


Другие языки
Охрана труда





Make up your own dialogue using the expressions from the lesson. 6. Answer the questions:



6. Answer the questions:

1. How many entrance exams did you pass?

2. When do your studies begin?

3. What is your tuition fee?

4. Where can you get higher education?

5. What do you do during the lunch break?

6. What department do you study at?

7. What’s your future specialty?

8. Do you live at a hostel?

9. How many periods have you a day?

10. What special subjects will you study next year?



7. Ask questions of different types:

1. She has difficulties with her studies.

2. Last year he passed two entrance exams.

3. He is missing classes now.

4. His studies begin at eight sharp.

5. The student got good marks in his exams.

6. They will study special subjects next year.

7. He has already got secondary education.

8. The students are translating the text now


8. Make up a situation of friends’ conversation during the break in your college.



9. Tick the sentences if you do or think in the same way. Write out the unknown words:

1. My biggest problem with teacher is getting better marks.

2. The things that worry me most are my school marks and my girlfriend.

3. If I could change one thing about my life it would be to get all A’s in school.

4. I could do better schoolwork, but I don’t because I’m too lazy and I think I can coast along.

5. My parents and teachers agree that I could do better.

6. I have cheated several times in grade seven and eight.

7. If students do cheat, teachers should punish hard because if you cheat one time you will do it the next.

8. The teacher who gets most work out of me is my Latin teacher.

9. This is because the interesting way he teaches Latin makes me like it and try to do well in it.




Zhytomyr Technological College

1. Read and memorize the following words, word-combinations and word-groups, write them down into your vocabularies:

Sciences-науки; a bachelor-бакалавр;

woodworking-деревообробка; automation-автоматизація;

design-дизайн; a term paper-курсовий проект;

a credit-залік; a diploma-диплом;

grants-стипендія; an equipment-обладнання;

a register-журнал; handicraft-ручна робота;

a monitor-староста; electrical engineering-електротехніка;

a laboratory-лаборторія; domestic science-домогосподарство;

an establishment-установа; night school-вечірня школа;

a library-бібліотека; primary school-початкова школа;

a medical inspection room-медкабінет; secondary school-середня школа;

a degree-ступінь; school of extensive English learning-школа

a break-перерва; з англійським спрямуванням;

to do military service-служити в армії; specialist-спеціаліст;

a college entrant-абітурієнт; master-магістр;

a fresher-новичок; doctor-доктор.



2. Give English equivalents of the followings:

1. Бути абітурієнтом; 6. зайти до медкбінету;

2. забути про перерву; 7. отримувати стипендію;

3. комп’ютерне обладнання; 8. писати курсовий проект;

4. закінчити середню школу; 9. навчатись в школі з англійським спрямуваням;

5. працювати в лабораторії; 10. мати хороші оцінки.



3. Read, learn and translate the substitutional patterns and make sentences with the appropriate words:


Where can I see the headmaster? He is probably in the headmaster’s office

the French teacher? the assembly hall

the tutor? the staff room

The geography room

The school canteen

The gymnasium

What are you going to do tomorrow morning?

in the afternoon?

at this time tomorrow?


I think I’ll be reading up for the exams

Be doing my lessons

Be writing the composition

Be learning history

copying Jim’s notes on literature

4. Read, translate the following text:


The Zhytomyr Technological College is one of the oldest educational establishments in Ukraine. It trains specialists of many specialties.

The college was founded in 1911 as an Industrial technical School. It trained specialists in metal-working, ceramics and woodworking. Later the college began to train specialists in particleboards production. In 1990 the Mechanical Woodworking Technical School was reorganized into the Technological College. In 1993 the college was accredited at the second level.

Today more than 1000 students get their education at the college. About 90 qualified teachers work there, among them masters and doctors of sciences.

The students have an opportunity to get knowledge, take part in social life, go in for sport. We have sport sections, technical clubs. There are three departments and four faculties. You can get your education at the correspondence department.

If you are a college entrant you can improve your preparation for entrance exams at the courses for college entrants.

The four faculties are as follow:

1. Woodworking Technology and Design;

2. Chemical Technology;

3. Automation and Computer Integrated Technology;

4. Economics.

The college trains specialists of two levels: specialists and workers. The students of the college can get such specialties: logging and woodworking, design, chemical woodworking technology, exploitation of electrical equipment, automation of production process, computer programming, computer and intellectual systems and networks service, finance, economics of production, accounting, social work.

Those, who graduated from the college, can get higher education at the Ukraine State University of Forestry and Woodworking Technology, the Zhytomyr Technical Engineering Institute and the Dnepropetrovsk Chemical Technology Institute.

After graduating from the college you can work at furniture factories, sawmills, design bureaus and modern enterprises of Ukraine.



5. Answer the questions in writing:

1. Where do you study?

2. What is your specialty?

3. When was the college founded?

4. How many students study at the college?

5. What are the faculties of the college?

6. What specialties can the students get?

7. Where can you get higher education?

8. Where will you work after graduating from college?



6. Write the three forms of the verbs:

To feel, to fly, to grow, to play, to go, to close, to see, to open, to teach, to cut, to work, to make.



7. Write the infinitive of the verbs:

Gone, seen, slept, made, learnt, studied, brought, caught, thought, let, cut, won, done, meant.



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