






3. 1. (1-5)


1. .

2. 1. (1-5)


5.6 6. The main course: Defining Economics

5.6.1 :

- , ;

- : Economics as a science; Adam Smith and J.M. Keynes; Theories of economics;

- : Russias rating of future economic prospects, Was the Great Depression the only reason for Keynes criticism?; Society is created by our wants;

- , : Companies; Contacts; Visitors;

- : ; ; .


1. Unit 1. Economics as a science

2. Unit 2. Adam Smith and J.M. Keynes

3. Unit 3. Theories of Economics

Unit 1:

Text for reading. Economics as a science.

Grammar: .

Questions for discussion.

Writing an essay: Russias rating of future economic prospects.

Listening: Companies. Tapescript 1: An employee is talking about her company. Listen and complete the information in the table. (p.7).

Unit 2:

Texts for reading (2). Adam Smith. The Challenge of Lord John.

Grammar: .

Questions for discussion.

Writing an essay: Was the Great Depression the only reason for Keynes criticism?

Listening: Contacts. Tapescript 8: Sang Chun is talking about his job in a software company. Listen and tick the people that he works with and the jobs that he does. (p.13)

Unit 3:

Texts for reading (2). Classical Liberalism. Neoclassical Economics. Text 3 for students independent work. Criticism of Neoclassical Economics.

Grammar: .

Questions for discussion.

Writing an essay: Society is created by our wants.

Listening: Visitors. Tapescript 13. Three people are receiving visitors from other departments in their company. Listen to the three conversations and complete the table. (p.19).


5.6.5 :




4. .


1. .


5.7 7. The main course: Defining Economics


- , ;

- : Levels of Economics; The laws of Economics; Competitive and monopolistic markets;

- : What is more important for economy in general-microeconomics or macroeconomics?; Exceptions to the Law of Demand in the contemporary Russia; Why are there no such institutions as natural and public oligopolies?;

- , : New products; Employment; Customer Service;

- : ; ; II.


1. Unit 4. Levels of Economics

2. Unit 5. The laws of Economics

3. Unit 6. Competitive and monopolistic markets


Texts for reading (2). Macroeconomics. Microeconomics.

Grammar: .

Questions for discussion.

Writing an essay: What is more important for economy in general-microeconomics or macroeconomics?

Listening: New products. Tapescript 19. Listen to the radio programme about inventors and check your answers from ex. 1. (p.26).

Unit 5:

Texts for reading (2). The law of Demand. Changes in Consumer Demand. Text 3 for students independent work. Law of Supply.

Grammar: .

Questions for discussion.

Writing an essay: Exceptions to the Law of Demand in the contemporary Russia.

Listening: Employment. Tapescript 23. Listen to three people describing their job benefits and say what benefits are not useful for each of them (p.31).

Unit 6:

Texts for reading (2). Competitive market. Monopoly. Text 3 for students independent work. What is oligopoly.

Grammar: II.

Questions for discussion.

Writing an essay: Why are there no such institutions as natural and public oligopolies?

Listening: Customer Service. Tapescript 28. Listen to three speakers talking about their experiences of bad customer service. What problems did they have? (p. 37).


5.7.5 :




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