This tractconsists of the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. The liver with gallbladder and pancreas are the large glands of this tract.
The first division of this tract is formed by it. Important structures of it are the teeth and the tongue, which is the organ of taste (вкуса). From it food passes through this place to the tube and then to that place.
That place is in the upper part of the abdomen under the diaphragm. It measures about 21-25 cm in length, 8-9 cm in its greatest diameter. It has a capacity of from 2.14 to 4.28 1 (liters).
This muscular tube is located in the lower and central portions of the abdominal and pelvic cavities. It is composed of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum.
This portion is divided into caecum, colon and rectum.
This gland is the largest gland in the human body. It is in the right upper part of the abdominal cavity under the diaphragm. This gland is in the right side of the abdomen. Its weight is 1,500 g.
This bile reservoir is a hollow sac (мешок) lying on the lower surface of the liver.
Another gland is a long thin gland lying under and behind the stomach.
1. This - ………..
2. it - ………..
3. this place - ………..
4. the tube - ………..
5. that place - ………..
6. This muscular tube - ………..
7. This portion - ………..
8. This gland - ………..
9. This bile reservoir - ………..
10. Another gland - ………..
Замените латинские анатомические термины английскими словами. Обращайте внимание на число существительных. Переведите предложения.
1. The os is situated on one’s face below the nose.
2. The patient’s lingua was coated.
3. The gaster serves as a container of food.
4. The hepar secretes bile which participates in the digestive process and has a defensive function.
5. The vesica biliaris serves as a bile reservoir.
9. Вспомните, в какой последовательности располагаются части пищеварительной системы и составьте микродиалоги по следующей модели:
А: What comes after the oral cavity?
В: Pharynx comes after the oral cavity.
A: What comes below the pharynx?
В: ……………………………………
Прочтите ключевые слова (KEY WORDS).
adipose capsule | жировая капсула |
![]() |
apex | вершина | |
bean-shaped | бобовидной формы | |
bladder | мочевой пузырь | |
capacity | емкость, объем | |
coating | оболочка, слой | |
connective tissue | соединительная ткань | |
cover | покрывать | |
excrete | выделять | |
fibrous capsule | волокнистая капсула | |
fluid | жидкость | |
fold | складка | |
fundus | дно | |
hilus | ворота органа | |
kidney | почка | |
margin | край | |
membrane | оболочка, пленка | |
metabolism | обмен веществ | |
mucous | слизистый | |
parenchyma | паренхима | |
perirenal fat | околопочечный жир | |
peristaltic | перистальтический | |
renal pelvis | почечная лоханка | |
solid | твердое вещество | |
surround | окружать | |
ureter | мочеточник | |
urethra | мочеиспускат. канал | |
urinary | мочевой | |
urine | моча | |
wall | стенка | |
waste products | продукты распада |
Найдите слова латинского происхождения (интернационализмы).