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Classification of hazardous and dangerous factors that can affect the people in the environment.


Name of issue Time
Introduction. 5'
1. Classification of hazardous and dangerous factors that can affect the people in the environment. 15'
2. Harmful and hazardous factors of active group and how to protect them. 30'
3. Perception NHF of man. Analyzers of man. 35'
The final part. 5'





1. Заплатинський В.М. Безпека життєдіяльності. Опорний конспект лекцій для всіх спеціальностей. – К.: КДТЕУ, 1999. – 208 с.

2. Бедрій Я.І., Нечай В.Я. Безпека життєдіяльності. Навчальний посібник. – Л.: Магнолія-2006, 2007. – 499 с.

3. Желібо Є.П., Заверуха Н.М., Зацарний В.В. Безпека життєдіяльності. Навчальний посібник / За ред. Є.П. Желібо. 6-е вид. – К.: Каравела, 2008. –344 с.

4. Лапін В.М. Безпека життєдіяльності людини. Навчальний посібник. – К.: Знання, 2007. – 332 с.

5. Закон України “Про захист населення і території від НС техногенного та природного характеру”, 2000 р.


Home work


1. Study lecture material.

2. Familiarize yourself with the features of the human operator, the parameters of efficiency and reliability of human operator [2], p. 30-44.

Theme 3




1. Classification of hazardous and dangerous factors that can affect the people in the environment.

2. Harmful and hazardous factors of active group and how to protect them.

3. Perception NHF of man. Analyzers of man.


At the previous lecture we learned the model of the source of danger in a dangerous situation and affecting factors. Notice, that the person is protected from VrF using collective and individual protection and moving beyond the zone of danger. Today we are acquainted with the mechanism of feeling unsafe situation man. To do this, consider the classification NHF based human exposure.

Classification of hazardous and dangerous factors that can affect the people in the environment.

Safety at life activity studying man and his environment is in 'Man - Living space ".

Living space - is part of the universe, where there may be a person and function of its livelihood. (second definition - a combination of natural and anthropogenic factors with which a person interacts directly or indirectly).

In theory of SofLA also applies to the "Environment". It is the totality of natural and anthropogenic factors, among which there is one. It consists of the atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, infosphere, the noosphere.

Atmosphere — outer gas shell with thickness of the Earth about 3000 km, its composition: nitrogen - 78% oxygen - 21% carbon dioxide, ozone, water vapor, inert gases and other gases and impurities - 1%.
Lithosphere — outer hard shell of the Earth, including the crust with part of the upper mantle. The crust has a thickness of 80 km, consisting of 99.5% of oxygen, silicon, hydrogen, aluminum, iron, magnesium, sodium and calcium, and other elements - 0.5%.
Hydrosphere — set of oceans, seas, glaciers, water continents and islands, which is 16 billion m3 of water, or 0.25% of the mass planet.
Biosphere — region of existence of living organisms on Earth, including the atmosphere, the lithosphere and hydrosphere. The upper boundary of the biosphere of 85 km, the lower - 2 km in the lithosphere and up to 11 km in the hydrosphere.
Infosphere — information space in which the man exists.
Noosphere (the sphere of mind, brain) — phase of development of the biosphere, during which intelligent human activity is a major determinant of its functioning.


Living environment is part of the environment and is determined for each individual.

Living environment of mankind is practically environment.

Human environment can be classified as follows:


Natural environment - an environment in which anthropogenic factors are not present (which acts at man by natural factors atm. Pressure, vibrations t ° C, humidity, solar radiation, cloudiness, precipitation wind, etc.).

Open environment - an environment which is dominated by natural factors of anthropogenic (street, town, village, area stadiums, parks, etc.).

Internal environment - an environment in which the proportion of anthropogenic factors exceeds the share of natural factors (closed space, open areas of warehouses, workshops, etc.).

Productive environment - the most dangerous for humans, it is at work on her acting elevated levels of noise, vibration acutely apparent physiological factors (stress, fatigue) in air of working zone often present toxic substances, the production of more people interact with machines and mechanisms that is potentially dangerous. Through a third of his life, or almost half of the time at work, you must take care to ensure safe and acceptable working conditions.

Domestic environment -a human habitat, a set of residential buildings, as well as municipal and domestic organizations and institutions. With increasing human impact on nature was necessary to control the domestic environment in which until recently were determined independently by each family. State water and air pollution, humidity levels, noise, radiation in the home areas were not considered a problem, but studies suggest a dangerous excess of these parameters in dwellings.

To such conditions lead several factors:

- Proximity to business that do not have the buffer zone;

- Emissions of businesses which are located near exceed the standards;

- Specific climatic and microclimatic conditions;

- Proximity to roads with heavy traffic;

- Use a variety of means;

- The use of chemicals (detergents, paints, plastics, etc.)…

EXAMPLE. Every 3 minutes in the world as a result of industrial accidents and occupational diseases dying man. Every year in Ukraine in manufacturing injured ~ 60 thousand persons> 2 thousand dead. In the domestic environment in Ukraine injured 12 - 14 million, ~ 70 thousand fatalities. 10 thousand people acquire occupational diseases, 6 thousand each year become disabled. Annually as a result of accidents Ukraine suffers a loss of about 4 billion.

According to the system of safety standards (SSBP) distinguish between dangerous and harmful factors. Identifying these factors were cited in the previous lecture.

Harmful factors - such factors which action under certain conditions leads to disease and decreased performance.

Dangerous factors - factors which action under certain circumstances leading to injury, a sharp deterioration in health, death.

Between dangerous and harmful factors, there is no fundamental difference. The same factor depending on the magnitude and time of action may be dangerous or harmful. Dangerous and harmful factors can be objects, tools, products, labor, technology, actions and climatic environment (storms, floods, flora, fauna), people.


Potential - quantitative measure factors such as noise, voltage electrical current levels of air pollution.

The quality of factor reflects its specific characteristics that affect the human body, such as the dispersion of dust frequency content of the noise, a kind of electric current.

Danger Zone (action) - a space in which continuously or periodically appear dangerous and harmful factors.


The maximum allowable level of negative factor (GDR) - factor level that the daily (except weekends) work for 8 hours or more of time, but not more than 41 hours a week, throughout the working life can not cause disease or variations in health ' I found that the modern methods of research in the process or in the long term or life of future generations.





By the structure all the factors are divided into simple (current toxicity), and complex derivatives (accidents, fires, explosions).




Active factors are those that can operate on people through different types of energy.

Factors of active group are divided into subgroups:

- Mechanical;

- Thermal;

- Electrical;

- Electromagnetic;

- Chemical;

- Biological;

- Physiological.


Passive-active group includes factors that occur as a result of the action of man.

Passive-active group includes: acute immovable objects, friction and roughness of surfaces and bows and downs.


The group of passive factors includes those factors that occur indirectly.

Passive factors include: corrosion of materials, scale, lack of strength of structures, increased load on the mechanisms and machinery and so on. Manifestations of these factors is destruction, explosions, accidents.

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