Substance sources function desiese
Protein animal foods/meat, fish, eggs, milk, formation of the tissues of general poor health
cheese/. Beans, peas, soya, some the body-muscles, blood, and small stature in
vegetables. hormones. adults.
Carbohydrate sugar, honey, milk. Starch foods- provision of energy starvation
bread, biscuits. Cereals-rice, oats.
Root vegetables.
Fats oily and fatty foods as carbohydrates as carbohydrates
Mineral iron as protein: also in green vegetables formation of hemoglobin anemia
Calcium and milk and cheese formation of bones and teeth bones and teeth
Phosporus disorders
Iodine in water except in mountainous areas formation of thyroid hormone enlargement of
the glands
fluorine present in water formation of teeth teeth disorders
salt regulation of body fluids
vitamins- A fish, green vegetables. fats general growth. Night vision infections. Night
И1б И2б И3б bread, rice. Protein foods. Green general chemistry of tissues pellagra
B6 vegetables.
B12 many foods formation of the blood anemia
C fresh fruit and green vegetables general chemistry of tissues skin spots
D fish, egg, exposure to the skin to sunlight absorption and utilization bone disorders
of calcium
K synthesized in the intestine blood clotting bleeding
Look through the diet chart and act as a doctor. Recommend some healthy food to treat the diseases below.
Anemia teeth disorders
Swelling of gland bone disorders in adults
Rickets in children infections
Bleeding scurvy
7. Prepare the topic ‘My healthy way of life’.
1. Read and memorize the words, word-combinations and use them in the sentences, write them down into your vocabulary, find their definition:
Actor(actress), architect, biologist, book-keeper/accountant, veterinary surgeon, nursery schoolteacher, serviceman/military man, historian, industrial engineer, correspondent, cashier, engine-driver, typist, musician, militiaman, porter, camera-man, hairdresser/barber, instructor, translator/interpreter, employer/proprietor, cook, ambassador, salesman (woman)/shop-assistant, worker/workman, editor, director/producer, reporter, welder, metal-worker, secretary, inspector, employee/office worker, builder, judge, technician, technologist, turner, physicist, chemist, surgeon, artist, miner, economist, electrician, lawyer, linguist..
2. Discuss some advantages and disadvantages of certain professions. Which of the jobs wouldn’t you like to do? Use the model:
Politicians work in shifts
Postman woman do some work at home
Teachers have to wear a uniform
Nurses don’t have to make speeches
Air hostesses get up early
Factory workers work outside
Be good at their profession
3. Read the text, learn new words and translate it:
Pauline loved the cinema and wanted to become a filmstar. When she was twelve she said to her parents, “I want to be a filmstar”.
But it was not easy. After she left school, she got into films-not as a star- she became one o the people in a crowd scene..
One evening the man at the agency called her and said, “There’s a job for you tomorrow, Pauline. Come at 8 o’clock. You’ll be a secretary’.
Pauline reached the studios at a quarter to eight. She waited three hours before they came to her scene. The scene was very short: the star, a famous American actor, came and stopped in front of where Pauline was sitting.
“I want you to look at Harry when he comes in, explained the director, and say, “Mr. Marlowe, there’s a call for you!” Can you say that?”
Pauline said she could and did everything the director told her to do. The director was very pleased, and the star smiled at her. “That’s great”, said the director. “Thanks”. Pauline was very happy that evening. Some months later she booked two seats foe the premiere and went to see her film with Michael, her boy-friend. It was a good film but there was no Pauline in it. Her scene together with many other unimportant scenes had been cut out.
4. Answer the questions of the questionnaire and think which jobs you would rather take or not take estimating your physical abilities:
Is your eyesight perfect?
Is your hearing good?
Have you any special disability?
Can you stand for a long time?
Can you sit for a long time?
Do you get travel sick?
Can you stand: a) noise; b)damp; c) heat; d) smells?
Do heights make you dizzy?
Are you color blind?
Would you say you were physically strong?
5. Match the beginning of the sentences with group of ending below:
A building company the financial sector a consultant with a IBM company
IBM advertising self-employed
A firm of accountants the fashion industry in the light industry
6. Here are some words you can use with company or industry and add your own words:
She works for a/n/………………….company
Electronics engineering
Computer insurance
Pharmaceutical television
He works in the …………………..industry.
Banking construction
Travel film
Motor oil
7. Match the description with the area of work:
She works for a big department store He’s in IT (information technologies)
My grandmother deals with pensions and insurance He’s in marketing
My mother works for an advertising agency He’s in financial service
My father is responsible for a company’s sales strategy They’re in customer service
My uncle works with the computers and telecommunications. She’s in retail.
They deal with their company’s clients. She’s in advertising.
8. Match the job description with the position:
PA (personal assistant) She welcomes visitors and deals with their enquiries.
Admin assistant He deals with the problems with the staff.
Personal manager The person who does general jobs in an office.
Receptionist The person who assists the managing director
9. Match the job description with the position:
He is responsible for selling the goods. Supervisor
She is responsible for making the goods. Sales manager
The boss. Quality controller
He is in charge of a team of workers. Production manager
The person who is responsible for testing goods. Managing director.
10. Play out the situations:
1) You talk with your fellow school-leaver on choosing a profession.
2) You consult your teacher or relative on a trade you would like to choose.
3) You meet your friend and tell each other about your jobs (occupations).
1. Read and memorize the words, word-combinations and use them in the sentences, write them down into your vocabulary:
What is his business?-Чим він займається?
On business-по справах,
Business trip-відрядження,
He feels a calling for science-У нього призвання до наукової роботи,
He works in the capacity of an engineer-Він працює в якості інженера,
He is on leave now.-Він зараз у відпустці,
On sick leave-у відпустці по хворобі,
Line-рід діяльності,
Opportunity-сприятлива можливість,
Day shift-денна зміна,
Night shift-нічна зміна,
Work-труд, робота,
Assistant-замісник, асистент,
At the head of-під керівництвом,
Manager-завідуючий, директор,
Fellow worker-співробітник, колега,
Research worker-науковий співробітник,
2. Give English equivalents of the followings:
1. Хто директор цієї фірми?
2. Мій друг-досвідчений інженер.
3. Він вправний учень.
4. Я читаю книгу талановитого науковця.
5. Чи є у вас вільні вакансії?
6. Ми наукові впівробітники Київського інституту.
7. Наша фірма має сприятливі можливості для росту.
8. Ваша робота-приходити вчасно.
3. Learn and read the substitutional patterns, make sentences with them:
1) What is your profession? I am a carpenter
Trade? A driver
Job? A book-keeper
Occupation? A doctor
2) What can you do?
I can work as a nurse.
A gardener
A builder
A tractor-driver
3) What do you plan to do on leaving college?
When you are twenty?
When you are back from the army?
When you move to Moscow?
I’d like to enter an institute.
To join the army
To go to work