaissance. München ., 1918. S. 159.

16 .: Rudeck W. . cit. S. 171; Allen P.S. . cit. P. 205; Hyma A. The Youth of Erasmus. Michigan: University of Michigan Press, 1930. P. 56-57. . : Renault. La condition juridique du bâtard au moyen âge. Pont Audemer, 1922, , . Coustume, . , .

, XVII . . , XIII : Jaime mieux ma petite soeur que féfé Chevalier, parce quil na pas été dans le ventre à maman avec moi, comme elle. ( , , , . ..)

17 Parodi D. Lhonnête homme et lidéal moral du XVII-e et du XVIII-e siècle // Revue Pédagogique. 1921. Vol. 78, 2. P. 94ff.

18 ., .: Peters . The Institutionalized Sex-Taboo in Knight. Taboo and Genetics. P. 181:

A study of 150 girls made by the writer in 1916-1917 showed a taboo on thought and discussion among wellbred girls of the following subjects, which they characerize as indelicate, polluting and things completely outside the knowledge of a lady.

1. Things contrary to custom, often called wicked and immoral.

2. Things disgusting such as a bodily functions, normal as well as pathological, and all the implications of uncleanliness.

3. Things uncanny, that make your flesh creep, and things suspicious.

4. Many forms of animal life, which it is a commonplace that girls will fear or which are considered unclean.

5. Sex differences.

6. Age differences.

7. All matters relating to the double standard of morality.

8. All matters connected with marriage, pregnancy, and childbirth.

9. Allusions to any part of the body except head and hands.

10. Politics.

11. Religion.

( , 1916-1917 ., , , , :

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