1. Конституция США — это живой документ.
2. Конгресс является законодательной властью в США.
3. Исполнительная власть обеспечивает организацию исполнения законов, и президент должен выполнять правительственные программы.
4. Верховный суд является высшей судебной инстанцией в стране.
5. В США есть две наиболее крупные политические партии.
6. В различных штатах США выборы проводят по-разному.
Government of the United States is based on a written constitution. This constitution consists of a Preamble, seven Articles, and 27 Amendments. From this document, the entire federal government was created. It is a living document whose interpretation has changed over time. The amendment process is such that while not easily amended, US citizens are able to make necessary changes over time.
Three Branches of Government. The USA is a presidential republic. TheUS Constitution was adopted by Congress in 1787. The Constitution created three separate branches of government. Each branch has its own powers and areas of influence. At the same time, the Constitution created a system of checks and balances that ensured no one branch would reign supreme. The three branches are:
Legislative Branch. This branch consists of the Congress (the Senateand the House of Representatives) which is responsible for making the
federal laws. The Congress can pass the law anyway if it gets a two-thirds majority votes. The President can veto (reject) it. Congress also plays an informative role. It informs the public about different and important subjects.
Executive Branch. The executive power lies with the President of theUnited States who is given the job of executing, enforcing, and administering the laws and government. The president is to carry out the programmes of the Government, to recommend much of the legislation to the Congress.
Judicial Branch. The judicial power of the United States is vested in theSupreme Court — the highest judicial organ of the state and the federal courts. Their job is to interpret and apply US laws through cases brought before them. Another important power of the Supreme Court is that of Judicial Review whereby they can rule laws unconstitutional.
The Constitution is built on six basic principles: Popular Sovereignty; Limited Government; Separation of Powers; Checks and Balances; Judicial Review; Federalism.
Political Process. While the Constitution sets up the system ofgovernment, the actual way in which the offices of Congress and the Presidency are filled is based upon the American political system. The US exists under a two-party system. The two major parties in America are the Democratic and Republican parties. Sometimes, a special issue produces a third party, but the third party often loses strength. Parties perform a wide variety of functions. They act as coalitions and attempt to win elections.
Elections. In the United States elections are held at all levels includinglocal, state, and federal. There are numerous differences from locality to locality and state to state. Even when determining the presidency, there is some variation with how the electoral college (a body of people representing the states of the USA, the system that is used in presidential elections) is determined from state to state. While voter-turn-out is barely over 50% during Presidential election years and much lower than that during midterm elections, elections can be hugely important.
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1. The Constitution of the USA consists of …
2. The Constitution created …
3. The President of the USA is given the job of …
4. The judicial branch of the government is the system of courts in the USA. Its job is …
5. The USA exists under a two-party system. Sometimes, a special issue produces a third party, but …
6. Elections are held in the United States at all levels …
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1. The Constitution of the USA consists of 27 Amendments.
2. A written constitution is a living document. It can be altered with ease.
3. The Constitution created three separate branches of government.
4. Congress, the legislative branch of the federal government, is made up of an upper house, called the Federation Council, and a lower house, the State Duma.
5. Power is concentrated in the executive branch, which is headed by the President who is given the job of executing, enforcing and administering the laws and the government.
6. The judicial power of the United States is vested in the US District Courts.
7. The two major parties in America are the Democrats and the Republicans. They perform a wide variety of functions.
8. Elections are held at all levels and there are numerous differences in registration laws from locality to locality and state to state.