1. Pat … be very tired at the end of the day. She has a stressful job.
a) may b) can c) must
2. My father … be angry with me. He doesn’t approve of my getting married.
a) may b) can c) must
3. You … have told me about that. I wouldn’t be in such a silly situation now.
a) might b) could c) must
4. She … have said it! I don’t believe it.
a) may not b) can’t c) mustn’t
5. They … have gone for their honeymoon. They’ve just married.
a) might b) can c) must
6. Their company … have suffered great fosses. They aren’t operating at the moment.
a) might b) can c) must
7. They … still be working at their new project. But I’m not sure.
a) might b) could c) must
8. It’s 9 o’clock. They … be sleeping yet. They do not go to bed so early.
a) may not b) couldn’t c) mustn’t
9. The phone is ringing. It … be Jane. She promised to call at about 6.
a) might b) can c) must
10. Do you hear the bell? Who … it be at such a late hour?
a) may b) could c) must
2. Re-ward the following sentences using “can”, “may” or “must”.
1. I don’t think he did it all by himself.
2. Perhaps you’re right.
3. It is possible that they forgot it in the car.
4. Is it really true?
5. I don’t believe she told the truth.
6. It is impossible that he should have refused your request.
7. Evidently he has not read the book.
8. I wonder where it is that you met him.
9. I’m certain that he has heard the gong.
10. It was some special occasion, I’m sure.
11. He looks wet and muddy. I’m sure he has been fishing.
12. No doubt, she is out shopping.
13. I wonder what it is that you have brought in that box.
14. It’s possible that he doesn’t know we are here.
15. Is it possible that he is giving a course on the Renaissance at the University?
16. It is possible that the news is being broadcast on all the channels.
17. I’m certain that they came there on time.
18. Is it possible that we are out of wrapping paper?
19. “I don’t now see him driving his car. It is possible that something has happened?” “Evidently his car is undergoing repairs?”
20. I wonder what it is that he is doing in there.
21. Let’s give her a call again. It is possible that she was asleep and didn’t hear the telephone.
22. You have used up all the money I gave you, I suppose.
3.Translate the following sentences into English using the modal verbs “can”, “may”, “must” where necessary; state their functions.
1.Говорите громче! Ничего не слышно.
2. Какая изумительная ночь! Мы не могли бы погулять немного?
3. Это ваша лучшая работа. Вам нужно обязательно послать её на выставку.
4. Ему, должно быть, было 19 лет, когда он ушел из дома.
5. Наконец-то! Я начал думать, что, вероятно, с вами что-то случилось.
6. Вы не могли бы позвонить мне в следующую субботу?
7. Думаю, что я, вероятно, проспал часов 7 или 8.
8. Он мог бы догадаться, что мы не бросили его в беде.
9. Он, по-видимому, догадался, что его присутствие здесь нежелательно.
10. Она могла бы помочь им, но не знала об их затруднениях.
11. Она, наверное, помогала им.
12. Она могла бы помочь им: ведь она видела, что они нуждаются в помощи.
13. Он, возможно, послал бы письмо авиапочтой, но Анна его отговорила.
14. Мы, должно быть, утомили вас.
15. Разве ты не понимаешь, что я даю тебе деньги, чтобы ты что-нибудь купил?
16. Она, по-видимому, не любит музыку.
17. Вы, вероятно, недооцениваете возможности этого сообщения.
18. Он, возможно, забыл бы о своем обещании прийти, но визитная карточка напомнила ему об этом.
19. Не может быть, чтобы она ушла.
20. Неужели вы слышали, как я вслух читала это письмо?
21. Если бы вы могли подождать, я бы больше ни о чём не просила.
22. Можно мне навесить вас завтра? – Нет, нельзя.
23. Вы могли бы войти не стучась.
24. Разве ты не видишь, что она больна?
25. Сейчас там, по-видимому, нет дождя.
26. В молодости он был очень сильным и мог поднимать тяжести.
27. Она смогла поднять этот чемодан, но сейчас же поставила его.
28. Вы можете выгнать меня, если я не буду делать всё, что вы пожелаете.
Meaning | Forms of the modal verb | Ways of rendering in Russian | Forms of the Infinitive | Kinds of sentences | Some other ways of expressing the same meaning | Sentence patterns |
1.Obligation, necessity, arising out of circumstances | have (has) to; had to; shall (will) have to; have (has) got to(in colloquial English) Do (does) … have to? Did … have to…? Have(has) … got to…? (coll.) | приходится, должен, вынужден | Indefinite Infinitive | affirmative interrogative | to be obliged | If you don’t take care of yourself, you’ll have to consulta doctor. I wondered how long I had to stayin hospital. DoSoviet people have to pay for medical care? Did you have to waitfor us? Have I got to wakehim up for the medicine? |
2. Absence of necessity. | don’t (doesn’t) have to; didn’t have to; haven’t (hasn’t) got to | не нужно, нет необхо-димости, | Indefinite Infinitive | negative | needn’t do | You don’t have to stayin here with me, if it bothers you. You haven’t got to be operatedon, have you? |
Note: “didn’t have to do” indicates that the action was not performed as there was no obligation.
e.g. He didn’t have to water the flowers (and he didn’t). It was raining all day long.
Meaning | Forms of the modal verb | Ways of rendering in Russian | Forms of the Infinitive | Kinds of sentences | Some other ways of expressing the same meaning | Sentence patterns |
1.Obligation, arising out of a plan, an arrangement | am (is, are) to; was (were) to; | должен должны | Indefinite Infinitive Perfect Infinitive (an unful- filled plan) | affirmative interrogative | to plan; to make a plan; to arrange; to agree; to decide | Today I am to goto the post-office. When areyou to gothere? Yesterday I was to have goneto the post-office to send a parcel, but I wasn’t able to. (a planned action was not carried out) |
2. An order, an instruction | ___” ___ | ___”___ | Indefinite Infinitive | affirmative negative | If your letter contains anything valuable you are to registerit. | |
3.Possibility | ___” ___ | можно | Indefinite Infinitive Passive | affirmative interrogative negative | A letter marked “Post Restante” is to be left at the post-office until it is called for. Where arepostal orders to be cashed? Such envelopes aren’t to be bought anywhere. | |
4. Something thought of as unavoidable | ___” ___ | суждено | Indefinite Infinitive | affirmative negative | I didn’t know when I was to geta letter from her. I still hoped to get a letter from her, but it wasn’t to be. |
Note: Remember the following set phrases:
- Where am I to go? Куда мне деваться?
- What am I to do? Что мне делать?
- What is to become of me? Что со мной будет?
- When am I to be there? Во сколько мне приходить?
- Who is to begin? Кому начинать?
- Who’ s to blame? Кто виноват?
- What’ s to be done? Что делать?
- He’s nowhere to be found? Его нигде нельзя найти?
- He is to be pitied? Его надо пожалеть.
- You are to be congratulated. Вас надо поздравить.
- It’ s to be hoped. Надо надеяться.
1. Determine the meaning of the modal verbs “to have to”, “to be to”. Translate the sentences into Russian.
1. She asked what her husband said about those cheeses. I replied that he directed they were to be kept in a moist place and that nobody was to touch them.
2. The rain was so sudden, so everybody had to take a taxi.
3. “I want to know on what terms the girl is to be here” said Mrs. Pierce. “Is she to have any wages and what is to become of her after you’ve finished your teaching?”
4. He didn’t have to hear what Tullis was talking about to know that he was talking about his play and the success it was.
5. It was foolish of her to marry a man so much younger. My only hope is that she won’t have to go through as much suffering as she deserves.
6. There is one sort of person who astonishes me. This is the elderly Englishwoman, generally of adequate means who is to be found living alone, up and down the world, in unexpected places.
7. It was an official party. The Trollopes were to have been there, but couldn’t come because of the sudden illness of their son Edwin.
8. I did not know then that he was to become my best friend for many years.
9. “Guess what!” “I can’t guess. You’ll have to tell me”.
10. The children are not to touch anything in the room.
11. It was the first and the last ceremony. I was to see.
12. He was to have had a music lesson in the morning but the teacher called up to cancel it.
13. He looked about him for his daughter but she was not to be seen.