Participle I Participle II
IV форма глагола III форма глагола
причастие настоящего времени причастие прошедшего времени времени
(соответствует русскому
действительному причастию
с суффиксом –ущ/ющ.
writing – пиш ущ ий written – написанный
working – работа ющ ий worked -работавший
reading – чита ющ ий read -прочитанный
Причастие употребляется в функции определения, обстоятельства.
Причастие (The Participle)
Причастие – это неличная форма глагола, которая обладает как свойствами глагола, так и свойствами прилагательного и наречия. Причастие в английском языке может выполнять в предложении функцию определения и обстоятельства.
Формы причастия
Participle | Indefinite | Perfect |
Active Passive | asking – спрашивающий, спрашивая being asked – будучи спрошен, спрашиваемый | having asked спросив having been asked будучи спрошен |
Причастие I простое используется в предложении для выражения одновременности действий и может употребляться в функции:
а) обстоятельства времени, причины и образа действия:
Studying advertising materials, our manager found out many interesting things.
Изучая рекламные материалы, наш менеджер узнал много интересных вещей.
Not knowing the main principles of the agreement the director refused to sign it.
Не зная основных положений соглашения, директор отказался его подписать.
He read the letter talking to somebody on the phone.
Он читал письмо, разговаривая с кем-то по телефону.
б) определения:
Last week my secretary sent you the letter showing the prices of our products.
На прошлой неделе мой секретарь послала Вам письмо с ценами на наши
Причастие II (причастие прошедшего времени) имеет значение пассивного залога и употребляется как определение).
Thank you for the fax sent by you on November 18.
Благодарим Вас за факс, посланный Вами 18 ноября.
Give me the signed contract.
Дайте мне подписанный контракт.
1) Произнесите следующие словосочетания, используя Причастие I:
Example: companies which operate in the USA
Ô companies operating in the USA
· companies which operate on this market
· companies which deal with the UK
· companies which deal in gold
· trust which deals in securities
· branch which deals in this region
· parent company which controls the money flow
2) Напишите Present Pаrticiple от следующих глаголов и переведите их:
to perform, to get, to enter, to study, to establish, to invest, to grow, to change, to give
1. Используйте в ваших ответах Причастие I:
Example: the price which the goods are sold
Ô the selling price
· the countries which export these goods
· the countries which import these goods
· the countries which manufacture these goods
· the companies which manufacture these goods
· the demand which is growing
· the prices which are rising
· the production which is growing
· the brands which exist
3) Прочитайте и переведите эти словосочетания:
an improved product, an improved packaging, an improved design, a changed label, packaged goods, canned drinks
Условные предложения
Условными предложениями называются сложноподчиненные предложения, в которых в придаточном предложении называется условие, а в главном предложении - следствие, выражающее результат этого условия. И условие, и следствие могут относится к настоящему, прошедшему и будущему. Придаточные предложения условия чаще всего вводятся союзом if если.
Общепринято делить условные предложения на три типа в зависимости от того, какую степень вероятности выражает конструкция. Употребление конкретного типа условного предложения целиком зависит от того, как говорящий относится к передаваемым им фактам:
Тип I-(а) - реальные события ( Придаточное – Present Indefinite; Главное – Future Indefinite. ).
If I have a lot of money, I will buy a car.
Если у меня будет много денег, я куплю машину.
Говорящий считает такой ход событий вполне реальным, поэтому он, применяя условное предложение с if, использует сказуемые в волне реальном (изъявительном) наклонении, а не в условном.
Тип I-(б) - маловероятные события (Придаточное – Subjunctive II-2 (should + инфинитив); Главное – Future Indefinite.).
If I should have a lot of money, I will buy a car.
Если вдруг у меня будет (случись так, что у меня будет) много денег, я куплю машину.
Употребив should в придаточном, говорящий показал, что он считает маловероятным такой поворот событий. Однако употребление будущего времени, а не прошедшего, как в следующем ниже случае, показывает, что "надежда еще не умерла".
Тип II - почти нереальные события (Придаточное – Subjunctive I (Past Subjunctive); Главное – Subjunctive II-1 (would + инфинитив).
If I had a lot of money, I would buy a car.
Если бы у меня было много денег, я бы купил машину.
Сам говорящий не рассматривает событие в реальной плоскости, а просто предполагает, что было "бы" если "бы". Вдруг, например, выигрыш в лотерее или что-нибудь совершенно непредвидимое, тогда действие главного предложения станет реальностью.
Тип III - абсолютно нереальные события (Придаточное – Subjunctive I (Past Perfect Subjunctive); Главное – Subjunctive II-3 (would + Perfect инфинитив).
If I had (I’d) had a lot of money, I would have bought a car last year.
Если бы у меня было много денег, я бы купил машину в прошлом году.
В прошлом уже ничего не изменить, но фантазировать не запретишь.
Существует еще и смешанный тип условных предложений (Придаточное – Subjunctive I (Past или Past Perfect Subjunctive); Главное – Subjunctive II-1,3 (would + инфинитив или Perfect инфинитив).
If I had (I’d) had a lot of money yesterday, I would buy a car now.
Если бы у меня было много денег вчера, я бы купил машину теперь.
If I earned a lot, I would have bought a car long ago.
Если бы я много зарабатывал, я бы уже давно купил машину.
Обратите внимание на русский перевод примеров II-го и III-го типов. В отличие от английского, в русском языке только одна форма – прошедшее время + " бы ".
1) Соедините 1 – 6 и а – f.
1. I’ll be really surprised a. if ha passes all his exams.
2. I’ll take a break b. when the teacher isn’t in the classroom.
3. If you talk to Ruth, c. they’ll cancel the flight.
4. It’s really cold d. when I finish this exercise.
5. If the storm doesn’t stop, e. when the wind blows from the north.
6. The children always behave badly f. will you tell her about the party?
2) Раскройте скобки:
2. If I don’t see you later, I ___ (send) you a text message.
3. If you didn’t have to work, what ___ (you / do)?
4. Jenny will be happy to help if you ___ (have) any problems.
5. If you ___ (wait) a minute, I can help you with those bags.
6. I wouldn’t do that if I ___ (be) you.
7. They ___ (do) anything if you gave them enough money.
8. What ___ (you / do) if the bus doesn’t come?
9. How would you react if it ___ (happen) to you?
3) Исправьте ошибки:
1. If the train will be cancelled, I can come and get you in the car.
2. When Bob gets home before 8 p.m. this evening, I’ll ask him to call you.
3. Watch out! You’ll fall and hurt yourself if you’re careful.
4. If you can’t come tomorrow, must you call to let me know.
5. If your company would offer you a job in another country, would you take it?
6. If it was an English-speaking country, I took the job.
7. If they was my children, I’d ask them to play more quietly.
8. If you need something, please to call me.
department - отдел, отделение
production - производство, продукция
sales representative - торговый представитель
financial standing - финансовое положение
turnover - оборот
Board of Directors - совет директоров
business proposal - деловое предложение
to propose (to offer) smth to smb – предлагать кому-то что-то
Draft (of) Contract - проект контракта
to establish personal contacts – установить личные контакты
to investigate thoroughly - тщательно изучить
headquarter - штаб-квартира
deputy - заместитель
permanent or temporary staff – постоянный или временный штат
advantage of bilateral cooperation – преимущество двухстороннего
supplier - поставщик
amount of suppliers - объем поставок
to be in great demand - пользоваться большим спросом
to make a deal - заключать сделку
to cancel the deal - отменить сделку
to check and clarify the information – проверить и уточнить информацию
to come to an agreement - прийти к соглашению
delivery under a contract - поставка по контракту
delivery schedule - график поставок
to fix a price - назначить цену
exhibition - выставка
leading manufacturer - ведущий завод-изготовитель
legal adviser - юрисконсульт
long-tern credit - долгосрочный кредит
terms of delivery - условия поставки товаров
terms of payment - условия платежа
Private Limited Company (PLC) - компания с ограниченной ответственностью
Personal contacts have become the most efficient means of promoting a better understanding in all spheres of human activity nowadays.
Businessmen usually keep in touch through correspondence or telephone call, but major problems can be solved only through personal meeting. Since a business trip is usually limited in time a businessman makes the arrangements prior to his departure. He can fix an appointment by phone or by cable. It’s customary for businessmen to draw a tentative programme.
It’s essential to be punctual in business, if you cannot keep the appointment, you should notify your partner in advance and fix a new date.
Mr. Petrenko is at Continental Equipment office. He is having an appointment with the managers of this company.
— Good morning, gentlemen! How are you?
— Fine, thanks. And how are you getting on?
— Very well, thank you.
— Let me tell you about our company. As you know, Mr. Petrenko, we produce process equipment. Our firm consists of 6 departments
— According to your legal status, are you PLC?
— Right, we are… Our management are the meeting of shareholders and the Board of Directors. Currently we employ about 1600 people. Our turnover is more than
£ 300 million.
— You will work with our Export Department. We export our equipment to five countries all over the world. Besides, we have two daughter companies in Holland and Germany with headquarters in those countries.
— Are they your subsidiaries or branches?
— They are our subsidiaries. Each company trades under its own name. But we are looking for new partners in eastern Europe as well. We would like to expand our activity. So Mr. Cartwright went to Moscow to establish personal contacts with your company. Before we knew it only by correspondence. Have you read all our correspondence with your Director?
— Yes, we have. We investigated thoroughly your business proposal.
— Have you got our price-lists and catalogues with you?
— Yes, they are with me as well as copies of your letters. I expect to make Draft Contract.
— All right. Let us get down to business. Today and tomorrow we were going to talk about terms of payment and delivery.
— Right. And the day after tomorrow we’ll be talking about packing and transportation.
— Then I plan to go to London, there will be three days. As you know, there will be an Exhibition. Will you join me?
— Yes, with pleasure. It would be very helpful for the purpose of my visit.
1) Прочитайте этот отрывок как можно больше раз за 10 минут. Попробуйте выразить и рассказать основную мысль:
Doing Business in the United States
When you have a business meeting in the United States, come to the appointment on time. Americans consider it extremely bad manners to be late. You may be offered coffee, and then you should immediately announce the reason for your visit. It is important to speak directly and clearly about your subject. Be prepared to discuss details and be ready to answer questions. If yo
ur host disagrees with you, he will say so, and you may disagree with him too – politely, of course!
Key words:
appointment announce details
consider important ready
extremely directly disagrees
offered clearly politely
immediately prepared
2) Прочитайте и переведите диалог:
It’s the 23rd of December, 10 o’clock in the morning. Mr. Smith has come to the Ministry for Foreign Economic Relations. Now Smirnov is meeting Mr. Smith in the conference room.
— Good morning, Mr. Smirnov.
— Good morning, Mr. Smith. Will you take a seat?
— Thank you. It’s very frosty in Moscow now, isn’t it?
— Yes, it has been very cold this month.
— How is your business, Mr. Smirnov?
— Fine, thank you. We’ve justed selling machines of a new model and we’ve received a lot of orders for them.
— Yes, we know that. We have studied your latest catalogues closely and we are interested in buying some machines of this model.
— Glad to hear that. The new model is certainly good. It’s of very high quality.
— Well, Mr. Smirnov, I’d like to look through your contract form.
— Here you are, Mr. Smith.
— Thank you very much. Let’s meet again next Wednesday and discuss the terms of the contract.
— All right. Good-bye for now.
— Good-bye.
3) Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1. What company are you from?
2. Do you sell or buy goods?
3. What goods do you sell to foreign companies?
4. Are these goods of high quality?
5. Do your goods always meet the requirements of your customers?
6. Have you discussed any business matters this week?
7. What matters have you discussed?
8. With whom have you discussed these matters?
9. Have you received many or few orders or the goods?
10. How many machines would you like to buy?
4) Прочитайте и переведите текст:
Tips on Business Meetings: Groundrules
A top tip on holding business meetings is to use groundrules. You can develop a set of ground rules for a meeting, to ensure that people understand the “terms of engagement” during a meeting. Here are a few example groundrules to get you started:
· Only one person at time talking
· Meetings will start and finish on time
· Confidential information will “stay in the room”
· No jargon or in-talk
· No discussion of ideas until all ideas heard
· Encourage full participation from all attendees
· Keep discussion on topic, and focused
· If you agree to do something, do it.
· If you can’t attend, send a suitable, informed, delegate instead.
You get the idea – you can use some, none or all of these ideas for ground-rules, just make sure they work for the people in the room.
5) Ответьте на вопросы:
1. How do you understand the meaning of “Groundrules”?
2. Do you agree with all these rules?
3. What rules would you like to add?
“GOLDEN RULES” for writing letters
1. Give your letter a heading – it will help the reader to see at once what you’re writing about.
2. Decide what you are going to say before you start to write or dictate: if you don’t do this, the letter is likely to go on and on until you can think of a good way to finish. In other words, always try to plan your letter ahead.
3. Use short sentences.
4. Put each separate idea in a separate paragraph. Numbering each paragraph may help the reader to understand it better.
5. Use short words that everyone can understand.
6. Think about your reader. Your reader…
… must be able to see exactly what you mean:
your letters should be CLEAR;
… must receive all the necessary information:
your letters should be COMPLETE;
… is likely to be a busy person with no time to waste:
your letters should be CONCISE;
… must be addressed in a sincere, polite tone:
your letters should be COURTEOUS;
… may get a bad impression if there are mistakes in grammar, punctuation and spelling:
your letters should be CORRECT.
Indicating the state of the market
There is a brisk demand here for high-quality sports shirts of the type you manufacture.
Demand for this type machine is not high, but sales this year will probably exceed ₤25,000.
These fancy goods are in demand during the tourist season (late May to early September), but for the rest of the year sales are moderate, and often rather low.
There is no market here for articles of this type in the higher price ranges, but less expensive models sell very well throughout the year.
You can count on a brisk turnover if prices are competitive and deliveries prompt.
Asking for information
Will you please send us your catalogue and price list for …
Will you be please quote prices c.i.f. Amsterdam for the following items in the quantities stated: …
We would be glad to receive specifications of your new SE11 typewriter, together with your current export price list and details of trade discounts.
We are also interested in your terms of payment and in discounts offered for regular purchases and large orders.
If we place orders with you we will have to insist on prompt delivery. Can you guarantee delivery within three weeks of receiving orders?
We would appreciate a sample of each of the items listed above.
Closing sentences
We are looking forward to hearing from you.
We would appreciate a prompt answer.
As our own customers are pressing us for a quotation, we hope you will be able to make us an offer within a fortnight from today’s date.
We hope to hear from you shortly.
Since the season will soon be under way, we must ask you to reply by the end of this month.
Структура и оформление деловых писем
1) Заголовок 2) Дата письма 3) Наименование и адрес получателя письма 4) Вступительное обращение 5) Текст письма …………………………………….. ……………………………………… 6) заключительная формула вежливости 7) Подпись 8) Указание на приложения |
6) Прочитайте вслух и письменно переведите данный текст:
Three months ago Soyuzimport received an enquiry for compressors from their customers. Stepanov went to Britain on business to have talks with Brown and C° who sell compressors of high quality. When he came to London he made an appointment with Mr. Morris from Brown and C° on Tuesday at 11. He agreed to the delivery terms and payment for collection. But the price was not attractive to Stepanov and he asked to give them a discount on the price. Mr. Morris could offer him only 2% discount as their goods were in great demand. When the businessmen discussed all the matters they signed the contract.
7) Ответьте на вопросы:
1. What was the reason to go to London for Stepanov?
2. Why could Mr. Morris offer only 2% discount?
8) Прочитайте и переведите текст
After the prospective buyer receives the offer he carefully studies it. Then, very often, he has a few talks exchanges letters with the prospective seller. After the two parties come to an agreement about terms and conditions of the transaction they sign a contract.
Contracts usually contain the following information:
· date of the contract
· place or city
· reference number
· names of the buyer and the seller
· description of the goods
· price and the total value
· terms of delivery
· terms of payment, etc.
9) Прочитайте и переведите текст
Образец письма-запроса
The Sales Department 12 May, 19..
Southern Importers Ltd.
Dane Street
Southampton S09 4YQ
Dear Sirs,
We are a large record store in the centre of Manchester and would like to know more about the tapes and cassettes you advertised in this month’s edition Hi Fi News. Could you tell us if the cassettes are leading brand names, or made by small independent companies, and if they would be suitable for recording classical music or only dictations and messages?
It would also be helpful if you could send us some samples.
If they are of the standard we require, we will place a substantial order.
We would also like to know if you are offering any trade discounts.
We are looking forward to hearing from you in the near future.
Yours faithfully,
J. Allen
A.X.C. Records ltd.
10) Прочитайте и переведите текст